Chapter 6 - Luxor and Louisa

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Paige Burton P.O.V (District .6)

The tracks shudder, making me wake. I watch as a high- speed train zips by. Catching just a glimpse of it, I can tell that it says "Capitol Coal- District 12" on the side. So District 12 is that way...

I quickly pin my hair back, and slip into a pair of black jeans and a tight fitting black shirt. Then I walk to a small chest by the window, and rub my hand against the smooth wood.

I run my fingers against the small lock. It doesn't look like a lock though. It is carved into the District 8 seal. I slowly open the lock, and lift the lid of the chest.

All my belongings from 8 are here. Just some cloth, needles, string, and clothes. Digging below the piles of fabric, I find what I've been looking for: a pair of shoes. They are from hundreds of years ago, a brand called Converse.

After I slip the shoes on, I trudge outside.

"Hello Ms. Burton." A person says.

"Hello." I reply, then continue my walk.

On my way, I am greeted by many people, recognizing my appearance: dirty blonde hair, fair skin, and a dash of freckles. Most of the townspeople ask me to buy their bread, try on their shoes, do my makeup. But I brush it off, until I get to my destination.

The Mayors House. I walk through the back door, and slam it behind me.

"I'm home!" I yell, then stomp through the kitchen.

Once I arrive in the foyer, I am greeted by my beautiful mother. She looks exactly like me, except for the eyes. She has blue eyes, while I have near- black eyes, exploding with gray, blue, and white. I know, strange.

"Honey, go get ready for the Reaping." My mom flicks a finger at me, and I walk up the grand staircase.

My room. A small, closet like structure. Or so they think. I open a giant coat closet that is in my room, and reveal my real room. You see, this coat closet has no back. So when you open the doors of the coat closet, you can walk to another room, my bedroom.

The walls are all black, except for one pink one. All the furniture is a shiny black wood, so shiny I can see my reflection. In one corner of my room is my walk in closet, and the other is my bathroom. My bed is a large, circle shaped bed, in the back of the room, hidden in a turret. I also have a flat screen, a circular couch, a black CPhone, a matching CPad, a CMusic, a large computer, and an array of other Capitol technologies.

I flop onto my bed, when I hear a knock on the door to my false room. An intercom lets me hear it.

"Yes?" I say.

"Are you ready?" A voice replies.

"Mindy!" I screech, running out of the coat closet, into the small false room, and into the hallway.

"How did you get here?!" I ask.

My best friend, from District 8, is here.

"I talked to your mom, and she worked the rest out."

I sigh.

"Louisa, please turn off the hologram." I say, and walk back to my room.

I throw a crystal vase at the wall, black roses spilling everywhere.

How could she?! My mother created a hologram looking exactly like my best friend, and tricked my into thinking it really was Mindy.

But it was Louisa, my sister.
Together, we had escaped from District 8, and ended up here, in District 6. The Mayor and his wife, desperate for children, took us in. Everything was perfect. Too perfect. We were crossing the street, when my mother got hit by a car, and was killed. My father, devastated, remarried to a woman name Tria. Tria is a very high end person, coming from 6. She wants me to be a perfect, classy lady, like she turned Louisa into. But I refuse. I usually end up sleeping at the Shed, as I call it. It's actually an abandoned building by the train tracks. No one goes there. It's perfect.

My anger calmed, I start getting ready. I pull out a knee-length black dress with a gold belt. Then, I unfortunately have to take off my Converse in exchange for black wedges.

I slowly walk out of my room, and with my hair in a messy braid, I walk down the stairs.

"Hello Loui." I say, calling Louisa by her nickname. (Pronounced "Lou-E")

"Why hello there Paige." Loui picks up the skirt of her dress, and curtsies.

I try to imagine her as the small girl with messy dirty blonde hair, running in black ripped up pants, and a muddy t-shirt, instead of this proper lady in a purple mini dress with a black belt, with her hair in a bun, a few strategically placed curls of hair falling down on her face, and in purple heels, but it doesn't work. I only see the face of the new Louisa.

"We should probably get going." Our mother says.

Father already left, helping set up for the Reaping. So the three of us walk to the square.

"Mom, may we please go meet the escort?" Loui asks sweetly.

"Of course." Tria waves her hand, and we both go to our escort.

"Hello there! My name is Luxor Magyc!" The escort beams.

"Oh, hello Luxor! My name is Louisa Burton!" Loui says.

"And you must be?" He turns to me.

"Paige. Paige Burton." I say solemnly.

"Well then! Isn't that wonderful!" He turns back to Loui, and I stalk off.

The two of them strike up a conversation, but I feel a chill go up my spine when Loui, my 15 year old sister, traces her finger down Luxor's chest. I can't take it.

"Hi Luxor, mind coming with me?" Without waiting for a response, I drag him to a corner.

"What are you doing?" I hiss at him.

"Listen... I, well, I like your sister." He mumbles.

"What?! But aren't you like, 20?!" I shriek.

Luxor shrinks against the wall.

"No... I'm 17. And my sisters are 18. We just wanted to be escorts so badly. So we became them. It's not that weird, I'm only two years older then her. Oh, I have to go. See you later." Luxor says quickly, and walks away.

I'm speechless. Luxor, 17? Wow. And the infamous Magyc sisters? Isis and Cleopatra? 18? I sigh, and grab Loui's arm.

"C'mon, we're leaving."

Loui finds her way to the 15 year old section, while I stand in the 16 year old section.

"Welcome welcome. The time has come to select two brave females to represent District 6 in this, the 300th Hunger Games! And I am-" Luxor starts.

"Just Reap a tribute already!" Someone in the crowd yells.

"Well ok then." Luxor says, going ridged.

"Our first female is... Paige Burton!"

I gasp. My eyes slowly fill with tears. I'm going to die in that arena, I know it. I'm not going to win. I will never get married, never have my first kiss, never have a family. Because the Capitol is taking it all away from me.

I walk to the stage in a trance.

"Paige Burton, 16." I say, then walk to a seat on the stage next to my mother.

"Here. Why don't you give him the card." My mom places the card that has the second tributes name on my lap.

I walk back over to Luxor, and hand him the card. He opens it slowly, and hesitates before reading the name.

"Our second tribute is... Louisa Burton."

I snatch the card out of his hand, and watch as Louisa walks to the stage. As the two of us are herded into the Justice Building, I read the card again. But it doesn't say Louisa Burton. It says Jenna Jinx.

Luxor lied.

Sorry that this isn't that good, I just was short on time. But thanks for reading! And also, giving a shoutout to creoastrumpro for being awesome!

Love and Thanks!

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