Chapter 30: Trust: earned or abused...

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"Good morning! I hope you're all well! QuOii? No ? It's my fault I bet, well yes as always. Waiting too long, is it? Are you hooked? Well, that's good! Because this way I know that even if I'm horribly long, you'll be waiting for the rest! lolI'd like to thank all those who regularly post comments to me expressing "very calmly" that they're still waiting for the sequel! They'll know who they are, thank you very much!Thanks for all the comments on the previous chapters too, I seem to be getting more and more, so I'm trying to apply myself more and more, and I hope this chapter will be up to the task.Emotions and doubts await you in this read.Enjoy, because I haven't even started writing the next one! Sorry, really =)"- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 30: Trust: earned or abused...

Hermione's curiosity at that moment rivalled a feeling of dread nibbling at her stomach, and if Draco hadn't been by her side tonight, she would have run for it long ago. If Draco hadn't been with her tonight, she'd never have got this far anyway, and maybe that would have been a good thing too.Standing in the centre of the huge stone cavity, Hermione almost felt as if her breathing was echoing, so terrifying was the silence. As she always did when she wanted to make sure she wasn't alone in panicking, she turned her head towards Draco and was not surprised to discover a serene face, perhaps even a little too serene for her liking. But after all, it was better that way, because having someone who was worried as a bodyguard wouldn't have been very reassuring. Could it be that he was actually afraid? But decided to remain impassive with the sole aim of not frightening her any further? That would be surprising, knowing him, Draco Malfoy never seemed to be afraid of anything.Strangely, she felt like asking him the question. Since she only had a few seconds left before the Queen arrived, she wouldn't be able to speak to him for a long time, and this last conversation would be a short goodbye.
- Are you afraid, Malfoy?He seemed a little surprised by the question, but gave a small smile: "Do I really have to answer this stupid question?Obviously, the answer was clearly "no".- Aren't you afraid of anything?" she asked, staring intently at him.He stared back and, after a few seconds of silence, finally replied in a serious tone:- No, I'm not. If it doesn't concern you, then no, I'm not afraid of anything.- Do I frighten you?" she asked in a whisper, sensing that the fear of losing her was not only the meaning of her answer, but that she herself reflected a certain fear.The thin layer of grey that came to veil his almost blue eyes indicated that she had put her finger on one of the real reasons.- Not you," he replied.- What then?" she wanted to know.- Your words, Hermione," he admitted darkly. Your words are the only things that really frighten me...
The landing of two rows of vampires in perfect alignment heralded the Queen's entrance and the end of the discussion, although Hermione could not put it out of her mind for the moment. The young woman watched carefully as the two lines advanced towards them, probably preceding the Queen. A large stone throne appeared behind them, barely above the ground, just like the two vampires flanking it.Hermione caught sight of the Vampire Queen. She was stunned. Not by her obvious beauty, still with those same emerald green eyes and skin as black as night, but by her size. The little vampire sitting on that throne was a child of no more than seven years of age.Despite her surprise, Hermione recovered herself quickly and put on an impassive face, since not staring at vampires was one of the universal rules. She didn't know what attitude to adopt and preferred to lower her eyes rather than meet those of the child.- You weren't expecting to see me so young, were you?" asked the childish voice.Like every time a vampire asked her a question, Hermione sensed a trap. She felt that she shouldn't offend her, but lying to her would be worse.- Yes," she said, her eyes still on the ground.- Look at me when you talk to me," ordered the Queen in a calm but authoritative tone.
