67- So holy

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They hadn't split up when they first came to the compound and headed into it as a small army to provide each other with cover. For now Alden and Maggie had only their knives out. Tara and Jesus provided them with cover with their rifle and handgun. Whilst Aaron kept an eye on the back, also with his hand gun out.

There was a trooper just around the corner from them. Their key to making it out alive was keeping quiet and being efficient. Maggie crept around the corner and plummeted her knife into the trooper's neck for an efficient and silent kill. They pulled the corpse into a side room and took his radio and rifle. The radio was quickly shoved into Tara's hands.

"You know the way they operate best." Maggie whispered as an affirmation.

They continued to sneak through the empty darkened halls of the compound. They were careful and took time with each corner and door they reached. Aaron would close each door behind them carefully to create a small buffer at their back. And with the radio they were able to listen into their movements somewhat.

After traveling up a flight of stairs they could hear screaming and crying in the distance. Someone was scared and in trouble. They needed their help. Knowing that they knew their time of sneaking around was about to be over, regardless how quiet they were. Aaron and Alden got his handgun out and kept his knife handy whilst Maggie used the trooper's rifle as their own. They would have to split up to cover more ground because the screams and gunshots seemed to come from all around.

By the first T-section they reached Maggie knew it was time to split up. Although it ended up being easy. She Alden and Aaron took one hallway. Tara and Jesus took the other.

Alden steadied his gun with the hand holding his knife. He knew he wasn't a great shot but a knife could make all the difference in something as close quarters as this old compound. He and Maggie both stayed close to the opposite walls. They knew they would have to clear the whole hallway room by room.

Each room was as empty as the last. They were all furnished like a tiny little apartment with clutter all around. They were walking right on through people's homes, but it wasn't someone's home anymore. All it was now was a warzone. Once they rounded the corner at the far the hallway came to an abrupt end by the elevator. Sprawled in front of its iron doors lay a corpse.

"Single gunshot wound to the head." Alden noted after he took a short second glance. "He was executed."

Maggie took a step back to take the scene in for herself after she'd cleared the last room on her side by taking a quick look inside. But seeing someone shot so coldly, so callously, still reached down to her core, as knew it did for Alden. Before she could say anything to comfort him something cold pressed against the back of her neck and his eyes grew big in horror. Then she heard the familiar sound of the safety of a gun being flicked off.

"One more step, you die." A female voice spoke out as she grasped Maggie's shoulder roughly and stepped out of hiding behind the door post.

The barrel of Alden's gun shot up immediately was now level with Maggie's head, as well as the attackers. He would never fire his gun if he stood even the smallest chance of shooting someone he cared about, but this stranger didn't know that. Whoever was keeping their gun on Maggie was skilled. The gun was lowered from the back of her neck to her shoulder blade and they stayed low themselves, almost completely hidden behind Maggie.

"Drop your weapons." She commanded.

Alden lowered his weapon but he didn't drop it, he didn't want to be defenseless. "I don't think that'll be necessary."

"We're here to help." Maggie stressed.

"Oh, yeah?" The woman taunted, her fingers digging into her shoulder painfully. "Because the dead body over there tells a different story."

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now