Chapter 10- Flora and Fauna

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Flora Sable P.O.V. (District 10 Reaping)


Those words have sealed my fate. The words that our escort, Ammon Syrio, has shouted across the town square. He has called my name.

"Come on up darling." He says in his silly little Capitol accent.

I walk forward in a trance, feeling stares. I know it's the way I look. I have a long, jagged scar cutting across my face, starting just above my eye, and swooping down to my chin. I have many red marks across my arms and legs, and what the people can't see are 7 small cuts across my wrist. It started when Eve died.


My mom died when I was 3, and Eve was 5. My twin, Fauna was also 3. Ever since she died, Dad has been someone else. He used to be so loving, so kind. But not anymore. He abused the 3 of us every day. He'd go out early in the morning, leaving Eve to take care of us. When he returned, he'd be a drunken mess. Eve always said we grew up too quickly.

He forced Eve to make dinner every night, and treated her like his personal maid. But no matter what, she stayed strong. Eve took care of us. She took care of us... Too well. Eve started stealing food, clothes, anything we needed. And one day, a cloudy, cold, January day, she was caught.

The Peacekeepers took her away, and publicly expected her. And that's when it began. The cutting. Every night, long lines across my wrist. That's when, ironically, I discovered my passion. Drawing. My wrist was my canvas, my shards of glass were my paintbrush, and my blood was my paint.

This took away the pain. It took me to a place where I didn't have to worry about what dad was doing, or blaming myself for Eve's death.

Fauna would beg me to come back from this "place" I went to each day, but I refused. This, was my savior.

*Flashback Ends*

"Darling? Darling?" Ammon says, waving his hand in my face.

"Huh?" I say.

"How old are you?" Ammon asks.

"I'm 15." I say bluntly, then stride over to my seat.

"Well then." Ammon says in a flustered tone.

"Our next tribute is... Oh my... Fauna Sable!"

My eyes fly open. It can't be Fauna. But yes, there she is, walking to the stage, telling Ammon she's 15, telling him that we are twins. Fauna looks much nicer, much more pretty than I do. Ammon likes her better.

She wore her brown hair down, in cascading waves, and is wearing a crown of flowers. Fauna smiles softly, and then sits next to me.

"We'll be okay." She says, squeezing my hand.

I nod through my tears, which are flowing freely. If only Eve were here...

We are pushed into the Justice Building together, and into the same room, because we are twins.

The first person to visit is Sky, Fauna's best friend. The two of them hug for what seems like hours, and cry a bit together. It's mostly Sky crying and Fauna telling her that we will come back. Like Sky is the one going into these Games.

While they talk, I wander around the room until I find a knife. Hmm, what could I do? I pick it up, and hide it in my boot. I'll use it later.

The next person it come in is Jacob Ellington, Fauna's boyfriend. The two of them kiss, and this time, Fauna breaks down into tears. When the two of them aren't looking, I take out the knife. A Peacekeeper comes in when he hears the crying, and asks if the two of them would like a separate room. When they say yes, I am left alone.

Now. I stare at the knife, and slowly drag it across my wrist. I feel a little woozy, but I'm used to it. With my wrist bloody, and wanting to draw, I move to my thighs. I pick up the bloodstained knife, and drive it in. Blood spurts everywhere. I then draw a faint outline of something... A bright, big lily. Then, when I am satisfied with the little cuts, I dig in deeper. And done. A large lily, petals open wide.

Just as I am about to make another cut, my hair falls in my face. My eyes narrow, and I grab it all in a handful. I take the knife, and hack it all off. My brown hair falls to the ground.

And the tears start. Large, salty tears falling down my face. They splatter on the ground, mixing with my blood. I quickly spell out, carving into the wooden floor, the words "I AM A VICTIM". A victim of the Capitol, a victim of my Father, a victim of the Peacekeepers, a victim of bullies, a victim of myself.

I hurt myself more then I thought possible. I keep cutting, and carve some bullies names into the floor. They hurt my for being different. For being unpopular. For being abused. For being a loser. For having a dead sister. For not being like Fauna. For being to fat. For being ugly. For having no friends. For EVERYTHING. For the scars...

I can feel it. I have been doubting myself for years, thinking that I would hurt far to many people. But I am not important. I can tell by the fact that no one it coming to say goodbye.

I know if I make that one last cut, that will be it. No more Flora. Just a flower. Not a person. It will be much better to die now, in my home, privately, at my own hands, than in an arena, broadcasted to the entire nation, at a ruthless killers hands. It is time.

I pick up the knife.

I everyone!!! That was an INCREDIBLY hard chapter for me to write, but I did it. It's finally up! Sorry bout the wait!

Here's a summary.
The two tributes are twins Flora and Fauna Sable. Flora is depressed, because she and her sister are abused daily, she is bullied, and her older sister -the only person who understood her- was executed by Peacekeepers. Flora and Fauna are Reaped, and no one comes to say goodbye to Flora. She finds a knife, and cuts herself. She then carves the names of bullies into the floor. And then- something happens that I am not going to say because it will give away the cliffhanger! Sorry!

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