Hermione obeyed, and looked up at the little vampire.- Are you hungry?" she asked.Up until now Hermione hadn't really had time to think about it, but now that she was paying attention, a hollow formed in her stomach, however the stress would prevent her from swallowing anything. Nevertheless, she contented herself with answering the initial question:- Yes, I am a little hungry.- Majesty," Draco added to correct his partner's ignorance.- Will you be my guests, then," she offered.- With pleasure," replied Hermione.The young Queen looked at her expressionlessly, then said:- Avoid pleasant formalities, witch, when they are not sincere.Then her throne swung to one side and Hermione stood dumbfounded, replaying the scene in her mind to understand her mistake. It didn't take her long to realise that the Queen perfectly assumed that Hermione wouldn't "enjoy" having lunch with vampires, as she had just claimed more out of polite habit than false flattery. So Hermione vowed to think twice before uttering any more words. Unfortunately, Majesty or not, this vampire would not escape what was for Hermione the basis of an understanding.
- Excuse me, Majesty," she tried.The latter turned slightly towards her, probably taken aback to see her speak so easily when she seemed petrified.- I'm Hermione Granger.- My name is Hermione Granger," she said politely. And I'd like to be called that if Your Majesty would allow me.Surprised by such frankness, the little Queen nodded.- My name is Leeyame," she said.- Pleased to meet you at last," smiled Hermione, bowing slightly. And I mean that sincerely.- I know, I can feel it. Let's go and eat, I'm starving.Reluctantly, Hermione followed her, accompanied by her bodyguard. They sat down around a long stone table, the legs of which blended into the floor. Queen Leeyame sat at the far end, still seated on her throne, while Inaya sat to her right. The male vampires disappeared just as a dozen or so females arrived, just as richly dressed as their Queen, with long furs and elegant headdresses.- Let's eat!" exclaimed a familiar voice.
Dowelle stormed into the hut, looking as graceful as ever. He was soon followed by Soane, and Hermione only realised that she had perhaps been a little too obnoxious with members of the royal family. Azaan was not present, nor were the others. Just as Draco was about to take his place next to Hermione, Soane quickly slipped in beside him and found himself sitting on the chair with a big, playful smile on his face. Draco, who normally couldn't bear to be outdone, was nevertheless content to change places and, much to the former Gryffindor's dismay, sat opposite Inaya. The latter made no secret of her delight and even allowed herself a satisfied glance at Hermione.- Humans for lunch?" Dowelle exclaimed happily, looking at the only woman at the table. Nice intention Leeyame, but just now she regurgitated a horror that only humans are capable of, so I'm not touching it!- So much the better, in that case," replied Soane, pleased.- Behave yourself," declared the young Queen. She's our guest. At least for the duration of the meal, then we'll see...
Hermione stopped breathing. All the vampires without exception burst out laughing at her tense face, and it took Hermione a while to realise that it was a joke. But she didn't laugh with them, and kept silent. After all, if they liked honesty, she wouldn't hide from them for long that she found their humour in very bad taste.A male vampire appeared with two plates filled with pieces of meat, and as he placed a Frisbee-sized piece of steak in front of each of them, he left Hermione and Draco with the two plates and some cutlery. The young woman was astonished to recognise their own crockery, that belonging to their shelter.- Have you been in our hut?" she said, looking at her plate, her eyebrows furrowed.The silence that answered intrigued her and Hermione looked up before meeting the Queen's cold eyes.- I meant well," she replied icily.- Oh, I'm sure it was," Hermione added immediately. I don't blame you for anything, believe me.
Uneasy, she turned her head away from Draco. He remained impassive, which didn't help her much. Apparently he'd left her to her problems from then on, and was only acting as her bodyguard. Very well, then, she should manage without him and put forward a quality he didn't have: sociability. Unfortunately, these creatures really weren't easy to decipher, and Hermione had the impression that she'd made nothing but missteps since the beginning.She glanced down at the huge piece of meat in front of her; it smelt appetising. Only hers and Draco's had been cooked, which she really appreciated, because even with all the effort in the world, she wouldn't have been able to eat it raw like them. Everyone waited patiently for the Queen to begin, which she did under the impressed eyes of the young human. Indeed, her long, slender fingers grasped the steak with dexterity, as if the meat were as light as a feather, and brought it up to her jaw, whose sharp teeth sliced through the flesh as easily as if it had been butter. Without bothering to chew, the vampire gobbled up half the meat.
