Spirita Miragere

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"Do you remember my one-shot Spirita Miragere?
Well here's a little sequel, if you feel like it.It's optional, it's just a little read while you wait for the last chapter of my other fiction.However, I may write a third chapter if you're interested.

Another thing: although I reply as best I can to comments from curious readers, I've decided to create a special msn address to talk to my readers. So here it is, for those who want it: MalefoyHeartless@hotmail.fr

That way you can talk to me directly, and we can discuss my fiction or even your fiction, or the HP world, or even your life! It doesn't matter! I just want to be available as much as possible. The problem remains the same: I'm in New Zealand, and it's not easy to fit in the same schedules, but whatever.

I hope you like this (long) chapter, and I'd like to thank you for the comments I receive every day, the very touching encouragement, and I hope I won't disappoint you for the rest (you're putting me under pressure haha)!

Happy Reading!"

- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 2: Memory of a Prince...

Ronald glanced down at his plate in disgust. The green porridge that served as his meal smelt of fish that wasn't fresh mixed with rotten egg. So why was it green? Perhaps a touch of spinach had been added to make it even more inedible? Yes, but it didn't smell like spinach, so it wasn't that.

- Better not try and find out what it is, mate," Dean Thomas, sitting in the next chair, whispered to him. Because, afterwards, you'll imagine even worse things and you won't be able to swallow anything.Ron looked back into the greenish pool for a moment, pushed his plate away with both hands, then turned his head towards the empty chair on his right. He sighed. Harry, sitting opposite him, had been following his train of thought and sighed too, before discreetly leaning forward and whispering to him:- She'll get over it soon, don't worry.Ron glowered at him.- You've been saying that for a month, Harry," he grumbled.He was about to reply, but a sharp, cutting voice echoed through the Great Hall:- Table Four, silence! Pupils other than those belonging to the Slytherin table are not allowed to communicate until the end of the meal, on pain of detention!Standing on the chair formerly occupied by Professor Flitwick, the old goblin resettled after having obtained silence, except, of course, from table number One.- Bloody creature," growled Dean in a barely audible whisper.Harry clenched his fists until he felt the pain of nails digging into his palms. There was nothing Hogwarts about this place any more, and it was killing him. The house he'd always known was no more than a prison guarded by snakes, slaves of the powerful Lord. The teachers had been replaced by vulgar goblins of evil, and the lessons were no longer based on white, beneficent magic. The Slytherins had every advantage imaginable, while the other three houses, whose names and everything that made them so historic and valuable had been taken away, were content to survive in a world that was no longer theirs.Harry felt Ginny's hand rest discreetly on his, and he immediately regained control of his anger. He gave her a small smile, wanting to tell her how much he loved her, but speech was forbidden. She smiled back, assuring him that the message had got through.When Ron turned his head in their direction, the young redhead's hand immediately went back under the table, and her complexion flushed, while Harry pretended to be interested in his plate, turning the spoon sluggishly in the green porridge.- Are you enjoying your meal, little lions?" said a Slytherin mockingly.He approached the table and sniffed at the plates with a sly smile.- Hmmm... That looks really good!" he laughed. As for me, I'm going to have some more fried potatoes, as the Peking duck isn't very tasty this evening.Laughing his head off, he headed for the exit, revelling in the envious and hateful faces of table number Four, formerly respectfully called Gryffindor...

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