1. - Present Day

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"Do you think he's actually going to show up?" Jade questions and I jump my jeans up my legs, buttoning them over the top of my white bodysuit.

I shrug my shoulders nervously, flicking through the different blazer options in my wardrobe.

"Baylee, hold on a minute" she mumbles, lightly grasping my arm, "Have you thought about this?"

"It's going to be fine, it's just dinner" I assure her, unconvincingly.

When I met Lando Norris a year ago, he was more than sure he'd never be offered a seat in Formula 1. Nothing seemed to be going right for him in his latest Formula 2 season, and was becoming overshadowed and overlooked by Prema royalty Charles Leclerc. And with only 1 available seat in McLaren's team for the next season, Lando was losing all hope for a shot at making it to the big leagues.

When people say right person, wrong time, I never fully understood what was meant by that feeling. Until then.

We spent the most amazing 24 hours together, but with his commitment to finishing out his contract with Carlin, and me finishing my final semester at college, timing wasn't really on our side.

So, we agreed, that in exactly a years' time we would meet back at P.J O'Briens, pick up where we left off.


Sebastian Vettel announced his retirement, Ferrari scouted Charles, and suddenly, McLaren had their sights set solely on Lando.

"Are you prepared for him to.." Jade begins to ask, stopping when getting to the question.

"Not show?" I add with a chuckle.

She nods her head lightly with a sympathetic look.

Pulling my tan blazer from the hanger, I throw it around my shoulders and pull my hair free from where it was caught.

"Lando and I haven't spoken since, it was just this silly little plan we made that night, I guess to make it not so pathetic when we went our seperate ways in the morning. But, I don't know" I shrug my shoulders, "I've spent the last year thinking about this night, and I guess I'm just curious."

"What are you going to do if he doesn't show?" She asks blankly.

"Enjoy a nice white wine and cheesy fries" I tease.

She at least notices the amusement in my statement. "Okay" she mocks. ""Here" she gestures, handing me a light shade of pink lip gloss.

"Thank you" I appreciate, applying a light coat to my lips in the compact mirror resting on my desk.

"Call me if you need me to come and keep you company if he stands you up"

I find her eyes in the reflection, "Thanks for the positive mojo" I sass.

"Hey" she settles, turning me around to face her, both her hands steadied on my shoulders. "I just don't want you to get hurt"

"I know. And I appreciate it. But honestly, I'm just going out of curiosity."


01. - A Year Ago (the first hour)

"Who died? Or who's in the hospital? Or what kind of life threatening, highly contagious illness have you contract?" I demand through the phone.

"What?" Finn asks in response.

"P.J O'Briens, 7 o clock. We had a date. And I'm assuming the only reason you stood me up was one of the reasons I mentioned" I sass.

"Oh, shit" he gasps, "Baylee, I'm so sorry"

For Now, For GoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz