38- We got you

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Rose was in and out for most of the way back to Kingdom. She tried to open her eye, to make a sound or to move but her body refused to cooperate. She was desperate to let them know that she could still here them but she was locked in.

Her mind kept going back to that barn in flashes. Sasha cut through the ropes tying their wrists after the men had stormed in and they had started to fight back.

People lifted her up by her shoulders and dragged her with them, speaking to her. It was all too far and faded to understand.

She launched herself at Alpha. She didn't have a weapon and they wanted to kill them. They'd never al be able to get away, someone would have to die. She chose it be her. She was at peace with it.

Her feet dragged behind. The toes of her shoes slid over the soft, bumpy and slightly damp grass. She wanted to lift her feet up to stop her shoes from being damaged. But, once again, her body didn't cooperate.

The knife bit into the side of her cheek and slid upward. Her cheek hurt; it burned. The warmth and blood dripping down her face and neck startled her. Alpha threw her to the ground. Her face smacked against the floor hard and the world spun around her.

The ground beneath the toes of her shoes changed and now they scraped across the old asphalt with each step. She finally managed to open her eyes and lift her head up bit, whimpering softly.

"We got you." Maggie told her as soon as she noticed she was somewhat awake. "You're safe."

Those words were enough to give into the darkness pulling her down again.

Firm hands forced her up to her knees. Their fingers dug harshly into her flesh. In shock she watched as one of the Highwaymen's heads was chopped off and fell to the ground with a thud. It rolled towards her and settled in front of her, staring up at her with dead unseen eyes. She closed her eyes and two more similar thuds followed, two more heads,

People said something about a lot of blood and then something was tied around her head, covering the cut on her cheek. It hurt so much and she wanted to scream out in pain. She tried but all that escaped her lip was a soft pathetic whimper.

When it was Sasha's head that rolled towards her next she was besides herself. She screamed and cried whilst trying to fight herself free from the painful hold. Addy and Rhodney were next to go. She dug her fingernails into the rough floor and clawed to get away. Tammy followed closely behind. Their blood flood the floor, soaking her pants and clinging to her hands. She was close to going numb because of the horror unfolding in front of her. It was too much to comprehent. Too much to go through.

They halted and there was something mechanic and then more familiar voice she couldn't quite place popped up. They were back in Kingdom.


The heads were starting to reanimate. Their eyes were all fogged up and fixated on her. Their jaws snapped desperateley. Her friends and family and were gone. and that remained were empty husks only fueled by their hunger for something alive.

This was all a game to these skin freaks. Nails dug into her face around her eyes, keeping her form closing them. Her head was and she had no choice but to watch as Henry desperately pleaded for his life. He was crying and screaming as he tried to cover his face with his hands.

Those freaks whispered to her; telling her to look.



Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now