Chapter 9- Zaphrina

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Zea Miller P.O.V. (District 9)

"Gah!" I yell, as wheat flies in my face.

A small laugh rings out.

"Come and get me!" The voice says.

I chase through the maze of wheat, following the footsteps I hear.

"Found you!" I laugh, and pick up my little sister.

She giggles as I swing her through the air.

"Hey." Someone new says.

"Oh hi Arlum." I say, hiding my sister behind my back.

Arlum is the most popular, rich, and annoying kid in the District. He thinks he's so great because his family is in charge of the Grain Count Factory. It's a factory that counts all the grain we harvest, for making bread, pasta, and other things.

"I've been wondering... Would you want to hang out some time?" He asks.

And then, my sister screams "Zea has a boyfriend! Zea and Arlum sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" And then runs off.

"Hey come here!" I say, chasing her.

After minutes of not knowing where she is, I realize that I left Arlum, alone, in the middle of a wheat field he's never been in before. You see, if you work in the fields, you know how to get around. And if you work in the town, you're very book and street smart. But if you're from town, and end up in the fields, well, let's just say it's not the best situation to be in.

Just as I thought I lost him, a giant force barrels into me.

"Oh. Hi." Arlum says sheepishly.

"Wha-how did- where's..." I stutter in shock.

"I know my way around. Before we owned the factory, we worked in the fields."

Logical enough. I think.

"So... Reaping Today." I say.

"Yeah. Good luck." He replies.

"Gonna need I-" I start, only to be cut off by a bloodcurdling scream.

"Zaphrina!" I scream.

Instantly, I take off, running in the direction of the scream. Wheat and grain fly into my face, but I push it aside. My bare feet are attacked by broken pieces of glass littered on the ground, but I ignore the pain.

She can't be dead, she can't be dead. And suddenly, I'm no longer in the fields of 9, but in front of a screen, showing the Arena.

I watch as my best friend runs with her ally from 11. It's really a miracle they made it this far. The 2 of them were running through the woods, from deadly mutts, lion like creators. Her ally falls behind, and is brutally killed by the mutts. My best friend is left, stranded in the arena.

A couple days go by. She walks to the Cornucopia. And then, someone speeds by, tackling her to the ground. It's the girl from 1. The two of them struggle, until my best friend gives up. The girl from 1 drives her dagger into her stomach, and then the canon fills the air. Later, the girl from 1, is crowned Victor.

"Zea! Zea, wake up!" Arlum's screams fill the air.

"Zaphrina!" I jolt up.

"She's ok." I realize I'm in the hospital, laying on a bed identical to the one Zaphrina's in.

Arlum tells me that we had found my sister, laying bloody on the ground. He thought I was fine, but apparently I took a pocket knife and killed the cougar that attacked my sister. I had been unconscious the entire time, yet still moving.

Later, I collapsed while running to the hospital. Arlum carried me on his back, and Zaphrina in his arms. I owe him Zaphrina's life.

"Oh god! What time is it?!" I scream.

"The Reaping started about 1/2 an hour ago. We can watch who gets Reaped from here, and then relax once it's over." Arlum says.

We turn on the TV, and out Escort, Iridescent, is jut congratulating the first tribute. She looks to be about 14, with long red hair. Then, Iridescent calls the next tribute.

"Zea Miller!" She screeches.

"What?! I thought I was out of the Reaping!" I whip around and face Arlum.

The doors of the hospital room burst open, Arlum is thrown to the side, and the Peacekeepers shove me out of the room. I am taken to the stage, and greeted by Iridescent. Just as I am shoved inside, I see Arlum holding something is his hand from the window of the hospital.

A wedding ring.

Sorry for the short chapter and long wait! :( I'll try to be updating more, now that school is almost out. All the teachers are cramming in tests and projects so I've been busy. But thanks for reading!

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