The others then began to do the same, and it would not have been surprising if eating the meat in two was a form of politeness, for Dowelle disregarded all civility and gobbled it all up. Hermione concentrated on her own meal, trying to ignore the savagery around her. She grabbed her cutlery and began to cut a small piece, before poking it with a fork and bringing it to her mouth. The meat was exquisite, tender and perfectly cooked. A real delight.- Now that she's tasted it," said Dowelle, noisily licking her fingers, "can we tell her it's human meat?Hermione spat abruptly. The urge to vomit seized her but the new bursts of laughter dissuaded her from getting angry.- Another joke, isn't it?" she said coldly.- Venison," Soane said, pointing to the plate with his chin.- It's hilarious," she couldn't help retorting.- Am I dreaming or has this human just been being ironic in a vampire den?" said one of the females Hermione didn't know. Has she at least been taught the rules of survival, poor thing?She had said that with a smile, and for once Hermione was glad she was joking.- Yes, I learned your rules," she said frankly. But don't get me wrong, there are a lot of them and until a few days ago I didn't even know you existed!- Vexant," grinned Dowelle.
- Don't take this the wrong way," continued Hermione, who was pouring out her heart, "but you're asking me to be sincere with every word I say, and to be polite at the same time. How can I say what I think if it's going to offend you? I don't quite understand the mix of frankness and hypocritical politeness, those two things don't go together.The vampires smiled, including the Queen.- But you've just done it, my dear," said the Queen. And perfectly. You've just been honest with us about your opinion, and you've done it very skilfully. You should know, Hermione Granger, that we feel your every emotion through you, and that being used to concealing your annoyance, for example, you don't understand why we are sceptical about your fine words. But we feel it, the annoyance. There's no point hiding it, because it's there.Hermione nodded. It was clearer now; every time she had thought she was being courteous, they had sensed this fear and annoyance deep inside her, so it was not surprising to see them react so badly.Still a little tense, Hermione finished eating her slender meal before the fascinated eyes of the vampires, whose plates had long since been empty. Draco seemed perfectly relaxed and swallowed his last piece of meat before looking up at her and meeting her hazel eyes.
- Did you hear that?" suddenly exclaimed the female vampire who had seemed so sympathetic.The others nodded in agreement.- It's incredible how fast it is," added Dowelle, her eyebrows furrowed.- And it hits hard, very hard," added the Queen.Hermione was completely lost, but didn't dare ask the slightest question and just looked surprised. Leeyame replied with a smile:- Your heart, my dear. We thought we were having a heart attack when that young man laid eyes on you.Hermione was horrified and didn't need a mirror to see the scarlet colour of her cheeks. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't calm the pounding of her heart, which began to race again. Terribly ashamed, she didn't know what to say and wanted to sink into the ground when she saw Draco's little smile.- Oh, you can laugh, young Draco Malfoy!" continued the Queen, paying no attention to the embarrassment she had caused Hermione. But I'm not even talking about yours! He's been busting our chops ever since you arrived and only our politeness prevents us from complaining, believe me!
