Chapter 12- The Embers of Coal

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Limbos speech misspellings are supposed to be there, so please don't spam me with "Spelled that wrong"

Ember Darke P.O.V. (District 12 Reaping) in

I let out a small giggle as Coal cracks another stupid joke.

"See? This is why we are best friends!" Coal says.

"Yeah, I know." I reply.

"Here." Coal tosses a small loaf of bread into my lap. It's still warm, and I can see raisins in it.

"Coal! You did not- How did you- I can't believe- Why- What did you- Where did-" I stutter.

"Quite simple actually. I just killed a bunch of rabbits and squirrels and then, when the baker wasn't looking, I put them on the counter, and took some bread. I don't think he realized that I only gave him 3 squirrels and 4 rabbits. Not nearly what this was worth." She smirks.

"Wanna piece?" I ask, and without waiting for an answer, I toss her one.

We finish the bread in silence, then look across the rolling hills of District 12.

"I wonder what's out there." Coal says with a distant look on her face.

My eyes grow wide.

"Coal, no. You can't." I say. We've already broke the law by coming outside the fence, and now she wants to venture even farther!

"Just... Come here. I think I see something." Coal walks forward, and I have no choice but to follow.

"Look! It's like... A camera?" No later then the words leave her mouth that I feel it.

"Coal! Hide!" I scream.

Instantly, 7 Peacekeepers March towards us. Instinctively, I dive roll behind fallen log, but Coal is too petrified to do anything.

"Get her!" One of them yells.

Two Peacekeepers grab her arms, and when she doesn't budge, they hit her hard in the head with the butt of their gun. Coals eyes roll back into her head. They drag her away, leaving me here, alone, hiding behind a log, shivering.


Three months ago, Coal was ripped away from my life. And now it's the Reaping. Joy. I sling my hunting bag over my shoulder. Time to go trade.

I walk up to the back door of a house. This family likes fresh fruit and rabbit. I give them the food, and they give me some money. I head to the next house, and do the same for many different houses.

After an hour of this, I head over to the Hob, our black market. I want to buy something. Two small gold lockets in the shapes of a heart. You can see the coal dust in the old cobblestone on the streets. I need to get something, something to remind me of home if I get reaped.

"Hello Limbo." I say, nodding at an old man behind a table.

"Eh, Ember's here!" He says, and gives me a toothy grin.

A cheer goes up when people hear this. I'm the best Hunter in the district. Before, it was Coal, but then she was captured. So now I'm the top Hunter. Everyone in the Hob depends on me for food, all the kids look up to me as an idol. I can't let them down.

"So Limbo, what's up for trade?" I say, smiling.

"Ere's sometin for ya." Limbo replies.

He reaches into a drawer, and pulls out an old locket. In the grooves and designs you can see coal dust. It looks to be gold.

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