Chapter 25: Belly's Pov: New year's edition

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I woke up next to Conrad, snoring like a wild animal. he's so cute. seeing him wake up is a dream come true. my Connie baby.

Everyone else is sleeping. I go to get some coffee, I'm so thirsty. I hear Conrad say "bells, come back to bed". I don't know I find my guy so hot. then i wash my cup of coffee then go back to bed.

Before he wakes up, I go make him he's favorite breakfast: bacon, eggs and waffles. He used to tell tell me that's his favorite breakfast to eat in the morning when Susannah would make them for him and Jeremiah & Steven when our mom wasn't around.

Jeremiah will be up soon, and Taylor and Steven so I gotta make them breakfast as well. I end up biting my tongue on the eggs that I made for myself. There so hot.

Conrad finally wakes up, shirtless and hugs me from behind, holding my waist. the warm embrace is beautiful. Did I forget to mention that he told me good morning in that raspy hot voice? Then yes I did.

He's goes to the bathroom wanting me to come in with him. I mouth "no" because I'm still making for the family. I mouth "later, okay" and he's like "okay" with a disappointment face.

me and Jeremiah and Taylor go set up the table when Steven gets the spoons and forks, knives for us to eat with.

it's 9:24 am and that's when I see Conrad in a towel, with his wet hair. It's short and scruffy, just how I like it. He goes back to his room to get dressed for breakfast.

After he's done putting on a t- shirt and blue jeans, t fits him and it looks attractive on him. he sits right next to me, to eat breakfast. Steven, Taylor and Jeremiah sit on the opposite side of the table.

Susannah and Laurel got up and sat down to eat breakfast with us. We all said grace and after we eat breakfast, everyone helped put the dishes away, except for Conrad and Jeremiah, they went out for painting and for the mall.

I was waiting for Conrad so we could go to the pool together. and since he was going to go to his college on Monday, I was thinking of having our anniversary before he went for college.

Collage is a tough time for everyone, but not for Conrad, no. He's getting all A's And B's, he's doing so well for his future. Same thing goes for Jeremiah.

While I was looking out of the window, I saw Jeremiah and Sophia going to his bedroom. I chuckled. It was so funny that he got a girlfriend a couple weeks and now they look so cute together.

On that note, Taylor and Steven are by the pool. Talking about milo, Taylor's terrible boyfriend. I feel bad for my brother. He really loves her but I'm not going to meddle.

Conrad finally comes home. I hope he doesn't forget about our anniversary. But no, he doesn't all he's says that he's surprising me tomorrow.

I say "okay" not really believing that at all. we go to the Pool, finally for some alone time. It looks so beautiful outside. Looking at Conrad. He's smiling like a little baby, it's so funny. Jeremiah comes out for a quick shower.

Jeremiah comes out and talks to Conrad for a bit long. I think I know what they're talking about but yeah I don't really care. When I found out about him and Sophia, I was delighted for them.

my mom and Susanah are by the dock with her boyfriend drinking wine. I wouldn't care less about that, but I'm glad they're all happy, my mom sees me and I wave while Conrad grabs my waist.

I turned my back to him and kiss him, he's already kissing my neck and leaving hickeys. Homemade dynamite by Lorde is playing from my Alexa and we vibe to it. I start playing Lorde. She's my favorite artist.

I stop for a while to watch the vampire diaries. Every episode is immaculate. when Taylor walk out in her towel with Steven, she noticed the hickeys, she says "ohhh" "someone Gunna have a great night, tonight" and I make a summer roberts face and tell her to leave us alone.

She mouths "okay" and sees Sophia going to the bathroom. And says "is everyone just going to have sex today" and Laurel says " not on my watch" and we all turn blue and laugh out loud.

After a couple of hours being in the couch, we watch after and shameless on Netflix In my room alone. You don't know what we heard in the next room behind us. We start laughing.

When we watch these types of movies, we watch the whole thing. When my mom was telling me and Steve to go to bed, I changed after to modern family. I say goodnight to my mom. Conrad and me get ready for bed. I wear my nightwear and go to bed, waiting for Conrad.

We talk for a little while about our future, his college, friends and family and our own family. He finishes what he started earlier. then we go to bed.

Jeremiah and Sophia are sleeping. Taylor is sleeping in the guest room. She's doesn't want to be with Steven, like at all. We all go to bed.

Tomorrow morning.

I wake up for my bottle of coffee and my breakfast sandwich I cooked yesterday and eat that for breakfast. It's Monday and Conrad kisses my forehead and says " I'm leaving for school, I'll be home later, wear something sensually tonight" all of that in my ear. He winks at me.

I start blushing. Me and Taylor, Steven and Jeremiah all get ready for school. I don't think you guys want to hear what he have to do at school don't you?? No.

We all come back home from school, we all spent atleast 2-6 hours doing school. After that we all go and eat dinner.

Conrad told me to wear something sensual, so I'm wearing my nightwear that I wore yesterday for bed with a dress.

He makes me a homemade date, he closes my eyes and takes me to my living room and it's so Beatiful, I tell him how much I love it.

I also ask him how long it took him to do this and he said " about 2-3 hours, I needed your mom to help me, you really think I forgot our fuckin anniversary, no way" In a sarcastic tone.

Steven, taylor, and Sophia are all there to help us out with the food and be our waitress and waiters.  Conrad takes my hand, and tells me that I hope I enjoy our date. He also tell Me how much he loves me . And what were doing after, which I don't need you people knowing.

We drink and eat for the most part of our date. It was a great date, I really enjoyed it. Taylor, Steven, Sophia take our plate's away. we headed up to my bedroom.

We all go to the couch to watch "the other Zoey" the brand new movie from prime. Keep it mind, our parents are the ones paying for these services. We enjoyed the movie. After we saw the other Zoey we watched friends for a little while, then we watched the vampire diaries and twilight.

It was getting really late. Conrad whispered in my ear telling me he wanted to go to our room. So we did. Jeremiah said goodbye to Sophia, she was going home. She told him that she's going to be hear all weekend and every holiday. he kissed her and said goodbye.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed that chapter it was the longest one I've ever written im going to do the rest of the other characters pov's starting with Jeremiah then Conrad. 1339 words y'all.

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