18. - Present Day

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I had agreed to 10 days, well 9 days now. 

Truth is, I think I stopped caring about the consequences the minute he suggested we take the next 9 days to just be with each other, and I didn't know what that would entail, but I knew I didn't want to pass it up. 

I woke early this morning to my phone vibrating on my bedside, Lando's name sprawled across the screen automatically bringing a swirling ball of excitement into the pits of my stomach. 

I roll over and grab the phone, having to peer only one eye open to be able to guide my hand to the answer button. 

"Do you not know how to sleep in?" I answer in a horrible morning groan. 

"Baylee, we have 9 days, you think I'm going to waste any of that time sleeping?" he replies. 

"Staying awake with you one night almost killed me, I can't go 9 days without sleep" I amuse. 

"Very funny. Alright, I have a plan for today, can you be ready in an hour?" he suggests. 

"You remember I'm the local here right? Shouldn't I be the one that is showing you around? Making plans?" I caution.

"Not a chance, Baylee. See you in an hour, meet me at the docklands" he doesn't even give me a chance to respond before the line goes dead. 

As I pull the phone away from my ear, I gasp at the time, 5:30am. This boy has issues. 

Pulling myself out of bed, I tip toe straight into the bathroom, turning on the shower. 

I wash my hair, shave my legs and... other areas (you just never know) and be sure to use an extra amount of soap to try and enhance that citrus' smell. 

Once out of the shower, I wrap my towel around my body and begin my skin care routine, applying sunscreen and a small amount of makeup. Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I run the towel through the ends, attempting to get as much water out as possible. 

With my towel still wrapped firmly around my body, I step out and cross the hall back to my bedroom, opening my wardrobe and taking a disappointed look at my options. It's a funny feeling, I like all my clothes, I really do otherwise I would have gotten rid of them. I'm a big believer in if it hasn't been worn in 6 months, you donate it. 

But right now, it seemed like nothing was good enough for what I wanted to achieve today. 

I opt for the safe option. 

Pulling a pair of white jeans, and my black cropped cami with ties on the shoulders, I know it's a safe look for whatever we may be up to today. Pulling out my black puff jacket, I toss it onto the bed and make a mental note to pick it up later. 

Usually March in Melbourne is wonderful weather, but I don't trust any temperature before 10am. 

Stepping back into the bathroom, I pull out the blow dryer and begin to run my fingers through the ends of my hair as I feel the moisture being taken out of it. 

Leaving it in a nice, gentle, natural wave down my back, I use my straightener to frame some of the pieces around my face and then secure a hair tie around my wrist, just in case. 

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror one last time, accepting this is the best I can do. 

"If murder was legal" Jade's groggy voice appears at the entrance to the bathroom. 

I let out a chuckle. 

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" she boasts. 

"I know, I'm sorry." I apologise, applying one last coat of lip gloss before tightening the lid back on. 

"You still haven't explained why you're making a shit tonne of noice at 6am" she demands, her eyes barely open. 

"I'm meeting Lando at the docklands" I inform her.

Her eyes widen immediately and the zombie like expression she once held is now non existent as she takes on the face of a child on Christmas morning. 

"Oh" she gushes, "Is that so?" 

"Do I look okay?" I ask concerned.

"You look beautiful, where is he taking you?" she asks. 

I shrug my shoulders, "he just said to be ready" 

"Try not to overthink any of this please, you two need to just allow yourselves the time to work out what it is you want" Jade advises. 

I nod once, "I know, I'm trying" 

"Good, I'm glad" she smiles, almost looking a tad emotional. 

"Okay, well I better go" I inform, sliding my phone into my back pocket and picking up my handbag and jacket, laying it over my forearm. 

On my way down to the Docklands, it's a surprisingly eery, yet calming, time of the day to be walking into the waking up world. A lot of the trades have started their jobs for the day but a lot of the businesses are still closed, and hardly any cars are out on the street. 

Walking down along the river, the quietness of the surrounds makes you aware of everything. Each footstep I take, wondering what I am about to walk into. The calming sway of the trees as the night breeze begins to ease up to the warming sun. 

Passing by people going for their morning runs and old couples who look like they've already been awake for hours, walking hand in hand along the river side. I wonder, just what their story was? Did they meet and know that each one was 'the one'? Did they take some time to figure it out? Were they like my situation with Lando, where timing is everything? It was nice to see so many examples of people who have 'made it' and thinking that maybe you could be apart of that. 

Making my way to the Docklands, there isn't anyone else around, it seems to be the quieter part of town and the increasing noise from the city begins to pick up behind me. 

Turning my back to the river, I lean against one of the poles, pulling out my phone and checking the time. 


I take a deep breath, my head analysing each side of me, wondering which direction he may come from. 

"Good morning beautiful" I hear from behind me. 

Whipping my head around, I am confronted with the last possible imagine I could have imagined. 

Lando is seated on one side of a paddle boat, a bunch of yellow roses in his hand. 

"Oh my gosh" I gush, "What is this?" 

"This is a paddle boat, and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to steer this thing from only one side" he mocks, crawling forward and using the rope to latch onto the boardwalk.

He stumbles out of the boat and up to side to join me, gesturing out the roses to me. "I kind of didn't think this through" he admits. 

"What do you mean?" I ask with a chuckle. 

"Now you have to carry them around with you" he concerns shyly. 

I accept the bunch, bringing them up to my nose and inhaling the sweet smell of freshly cut roses which lay perfectly in a brown paper wrapping. 

"I don't mind at all" I appreciate, tucking them in under my arm before I step forward, wrapping my only free hand around his waist. 

He brings both his arms up, wrapping them tightly around my shoulders and pulling me toward him, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head. 

"You ready?"  

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