20. - Present Day

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After paddling our way down the river, trying to catch each other up on the past 12 months, I find it completely inspiring how he's successfully chased his dream.

"I can't believe how stunning you are. I mean, I knew, I remember thinking it the very moment I saw you, but seeing you again, being here again with you. I don't know. There's just something about it" Lando gushes, sending a tint of embarrassment to my cheeks.

"It is crazy how things work out" I chuckle. "You've changed, a lot".

"How?" He mocks.

Reaching across the paddle boat, I tug on the small cluster of hair on the edge of his chin.

"Oh" he gushes, bringing his own hand up to play with the poor excuse of a beard, "You don't like it?"

"I didn't say that" I inform, "I just said its different"

He chuckles in embarrassment, "I'm not too sure about it, but yeah"

"And I can't believe you won!" I congratulate, not remembering if I had actually done it or not yet, but knowing what I do know about Lando, he doesn't mind a compliment. "It's your rookie year, Lando. Do you know how incredible that is?"

He blushes.

I notice.

"Thanks, I kind of had someone to impress" he teases.

"You knew I was there?' I asked.

He shakes his head, "I wasn't sure at first. I mean, I was so sure it was you but when I looked again I couldn't find you. But then George told me that you'd been talking with Carmen before the race, and that's when I knew"

"Oh, Carmen, of course" I nod, the girl that Jade was talking too.

"I definitely didn't expect to see you in the paddock though" he chuckles.

"I didn't expect to be there" I inform him, reminiscing.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you, it was like the past year never happened" he smiles.

I knew exactly what he meant, I felt it too.

A short way up the river, he guides us over to the side, crawling foreword to secure the rope onto a small pole on the embankment.

I can't lie, I snuck a quick look at his..... I couldn't help it though, it was right there. And too good not to look at.

He notices.

"Careful B, you're blushing" he mocks, before turning around to offer me his hand.

I make my way up onto the edge as Lando returns back to the paddleboat before emerging with an oversized picnic basket.

"What's this?" I ask impressed.

"Well" he remarks, placing the basket on the ground and pulling a blanket from inside of it, laying it out onto the ground. "I figured, from what I can remember, it's safer to feed you before activities, saves getting myself a cranky B" he mocks.

"Always the safer option" I agree.

"So, I prepared a little breakfast" he announces, taking a seat next to me on the rug, as I place the flowers down beside me he pulls an assortment of breakfast pastries from the basket.

"This is amazing, Lando. Thank you for doing this" I appreciate.

"Of course" he accepts.

We sat on the river side for hours, talking just as freely as we did the night we met. This time, both of us having new hopes and new dreams, it seems like we are two completely new people sitting before each other.

Even though we were given such a short moment a year ago, and now, we haven't given ourselves a lot of time, I, the same way I felt last year, have never felt like I've been getting to know him, it's always felt like I'm just remembering things my soul already knew.

Like somehow, in any lifetime, we were destined to be together, and I knew that I was safe and secure whenever I was blessed to be in his presence.

We lay side by side, our hands finding each other, and this time with no limitations between us, gazing up at the sky, giving into its irony of limitless possibilities.

"What parts of the world are you hoping to see?" he asks.

"All of it" I answer, "Seriously, I want to set foot in every country possible, you must love it, you get to see so much of the world"

He chuckles, pulling out hands up to his chest, forcing my body to have to wriggle up next to him. "I get to see the airports and the circuits, very rarely do I get to venture out." He chuckles.

"I guess" I appreciate as I feel his free hand tracing lines in my hands.

"I change my answer" he blurts out.

I turn my head toward him, watching as his finger highlights one of the lines on my palms. "What answer?"

"You asked me where I think we are up too. I told you here" he points to a certain position on the line, "But I change my answer." His head falls toward me, as I feel his position change on my hand.

"We're here" he answers, his eyes remaining on me, however I have to dart my glance to the placement.

"We have to be here. I believe that fully" he adds, his finger positioned at the beginning of one of the love line.

I can't help but become overwhelmed with the warm and fuzzy feelings, turning my body fully toward him, pulling myself up onto my elbow.

"You think?" I ask.

He nods, letting go of my hand and replacing it cupped underneath my jaw, feeling his thumb brush delicately across my cheek.

"I hope so" I whisper, before allowing myself to dip down, collecting his lips with mine and finally allowing myself to kiss this man knowing I wasn't hurting anyone.

Well, maybe only myself.

But as his grip on my jaw tightens, his lips parting slightly to deepen his movement as his tongue dips out graciously to taste me, I become fully aware that this is going to be worth every risk.

But by god, it's going to hurt like hell.

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