Chapter 1 - Rivals

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Leä Shimmer P.O.V. (District 1)

"Leä dear, come for breakfast!" Mom calls.

Ugh. Reaping Day. Wait. REAPING DAY! Today is the day I will volunteer myself as tribute, in a Games that will be part of the Ultimate Games. Every time there is an amazing, or maybe even legendary Games, it is called as a part of The Ultimate Games. The Victor can move to the Capitol, and do whatever they want. And now, with a Games where only 12 have to die, and I only have to beat 11 other girls, not nearly as pretty as me, for the love of Hero Ryker, it will surely be put in the Ultimate Games. All I have to do is survive a Death Match, and then live like a Capitolite. Simple. I casually flip my bright blonde hair over my shoulder, and get to work. Because District 1 has the most beautiful people in Panem, we are being Reaped instead of being Chosen. My hair is already perfect, with that I-Look-Perfect-Even-If-I-Don't-Try look. My nails have been painted silver, the color of my dress. All the girls in the Reaping have agreed to something: The 14 year olds will wear white, because they are innocent, the 15 year olds will wear gray, because we are in the middle, and the 16 year olds will wear black because they have the most knowledge and are to be respected. My dress is a tight fitting silver dress, that I match with diamond chandelier earrings, and silver pumps. After carefully applying my makeup, (Silver eyeshadow, light pink lipstick, white eyeliner, and a light blush) I walk down from my massive room, into the kitchen.

"Leä?! I know it's the Reaping, but why are you dressed like-like this?!" My model mom says.

Lyra Shimmer. Panem-Famous model. Capitol designer. Mom.

"Leave her alone. It's her Reaping, not ours." My father, Leole Shimmer says.

A famous Victor, master at using twin Sai's. And, of course, adored by the Capitol. Dad.

Heels clip-clop across our hardwood floors. My beautiful, stunning, and deadly sister. She, Laurel Shimmer, won the 296th Hunger Games. Dressed in a blue mini-dress, matching blue wedges, and a giant, heavy lapis lazuli necklace.

"Good morning every- LEÄ?! Why are you like-like this?!" She gasps.
"It's not like you're going to the Capitol! You're waiting until you're 18, so you can beat out 23 measly tributes and bring honor to our family! Not compete in a silly competition where you spend a month in the Capitol!"

"Well, I guess you're right... But I'm already dressed! I might as well just wear this." I reply.

"Okay, fine. I'll see you in an hour, okay? When I am NOT your mentor." Laurel says, and strides out of the house.

Since she won, we've had other Victors, but she just likes going to the Capitol, so she stays a Mentor. They always give her time to say goodbye to us, her family, before she leaves for the Capitol. Once she's gone, I sit down at the island in our kitchen, and have our chef, Ellory, make me pancakes. Ellory cuts up strawberries, takes out whipped cream, and makes bacon. Soon enough, the house smells delicious.

"Thank you Ellory." I say as I take a bit of the warm and fluffy pancakes.

She nods her head, and scurries off.

"Mom, I'm going to the Academy!"
I call, not waiting for a response.

When I get to the Career Academy, someone is already there, throwing axes into the walls.

"Hey Leto- I mean Calypso." I say.

The person throwing the axes stops, and grins.

"Hi Leä! Excited for the Reaping?" Calypso, my best friend asks.

She doesn't know that I'm going to volunteer.

"Uh, yeah sure. Should be interesting." I mumble.

"I'm so going to volunteer." She says happily.

This snaps me back to reality.

"What?! No, you can't do that!" If she does, I might have to kill her, or watch her take a crown that was rightfully mine!

"Why not? Your not going, so I might as well go." She flips her purple hair over her shoulder, with her black-mark covered arms.

Calypso's father is from the Capitol, and sent her to District 1 to train. Right before Calypso left the Capitol, she had her hair dyed purple, and black swirls put on her arms, legs, neck, and back. That way, she had a reminder of her aunt, her closest relative, Leto Justice.

"Oh yeah. I-I guess you're right. Let's go to the Reaping." I say softly.

"Kk!" Calypso replies.

So the two of us, a blonde model-like girl, and a purple haired Capitolite walk to the Square.
I have to say it quickly. It's my only chance. Volunteers will be everywhere.

"And our female tri-" Our escort says.


Girls gasp, and let me through. Our escort, Isis Magyc, runs over to me, her blue and gold hair flying in the wind.

"Wonderful! What's your name?" She asks.

"Leä Shimmer, 15." I say.

"Wonderful! Now, since we already had 1 volunteer, unfortunately we can have no one else volunteer." Isis says solemnly.

Girls gasp, sigh, stomp their feet, and cry.

"But don't worry! We still have one more tribute to pick!" Isis tries to get the crowd calm.

"And our second tribute is... Calypso Breeze!"

Oh great. Now I might have to murder my best friend, or watch her steal what is mine: the Presidents son.

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