- Yeah, it's a real racket in there," grumbled one vampire.- Headache-inducing," grumbled another.This time, it was Hermione's turn to smile. But the former Slytherin didn't seem the least bit embarrassed, too aware of his feelings to be ashamed of them. Unlike her, he was even proud to show them.- That was very good," Hermione said as she put down her cutlery.Her hope of a diversion had obviously not escaped anyone, but she was grateful to the vampires for not insisting. Perhaps it was time for her to finally talk about why she had come, but she was getting to know these creatures and something told her that the moment would only come when the Queen had decided. All she hoped was that it wouldn't take several centuries, as their notion of time was surely very different. Hermione felt a little ashamed as she remembered that hundreds of wizards were dying every day, that the war was still raging outside, while she was quietly safe. Or so she hoped.- By the way," said the same unknown female, "she's a human, and humans sleep at night, don't they? They must be tired Leeyame, let's let them go home.- Are you tired?" the Queen asked Hermione.She glanced quickly at Draco. The idea of being alone with him after such a humiliation didn't appeal to her, and the presence of the vampires was even preferable. In any case, the whole adventure had kept her awake and she wouldn't feel tired until she thought about it. Besides, she might as well get used to living at night, since the negotiations, which apparently promised to be lengthy, could not take place during the day.- No," she answered frankly.- Perfect! How about a tour of our house?Before she had time to reply with an "OK" that probably wouldn't have been very enthusiastic, Soane reacted immediately:- I'll be the guide!Hermione was noticing more and more how Draco was being ignored. As Bernard had told her, vampires had more complicity with women, men representing lies and infidelity. But strangely, although she knew how much he hated being in the background, he didn't complain about anything. Perhaps he was aware of the danger he was running here and preferred to keep silent, but Draco had never been respectful of rules, whatever they might be.A frozen hand grabbing her wrist pulled her from her thoughts. Soane was leading her out of the hut, but Hermione freed herself from the embrace. A little too abruptly perhaps, given the cold, misunderstood look on the vampire's face. Just as she was about to apologise and admit that she couldn't bear to be led away by force, Draco, who seemed to have learnt that old lesson, stepped in first:- Don't force her against her will," he said, his jaws clenching.Hermione, sensing that the tension already existing between the two men was just waiting to explode, tried to calm things down, but once again, Soane reacted with impressive speed:- Vampires don't really like taking orders," he said, coming dangerously close to the handsome blond face, which remained unmoved. Even less so from humans. So back off...- I'm not the sort of man to take orders from, either," he replied icily. I have to protect her and leaving her alone with a vampire isn't part of my contract.- Don't worry, I'll take care of her," he smiled wickedly, running his tongue over his gleaming canines.This was too much for Draco, who reached into his pocket, but Inaya came to stand beside her brother with lightning speed.- He's looking for you, Draco Malfoy," she said seriously. You know nothing will happen to him, trust us.Draco hesitated, turned his gaze on his protégé, then took his hand away from his wand before saying to Hermione:- I don't trust them, I trust you. Be careful.Hermione nodded shyly, then reluctantly left the man of her life in Inaya's hands, while she placed hers in Soane's. She felt Draco stare at her until she could see him. She felt Draco stare at her until she disappeared outside the royal hut. She looked up at the handsome vampire, who seemed to have softened, and concentrated on calming her heart rate, which betrayed her fear. He was the first vampire who had seemed different to her, the first one she had trusted, but his recent attitude made her cautious now.- I was only joking," he said suddenly as they walked through the stone caves. I won't hurt you.Hermione couldn't help smiling, delighted to hear it.- Only humans never understand our humour," he continued.- It's rather... peculiar," she admitted. But it's true that Draco doesn't like to be teased about certain subjects that are close to his heart.
- Like you, for example," he guessed at once, with a hint of contempt in his voice.Hermione finally answered a short "yes", and preferred to change the subject. Since she seemed to be rather fond of this vampire, she might as well try to find out a little more about his surroundings in the hope of advancing her mission, which was really falling behind. All he had to do was close his mind and make sure his manipulation was not discovered.- Your Queen is young, I was surprised.- She's young, but she's much older and more mature than the rest of us.- Is that so?- A Pureblood bit her when she was just seven years old, and she's kept that appearance ever since, but her mind is centuries old.- Is she the one who founded the tribe?- No, it was her mother, and her creator. When Moana was bitten by a Pureblood, she couldn't bring herself to abandon her family, as the rules dictate. Although she was able to separate from her husband, she could not leave her daughter and bit her to live with her forever. Unaware of their new life, they tried to join clans but were immediately rejected because of Leeyame's youth. So they created their own tribe, and we've been living in hiding for a long time now.- It's a beautiful story," commented Hermione, captivated.
