44- Wrong person

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After Beta's attack on Alexandria a lot of them retreated to Hilltop to seek medical care since Siddiq got hurt himself. He was nearly choked to death by Dante, a planted whisperer spy, before Carl saved him just in time. Hilltop was still safe so Aaron had decided to have Gracie come to Hilltop as well along with him and Jesus. There was another war in full force now. And there was nothing any of them could do about it.

Alden blamed most of it on Carol because of how reckless she had been again and again. But even he knew how stupid he was for thinking that way. Beta hadn't been sent to Alexandria because of anything she did and neither had Dante. He'd been there since before the whisperers left, joining Alexandria just after the pyke massacre. And now Laura hadn't woken since Beta had thrown her against a wall and Siddiq was beyond lucky that his windpipe hadn't been crushed.

And then there still was the mess of the cave collapse that happened. Connie and Magna had never made it out of that cave when it collapsed and we're still missing, presumed dead. Now that one was actually Carol's fault.

"Why'd you bring that here?" Alden hissed as he looked out of the office window to the whisper walking around freely inside the walls. "We should either kill her or lock her up. She doesn't deserve to walk around freely. And it's dangerous."

"She's Adam's aunt and Aaron trusts her. Jesus vouched for her too. Said she's the only reason that Laura is still alive. And she helped to save Judith and RJ during the attack." Maggie replied, calmly.

"We don't even know if Laura's going to make it, if she'll wake up." He bit back. "We don't have the tools to help her here."

"Mary didn't do that. Just like with Lydia you're acting out your anger on the wrong person."

"Wrong person!?" He shrieked. He knew that people could hear him but he didn't care. "Lydia's a child. That Whisperer is an adult. They're too far gone. They're no longer human."

"Keep your anger in check." Maggie scolded. "She's not the enemy at the moment."

"I'm not going to let her see Adam. She's not entitled to that. How the hell can she even think that? They left him out there to die. To get ripped to shreds by walkers. That's horrendous."

"That's fair." She nodded.

"I'm going to see Laura." He huffed and stormed out.

He walked to the medical trailer straight away and headed in. On the one hand he really wanted to see her because he was worried about her but on the other hand he dreaded it. Seeing someone you care about hurt, close to death, hurt in an even worse way. The only one there besides her was Siddiq. He looked angry with his gaze fixed on Laura himself.

"Hey." Alden greeted him.

Siddiq couldn't really talk yet and big dark bruises covered his neck. He gave him a little wave as his own greeting. Then Alden stayed quiet and went to Laura. There were deep dark set bruises beneath her eyes, clearly signaling a head injury. Her skin was a ghostly white color. She looked closer to death than anything else. He sat down on the empty bed next to hers and huffed. He hated that there wasn't anything they could do.

It made him mad. He knew she'd gotten injured trying to save Mary. And according to him Mary didn't deserve to live more than Laura did. Siddiq read the pain of his face easily and sat down next to him instead.

"She's not dead yet, there's still hope." His voice barely came out as a broken whisper. "But she did lose a lot of blood."

"It's been over a day and she hasn't woken up. All we can do is wait till she dies and then someone has to ram a knife into her skull." Alden grumbled back. "Please don't peddle that optimistic bullshit with me. It isn't going to work, not this time."

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now