2- A good place

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Once they reached the prison Glenn had asked Alden and Rose to hand over their weapons. It was understandable, there were so many people here. The best part was that barely anyone carried weapons. Some people worked in a field, others were building something that looked like a shed. Glenn drove the car in through the gate and once inside he stopped the car. They walked the rest of the way towards the prison, gravel crunching underneath their feet.

"See? Promised this was a good place," Glenn smiled broadly. When they'd crossed the field Glenn opened the next chain link fence. This one led them to a large concrete square in front of the equally dull colored cell blocks. He stomped his foot on the ground. "This is going to be the center of our community in a couple of days," he announced proudly.

Alden looked around. There was some construction happening, he could lend a helping hand with that. Then he noticed a young blonde girl holding a baby and his jaw dropped. He felt as if he was seeing an alien. He couldn't help but to point, he was just so amazed. "I never thought I'd see another baby again," he stammered.

"Most of us thought so," Glenn replied. "Come on, we got a couple of empty cells left on Cell Block C. They're on the upper floor though."

"You know, Rose and I haven't had a bed to sleep in in a long time. I really don't care that I have to go up a flight of stairs if it means I don't have to sleep on the ground."

They followed Glenn into Cell Block C and up the stairs. All the cells looked the exact same; small and old. So, Alden simply decided that the first cell Glenn pointed out would do.

"Bunk bed!" Rose squeaked excited as she threw her backpack on the ground. Within a second she'd climbed on top of it, smiling brightly and kicking her feet.

"And that settles that," Alden chuckled as he set his own backpack down on the lower bed. He ran his hand back through his hair. Once he saw how grimey his hand was he pulled a disgusted face and tried to wipe it clean on his shirt.

"We have showers. They're cold, but they'll get you clean," Glenn told him.

"A shower would be nice," he smiled.

A woman with short gray hair joined Glenn on the overpass. She crossed her arms.

"Oh, and I don't want to be a bother, but are there any spare clothes by chance?" Alden motioned at his clothes. "I fear all the clothes Rose and I have is what's on our backs, and we've been wearing it for weeks."

"I can wash them and get you some clean clothes," the woman insisted with a sweet smile.

"I think you might be better off burning them," he laughed.

"Don't worry, I can work wonders with a little laundry detergent," she joked.

"Don't worry, I can work wonders with a little laundry detergent," she joked

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His hair was still damp from the shower and laid flat against his neck. He watched Rose work in one of the textbooks in the library on the metal stool beside her. Seeing her doing something normal, instead of plunging a knife into a walker's head, filled him with a strange amount of joy and relief. Between the baby and this he believed things really could get better. It made him believe that there really was a new world to be built up and this place, the prison, was the start.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now