Another question was on her mind: where was Moana now? But she was afraid her curiosity was misplaced and kept silent. She wondered what the point of visiting this huge hive of dormitories was, before remembering the weapon probably hidden here somewhere.- There are only dormitories as far as I can see," Hermione smiled, trying to make her first approach.- Yes, I admit that this visit was more about getting to know you.- Get to know me? Oh, you want to know if I'm hiding any secret plans against your family, is that it?- No, I know that's not the case, you're not like the others. By that I mean knowing you, as a human. You're very beautiful.Surprised by such frankness, Hermione immediately felt the need to put herself down in order to feel more at ease:- Not as much as the rest of you. You're so... graceful.
Silence fell and as they took yet another path, Hermione turned her head to the right and stopped in front of a corridor that was different from the others. While cavities were usually separated by small passages, here was an immense, very narrow corridor that seemed infinitely deep. There was no light at all coming from this dark corridor, which seemed blocked off, closed off like a dead end. A mysterious and disturbing atmosphere reigned in this long and peculiar alley, and even before asking, Hermione knew that she would not be allowed to enter.- What's that?" she whispered, without taking her eyes off the place.- Nothing," Soane replied firmly. Let's get on with it.
Her conscience, which wanted to stay alive, begged Hermione to obey, but her curiosity, which drove her in the opposite direction, gave her an argument she could not ignore: her mission. Did she have the slightest chance of ever coming back here? How could she find her way through such a labyrinth without getting lost for good before being cornered by a vampire? No, the opportunity was too good. If the famous weapon was somewhere in this lair, it had to be there, Hermione could feel it in her bones. Something was drawing her to this corridor, a strange force that was urging her to approach.- Hermione Granger?" called Soane, snapping her out of her reverie.- What's at the end of this corridor?- I told you, there's nothing there.- I don't believe you.Hermione realised her own frankness and turned to the frowning vampire.- 'You don't like lies,' she said softly. 'Then don't lie to me. Just tell me I'm not supposed to know what's in here, and I'll understand.He scrutinised her with his green eyes and the young woman lowered hers as soon as she felt his charm touch her. After a moment, his deep, beautiful voice rang out:
- I didn't remember that there were still humans like you, with such a pure and sincere soul. It's strange not to feel any hatred inside your heart, and yet I don't feel it's happy.- Let's say he's missing the other half," she smiled sadly.Soane remained silent, continuing to stare at her. Then he said at last:- I'm not normally allowed to talk about it. But I want to show you.So, without a word, he walked past her and into the dark corridor. Hermione was a little ashamed of having abused his trust, but nonetheless happy to have succeeded in obtaining it. It wasn't long before she could no longer make out anything, and the young woman walked very slowly along the wall while the vampire was already at the end. When she sensed his presence, she stopped.Then, without warning, she was seized by fear. Was she alone with a vampire, far from her bodyguard, in a huge corridor with no light? Did she have anything to worry about? Was he listening to her heart pounding in her chest, paralysing her?- Have no fear...
Obviously, yes.- Sorry, it's nerves," she apologised.- Do I frighten you that much?He had spoken slowly, almost with pain in his voice, as if he were suffering from his caution. Hermione would have liked to reassure him, but she knew that hiding her emotions was impossible:- A little," she admitted in an almost inaudible whisper.Talking to him like that without seeing him, but feeling him behind her, didn't help Hermione.- Why are you afraid of me and not of him?His voice, so soft a few seconds ago, had just taken on an unfamiliar coldness in which anger shone through. Hermione stiffened a little more at this new, not very reassuring tone of voice and remained silent, intimidated.- Why," he continued icily, "when I offer you my trust, do you prefer to place it in the hands of this being whose soul emanates evil and perfidy?Petrified, Hermione didn't dare reply or move. She sensed that he was really angry and didn't know what to do to calm him down. What if he were to mutate? Hermione didn't think much of him in that case.- He's not like that," she whispered, trembling.
