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Meeting someone that was deemed important still felt weird to Alden. He knew he looked like a mess. His hair had grown long in slightly matted curls that laid on top of his head messily. And despite changing into clean clothes not too long ago he still looked grimey. But he didn't have time to change into something a little more representable.

Pamela smiled broadly at them with her arms crossed loosely. Something in her stance made it known that she knew that she was in charge. "Maggie told me a lot of good things about you." She began. "Aaron too. He told me you're responsible for a lot of the buildings in between the different communities."

"All I did was work out the plans we already had. I didn't build them. Except for the buildings that were here." He pointed back to Hilltop over his shoulder. "But that's all burned down."

"And then I suppose this little guy must be Adam." She continued. "Can't believe people would just leave something so precious out to get mauled."

"His mom didn't want to." Alden bit back. "We took him in, only later on did we adopt him." He didn't want to go into detail. He didn't want to talk about loss.

"And your daughter and other son? Oh, what were their names again." She bit her bottom lip as she thought about it. "Hope and Hershel, right?"

"They're right over there." Maggie pointed to her kids. They were with Tara and Mercer, both fooling around with their helmets. "They grew up with Tara, she's family."

"It's amiable that you've been able to build a life here." Pamela insisted.

"Right." Alden replied, slightly annoyed. "We're the lucky ones. We made it." He bit his lip and looked away. "A lot of people didn't."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Alden hummed slightly to show some sort of recognition for her words. He was thinking about it again. He could see Rose's throat getting slid again. He'd been so busy that he hadn't had the time to think about it for so long.

"Alden's also our blacksmith." Maggie said quickly as a distraction. "He can make everything from horseshoes to spearheads and swords to nails. He can even make hinges."

"It's too bad the blacksmith also burned down." He sighed. "My apprentice actually moved to the Commonwealth, Mika."

Then they're conversation was promptly cut short when Dianne, Lydia and Elijah approached from inside the walls. Pamela moved on to give them the space to talk freely.

"Everything they told us is true." Dianne said with a smile. The cogs in Alden's brain misfired because she was smiling. "They're working on reinforcing the water tower right now."

"Did you actually go hunting with them?" Lydia asked skeptically, referring to the dead birds Alden still had in his hand.

"Yeah." Maggie nodded. "We brought back some, not a lot. At least the animals seem to be migrating back into the hunting grounds."

"It's more than we've had in weeks." Elijah chanted excitedly. He'd changed so much from the quiet boy Alden and Aaron had found in the woods, or he had found and saved them.

Dianne tapped his arm. "We'll get dinner started." And then they walked back into Hilltop's walls together.

"How's everyone feeling about the troopers being here?" Maggie asked, wanting an answer from both Lydia and Alden.

"Everyone seems relieved." Lydia insisted. "I'm hoping this means we can actually get some sleep tonight." Then she noticed Daryl and walked over to him instead.

"I think seeing Daryl, Tara and Aaron with them did the trick." Alden added as they watched her greet him.

"Hey, Maggie." Lance called out to get her attention. "Is it okay if we hand out some supplies? We have more than enough. Food. Fuel."

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now