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Sariyah Amariana Love*3 Weeks Later; 2:24 AmJuly 26,2024; Putting bags in the car————————————————————————Today is Chris's Birthday and I have a lot planned for him today

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Sariyah Amariana Love
*3 Weeks Later; 2:24 Am
July 26,2024; Putting bags in the car
Today is Chris's Birthday and I have a lot planned for him today. I planned a trip and all of his favorite things to do while we are out there. KK was with Kayvion since I knew he would spoil him so much and he wanted him. His exact words were "Bring KK with me or ima whoop your ass," so yeah😭.

I put the last bag in the trunk of my BMW before going in the house and waking up Chris. "Baby," I said straddling his lap and kissing his lips. "Papa," I called and he started kissing my lips back making me smile.

"Yes mama," he answered massaging my butt while kissing me. "Happy birthday, Get up we got somewhere to go," I said making him furrow his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and got up off of him standing up. I grabbed his arm pulling him to the bathroom and put toothpaste on our brushes. We brushed our teeth before getting in the shower together.

We put on some sweats before Getting everything we needed and getting in the car. I started the car and put my directions in for the airport. Chris held onto my hand the whole ride and I loved every moment of it.

I pulled up to the private jet hangar and they helped us take our bags out before putting my car in our own personal garage. They put our bags on the jet and then we boarded.

I went straight to the back hand in hand with Chris into the bedroom. "Where is we going?" Chris asked for the sixth time. "Stop asking, I'm not telling you," I said giving him a peck on the lips.

I stripped before getting in a big T shirt since this ride was gonna be 16 hours and I was tired. Chris stripped as well before putting on some sweats and getting under the covers with me.

I tried to get comfortable but I really just couldn't. I tugged at his sweatshirt trying to take it off. She lifted his arms taking it off leaving him bare chested. I laid back down and instantly fell asleep.

6:29 Pm

The whole ride Chris and Riyah were sleep until it was time for departure. Sariyah put back on her tights and sweatshirt while Chris put his sweat shirt back on.

As the were landing the intercom stated, "Prepare for departure in Bora Bora, We wish you two a safe trip and a safe flight back. Have fun!," the woman said excitedly making Sariyah smile at him.

He hit her with a pillow making her laugh before he tackled her down onto the bed making her smile and laugh. "Thank you baby," he said giving her kisses all along her face.

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