- This man has the reflection of the devil," he contradicts through clenched teeth. Let me protect you from him.- I don't need protection," she declared firmly. I'm in no danger from him, it's your turn to trust me.Slowly, she turned around and saw two green diamonds. After an eternal minute, Soane let out a sigh and walked past her again.- I would have tried to warn you, but I'll look after you anyway.He brought her wrist up to his mouth and barely brushed it against his canine, which split the black skin as easily as a razor. He'd done it so quickly that the young woman didn't even have time to feel sickened. Dark blood poured out in abundance, but the vampire didn't seem to suffer for it. He placed his now red hand against the stone door and muttered a few words in his own language. Immediately, the partition swung open like the sesame rock in The Forty Thieves. And that was exactly what Hermione felt like at the moment, a thief. She was entering a place reserved for these creatures in order to find what she was looking for and take it for the good of her human race.
There was a gigantic hut, three times the size of the Queen's, and so spacious that it looked like the whole hive. But just as Hermione was expecting to discover some sort of secret chest containing an object of rare value, she was surprised to find herself in a sort of immense wild jungle.Huge green plants of inordinate height were lined up against the walls, forming a large central walkway. Hundreds of different flowers and small trees filled the room, giving off a host of different scents. A real living forest spread out before her eyes, even the grass under her feet seemed too green to be real.- Merlin, where are we?" she asked in wonder.- In our secret laboratory," he replied proudly.- A laboratory?- Follow me.Just as he was about to take her by the hand, he immediately retracted his gesture and contented himself with making sure she followed. Hermione walked through all this greenery made up of plants, each one as strange as the next, sometimes even frightening. Some were mobile and tried to get out of their clay pots, others, surely more dangerous, were enclosed inside a glass protection.
- Don't any of these...things need light?" asked Hermione.- No, magic is enough. Everything here is full of magic, you should feel it as a witch.Her eyes then fell on the source of what should have been her happiness, but which was her misfortune: in a remote corner grew a species of plant that Hermione would recognise in a thousand. A large spongy ball that looked strangely like jelly, pinkish and dotted with small blue spots, with a smell and appearance that were more than repulsive, it was a crop of Bulborbus that Hermione had discovered.- Do you know this variety?" asked Soane, who noticed her sudden interest in what usually had none at all.- I studied it in class," she replied simply. The substance contained in the blue spots is used to make the love filter.- You must have been a good student," he observed. But you couldn't guess even half of the characteristics of this plant.
The young woman didn't say anything, it was better to keep quiet. She looked for a moment at all the little hearts beating inside each plant, and realised that a single heart represented two complementary beings, but they would never know. She had been lucky, or unlucky, to be the only witch in centuries to meet her soul mate. Once again, thoughts of escape began to creep into her mind, of ways to break the rule of the Oath, but Soane snapped her out of her reverie:- Bulborbus only grows here, they're not rare but extremely precious and coveted by wizards. The purple heart you see inside is worth a lot of money in your world.- That's interesting," she says, her throat tightening. So, what do you want to show me?Hermione followed him again, trying to hide the heart-rending nostalgia that the plant inspired in her.
They then arrived at what seemed to be the second part of this secret place, a large scientific laboratory where countless strange instruments were on display, probably used for analysis. The floor was littered with flowers that looked deteriorated and smelt foul, which the young woman assumed were failed experiments. Test tubes, connected by dozens of tubes through which liquids of varying greenness flowed, were laid out on stone tables. The plants were all enclosed in glass bubbles, accompanied by a host of instruments to ensure their proper care.- What's all this?" exclaimed Hermione.- It's obvious you don't know much about our species," he smiled, stroking the rough leaf of a small daisy with blue petals with his finger.- If it's secret at the same time, I don't see how I could know anything about it.- The location of our laboratory is unknown, but what we do there is far from secret, especially from your bloody Ministry.- Wait, the Ministry knows about this?
