Reality Check

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The next morning, Aliayah called me.
Me: Hey girl Wassup.
Her: I was just wondering if you wanted to go Christmas shopping with me?
Me:Yeah..Umm.. I'll meet you at the mall at around..let's say eleven.
Her: ok that sounds great.

"So where you going at eleven?" Isaiah asked me. " I'm going with Aliayah. Christmas shopping." He nodded. "You better get me something." He said playing with my emotions.

I punched him, "I will but if you keep telling me what to do. I won't get you nothing." I told him laughing. He rubbed his arm. "Ok, ok. I won't."

I started to get ready to go. I took a shower, did my hair, and all that other good stuff. I put on my black long sleeve shirt with a white infinity scarf. I put on my dark jeans and my black ugg boots. Then I grabbed my purse.

I got in the car and started driving to the mall. I pulled up a few minutes later. Aliayah was already there. "Hey girl. You ready to get this started." I said giving her a hug.

"Yeah, I already know what I wanna get for who." She said as we were walking into the mall. The first store we went into was A&F. I picked out a pink shirt for Brittany, a purple shirt for Kalaya. I picked out some ripped jeans for Aliayah, and some jewelry and perfume for my aunts and girl cousins.

I went over to the men's side and picked out two shirts for Brandon and Isaiah. I got cologne for my uncles and male cousins. I got a shirt for my dad.

"Ok, I have everything I need." I told Aliayah as she was picking something out. "Me too. You ready to pay?" She asked. I nodded, we paid for our things, and walked out the store.

We walked into a few more stores, and got gift bags. Then we went to the food court. I got some teriyaki chicken and fried rice, and iced tea from Hibachi grill. Aliayah got some chicken strips and French fries, and lemonade from Chick- Fil- A.

We sat down at a table and started eating. I started stuffing my face. "Damn girl. You must have been hungry. You dogging that food." Aliayah said laughing at me. I tried not to laugh cause my mouth was full.

"Well, I was. But I mean I am pregnant, remember." I finally said after I finished chewing. She nodded. "Yeah I do remember that imma have a little nephew. That reminds me, what you gonna name him?"

I shrugged, "I honestly don't know. But I have pleanty of time though, I'm not due until May." I told her. "True. True." She said nodding.

After walking around and talking some more, I started to get tired, so we aids goodbye and went our separate ways. When I got home, Isaiah was cooking.

"Mmm, something smells good." I said as I was putting my presents in the closet. "Yeah, I'm cooking us a little sum sum for dinner." He said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Awwe babe that's so sweet." I said. Then I kissed him. Brandon came in interrupting our kiss. "Umm... You really need to get your on place.... Ugh" he said as he say down. We giggled. "What. Are you gonna get one." He asked, but he was kinda hard to read when he said it.

Isaiah and I exchanged looks. "Weeelllll...." I started. "What?" Brandon asked, getting impatient. "Well. We kinda did get our own place. But we're waiting until you are ready. You know until you heal." I told him.

He started smiling. "Yes" he said for me to hear but not hear. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I yelled getting a little mad. "Nothing, nothing, calm down, alright. It just means that I'm happy you are getting your own place. Ok, I'm happy for you." He said

I calmed down, "Oh, ok. Well in that case, thank you." I said smiling. "Daaammn." Isaiah and B said at the same time. "You just like switched moods in like 2.3 seconds." Isaiah said and we started laughing.

"I'm sorry. I have no control over my emotions anymore... You know, cause I'm pregnant." I told them. Then we started eating. Isaiah cooked some green beans, fried chicken, and biscuits.

"Whew, I feel like I'm gonna bust right now." I said as I was sitting on the couch. "Well that was kinda the point. I want you to get fat." Isaiah said sitting next to me. He turned the TV to Ridiculousness.

I layed on Isaiah and started watching it. I guess he thought I was sleep, because a few minutes later, I felt him carrying me to our room. Then he layed me on the bed and put the covers over me.

"Goodnight peanut." I heard him whisper as he went back out of the room. When I woke up, I heard something. It was the middle of the night. I got up to shake Isaiah awake, but he wasn't in the bed. I got scared.

I went into the kitchen, and Isaiah was in there, cooking pancakes. "Oh, hey babe. Want some pancakes?" He asked me as I walked in. "Umm, no. No, its not morning yet baby." I answered. "Why are you up?" I groggily asked him

"Well. I was just thinking, about the future. About paying for clothes, diapers, and oh.. Don't let me forget about school. How are ewe going to pay for that. School costs, what, $20,000. And he'll probably want to go to college. So in about 18 years, double that at least. It'll be about $40,00.... I don't have that much money, I'm only seventeen." He said.

I walked up to him, "Come back to bed sweetie." I grabbed the spatula, turned off the stove, and walked behind him to the room. "D..did I wake you?" He asked me. I shook my head, "No." Then we layed down in the bed. Me facing him, him facing me.

I grabbed his hand, "It's going to be ok. Our parents are going to help, and we can save up money. All I know, is one thing a black woman knows how to do, is make it. We'll find a way to make it." I told him.

He kissed me, and I turned over and he put his arm around me with his hand on my belly. "It's going to be ok." I kept reassuring him before we fell asleep.

The next morning was Christmas Eve, and I still didn't wrap my presents yet. I got up before Isaiah and B did, which was good for me. I got the presents from the closet and started wrapping as fast as I could. Then I cleaned up the pancakes as best I could.

I finished just before B got up. He went into the kitchen and got apple cider. "Hey, Bri. Merry Christmas Eve." He said as he came in to the kitchen. I smiled and said it back.

Isaiah came into the kitchen. "Morning, merry Christmas Eve." He said sitting at the table. We ate breakfast, got ready to my aunt Janay's house. We were going to stay the night over there.

I started packing my clothes when I got finished eating. I grabbed my suitcase and started tossing clothes in it. I put my pink and blue stripped fuzzy pants in. My matching pink shirt, and my slippers. I put in a few outfits in case we go anywhere, and a few of my sports bras.

I was putting in my toiletries when Isaiah walked in. "Hey beautiful." He said as he grabbed me from behind placing his hands on my belly. I smiled and put my hands on top of his.

We finished packing a few minutes later. B was ready as well. We all got in the car and B drove, putting me in the back seat. I didn't mind though.

We pulled up to my aunts house, and I got the stuff out, including the presents. We walked in and all my family was there. After giving everyone -except my dad- a hug, me and Isaiah walked into my old room. I unpacked and put the presents under the Christmas tree.

We were in the living room talking and having a good time. The song, loving so hard by Becky G. came on. I turned to Isaiah and whispered into his ear, "I'm starting to think that this is pur song."

He smiled and whispered back, "It may be. I mean it describes us so good." I giggled. My aunt cleared her throat. I gave her a half smile and they continued on.

After we got finished eating and talking, and opening our one present, it was time go wind down. I took a shower and put on my white sports bra and my fuzzy pants. I layed down with Isaiah and we watched TV and I fell asleep in his arms.

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