69- Agreed

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Later on that same day, in the afternoon, Elijah yelled down from the top of the wall. "They're coming!"

They knew Lance Hornsby would show up eventually. They'd helped Riverbend and it was just a matter of time before the Commonwealth's army showed up. They still didn't know how they wanted to play it exactly. Every way they thought of brought its own risks. In the end it was up to Maggie to decide. They'd planned most things already, like Marcos staying inside one of the trailers with the kids. At least Tara and Jesus had returned.

Alden followed Maggie's promise of not splitting up and they both headed up to the plateau by the gate.

"Afternoon, Maggie." Lance greeted jovially. Aaron and Gabriel were amongst the small army at his back, both looking miserable. "Good to see you again."

"What do you want?" Maggie spat back at him with her arms crossed, eyes glaring down at him.

"There are some killers on the loose. We lost a lot of men. So, I'm hunting them down. And the property they stole. The Commonwealth's property."

"We don't know anything about that." She shrugged.

"Of course not." He yelled back up. "So you wouldn't mind if we took a quick look around, right? Rule you all out... For the paperwork."

"I gave you my answer." She kept her arms crossed. Hornsby turned back to his troopers and they whispered amongst themselves.

"This is going to be a long day." Alden whispered. He'd barely recovered from everything that had happened only yesterday.

"And a dangerous one." She whispered back.

"Marcos is with the kids. He knows where to take them if it goes wrong." Were the only words of comfort he had to offer.

A trooper stepped out of the crowd below. "Open up."

"It doesn't have to be this way." She stressed, urgently.

The trooper removed his helmet. His shabby hair gave his identity away before they even saw his face. It was Daryl. Seeing him here changed things. He would always choose family above all else, and Maggie knew she was family.

"Yeah, it does." He snapped sternly. Alden and Maggie figured his words were only a facade to please Hornsby and keep him from attacking. "Ain't nobody leaving until they look around. It'll be quick, I promise."

Daryl's words weren't enough to steady Maggie's nerves. "You expect me to trust him?"

"I ain't asking you to trust him. I'm asking you to trust me."

Those were the words she needed to hear. Daryl was on their side and would fight for them when needed. She nodded and the gate was opened. The troopers marched into Hilltop. Alden tensed up; he hated this. He didn't trust them one bit. He would watch their every move closely and climbed down. Maggie stayed on the plateau and shared a look of concern with Aaron and Gabriel as they headed inside. Only then did she climb down after Alden.

The troopers spread everywhere quickly and looked through everything. Hornsby was the one they needed to watch the closets. Alden wanted to punch that smug smile off his face, but he kept himself composed and calm.

"It's great to see you again." Hornsby greeted like he hadn't been willing to bulldoze them just a moment ago.

Maggie felt the same as Alden, she too wanted to punch his perfect teeth in. He was a spiteful man, only led by selfish ambition. He thought of himself as better than anyone else. Lydia and Elijah watched the troopers go through the trailers. They better be fast like Daryl had promised, tensions were already running high.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now