- You'd think he'd know! How do you think it's possible to work such magic on these plants? Purebloods retain very few powers from their former life as witches, it all belongs to the Ministry.- I don't understand," she admitted. And why is that? And what are these experiments for?- Long before wizards discovered our existence," Soane explained, "vampires had a great love of nature and began to want to discover it, to exploit it in order to create remedies or all sorts of magical solutions. With eternity ahead of us, invention turned out to be a fascinating pastime. So, for hundreds of years, each tribe set about creating its own researchers, improving each of their inventions and combining them with others to produce new mixtures useful for a variety of purposes. But the level of magic was still very low, and we were having more fun than anything else. Then the wizarding community found out about our activities.Soane didn't seem upset, and he must have noticed her astonishment because he explained:- I'm not a very old vampire, it's all the story of my ancestors. I was taught to hate witches, and the years have shown me just how destructive they can be.- We're not all like that," Hermione defended in a calm voice.
- I know, and you're proving it.- What happened next? What did they do with your inventions?- They destroyed everything, believing it to be weapons that we were planning to use against them. But they kept a certain number of plants to study them, and when they discovered how these inventions were proving to be real jewels for their medicine, they wanted to know how we made them. But we kept our mouths shut, and every vampire they killed with their bloody magic wand took the secret to his grave.- It's awful," she breathed.- They killed so many that our race became extinct," he continued. Violence didn't help, so they made a deal with my ancestors, but they kept their control over us. We would continue our secret activities and our inventions would be theirs by right. In exchange, they would provide us with magic and greatly improve our means of creation. The Ministry presented this as a contract, but we knew very well that refusal would lead to our definitive extermination.- But that's slavery!" said Hermione indignantly.- I'm surprised you don't know, your leaders must be good at hiding things like that.- I don't believe it!" she snapped. How can they...
- They're much stronger than us, that's how they do it. But things have changed since the war.- How have things changed?- The Ministry is frightened by the idea of us joining their enemy camp, and has suddenly become very sympathetic, regularly sending us wizards like you to make us crazy offers. But we're not stupid, far from it.Hermione remained silent for a moment, realising just how much the Ministry had taken her for a fool. So they had already sent Aurors before her? And to think that that monster Bernard had bamboozled her with his stories about the heroine who was supposedly the only one capable of saving the world. Had he said the same thing to all the others? He must have. But in fact, what had become of all those others? Hermione felt another pang of fear. Perhaps now was not the time to ask, as the answer did not promise anything good.However, despite this information which made her want to throw everything away rather than risk her life for liars, Hermione would continue her mission. The Ministry's methods might have been abhorrent, but their intentions remained good: to save the magical population, and in that she was concerned.
- It's very important that you don't tell anyone about this place, Hermione Granger," said Soane. If the Ministry get their hands on this lab, they'll be a lot less friendly and come and help themselves.- I won't say anything," Hermione promised. But I thought the Ministry reaped the fruits of your research?- They do.- In that case, why is it so important to keep this place secret?Soane seemed reluctant to answer, then said in an uncertain voice:- They want... certain things," he said suddenly nervously. Things we refuse to give them.That was it, at last. Hermione felt she was getting closer to her goal.- Some things?" she encouraged him to continue.- We shouldn't talk about them," he said. I really shouldn't.- You're hiding something precious here, aren't you? Something you're protecting...- It's none of your business," he cut her off curtly. I've already said and done too much.It was then that, unconsciously, the vampire swept his gaze across the room for a split second that did not escape the young woman. She knew immediately that the weapon was here, not far away. She would have to come back, she didn't know where or how, but she would.
For the moment, there was no need to insist in any case. Soane seemed to realise how much he had just trusted her, and seemed to regret it a little more every second. Before he had time to think about it any further, Hermione declared cheerfully, innocently:- Excuse me, I'm so curious! she laughed. Your whole species fascinates me and I know I've gone too far. I'm grateful to you for showing me all this and, don't worry, it'll all be forgotten once we're out of here!She smiled gently at him, but he remained unmoved. Then, after a few interminable seconds, he declared dangerously:- You're lying, Hermione Granger.She lost her smile and just stared at him as intently as he was doing.- I know you hide things inside you," he said. I know that you're a very intelligent human and your interests are still focused on a happy end to the war, not on the well-being of my people.She should have been afraid, she should have backed away, she should have started to think about running, but there was nothing she could do; she didn't feel in any danger. For despite his words, his voice was soft and reassuring. 
