74- Selfish

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"Where are you taking me?" Alden repeated his question. He was painfully aware that he was isolated in the woods. He feared he'd been brought here to be executed. With how fast he was being forced to walk he couldn't hide his limp. Neither could he hide the bloodstain that slowly grew larger.

He didn't want to panic, it wouldn't help him. But the further he was from familiar and safe faces, the more he felt it creep up on him. The lump in his throat grew and made it hard to breathe. Panic had set its claws in him. He was alone in the woods, unarmed, and being led by a man with a rifle. Motivated by his panic, Alden began fighting the trooper. He tried to kick and twist himself free. At least he still had enough sense in him to remain quiet.

"Stop it." The trooper snapped, more tired than anything else. "Just quit it." He twisted Alden's arm behind his back painfully and pinned his hand between his shoulder blades. It forced Alden to calm down, otherwise he'd dislocate his shoulder. "You're hurt, you're bleeding. I'm trying to help you."

"Help me?" Alden scoffed. "I've seen the mill, all the blood on it. You've been executing people left and right."

The trooper let go of Alden's arm and allowed him to step away and turn around to face him. He needed him to trust him.

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm not a killer." He said, offended. "Keep your mouth shut and be smart about this. If the others hear a struggle, or anything, you're screwed."

Alden gave a hesitant nod and stayed quiet as he was dragged back to Alexandria. It was strangely empty inside the walls during the day time when all of the prisoners and most of the troopers were outside. Alden recognized each and every building, yet this place was completely unfamiliar to him.

He was guided to the building he recognized as the infirmary and Siddiq's house. To his surprise he actually found Siddiq inside, and for a second they both froze.

The trooper had Alden sit down on one of the stretchers and made his way back to the door. "Be quick." He urged before he left the room to stand guard on the porch.

"Siddiq, I feared you-" He began.

"It's your gunshot wound, right?" Siddiq changed the subject as he pointed to the bloodstain.

"Yeah." He plucked at his shirt. "It started bleeding out of nowhere. How'd you get here?"

"Same as everyone." He shrugged. "Got knocked out and abducted. I was singled out as soon as I got here. The warden told me how lucky I was to be the outpost's doctor. Didn't mention I am still a prisoner. All the doors are locked, except for the front door, which is guarded at all times." He explained. "Been patching up troopers mostly. They only bring you guys in when you can't work anymore."

"I thought I was going to be executed." Alden shook his head. Siddiq wasn't sure how to respond and just stared at him. "Did you see the kids?" He followed up.

"Some of the older ones." Siddiq said. "None of yours, I'm afraid. No one wants to tell me where Coco is or how she's doing. I'm starting to doubt if she's even here, if any of the babies are." He paused as he brought the needed supplies over. "Ezra, Jerry's oldest, had a nasty cut on his forehead. He told me he hadn't seen any of the babies either. He also said Hershel was separated from them because he was making too much trouble."

"Sounds like him." Alden sighed and chewed his lip. "If they hurt him, I'll-"

"Ezra said they hadn't hurt any of them. They have to go to school and aren't allowed to see their parents. Even asking about them gets them in trouble."

"So, they're trying to indoctrinate our children." He frowned. "If that's true, I think you're right. That means the babies aren't here. There's no need to isolate and influence them."

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now