- And yet," he continued, "and yet I feel deep inside you that every one of your plans and actions, every one of your words and intentions, are harmless and have no intention of harming anyone. And that's why you can be sure that nothing will ever happen to you here, you're safe. I don't want to feel your fear any more, it hurts me.- Thank you," she murmured, touched.But she couldn't say another word, her throat was too knotted. She didn't know whether he had said all that to make her feel guilty and thus dissuade her from any attempt at betrayal, or whether vampires were really endearing creatures, but Hermione felt a sudden pang of guilt at what she was about to do. She almost wanted to tell him everything, to ask for his help and to keep a friendship that was beginning to be precious to her. However, she was perfectly aware of the risk of confessing the truth, which might not be appreciated by everyone because, as she knew, Soane was part of a clan and decisions were taken together.- The sun will be up soon," he said. Your dear bodyguard won't like it if I don't bring you back in good condition, as I promised.Hermione laughed.
- I don't need his permission for any of my choices," she declared. And I had a lovely time with you, whether he liked it or not.He gave her a dazzling smile and Hermione felt as if she had found the Soane she had met in the forest, young and playful.- Shall I take you home?" he said, holding out his hand. Without transplaning, don't worry.Hermione joined his hand with hers and let herself be carried away again by the light breeze that gently lifted her above the ground. In a few seconds, the two of them found themselves outside the gigantic stone hive, floating a few metres from the cavities. Hermione then saw a bunch of vampires appear inside and move quickly between the dormitories.- What are they doing?" she asked curiously.- They're going to bed," he announced, delighted to see her interest.Hermione then watched with captivated eyes as each vampire stood up in the centre of a square that seemed appropriate for him, and it was straight and stiff as a post that the creatures gently closed their green jewels, motionless.- Are they asleep?" inquired Hermione, enchanted by such a rare sight.- Yes," she heard him whisper in her ear. Nothing can wake them now, they're waiting for the next night.
He then slipped his hand into hers and led her through the dawning dawn to the cabin. Hermione felt light and not dizzy as he flew her along with superhuman gentleness. As she set foot on the wooden floor of her own hut, Hermione couldn't stop thinking about these creatures, which she had imagined to be ugly and bloodthirsty, but which in fact turned out to be pleasant and very mysterious.- Fascinating..." she commented, ecstatic.- Not as fascinating as you...Hermione turned slowly to find herself a few centimetres away from the beautiful black face with its fine features. She felt his frozen breath chill her cheeks, then finally looked up at him. An attraction immediately took hold of her that prevented her from moving, completely hypnotised by such a gaze. She was beginning to feel cold and wanted to go inside, but her legs refused to move in the slightest, paralysed. She saw the vampire approach even closer and it was as if all her worries and anxieties had been swept away, replaced by a feeling of well-being and total confidence in him.- Stop that right now," Draco's cold voice said.Hermione immediately came to and turned her head away from him, still a little shaken. The spell broken, Soane in turn turned his head towards the human who was seriously beginning to annoy him. Leaning against the small doorframe, he was glaring at the intruder with his magnetic grey gaze, and seemed to be maintaining a great deal of self-control, given the rapid throbbing of a vein in his temple and the continuous twitching of his jaw.- Or what?" Soane said with a smile that revealed his white teeth.- Or I'll punch you in the face and make a necklace out of your fangs.Unlike Soane, Draco didn't seem at all amused by this little game, but genuinely angry. Hermione hesitated to intervene, but what side should she take? She understood Draco but had no grudge against Soane, so whatever choice she made, one of them would come out angry and that was bad in both cases.The vampire finally lifted himself off the young woman and approached Draco, who in turn straightened up.- Are we jealous?" he sneered.- Not only jealous, but out of my mind, so I might as well warn you that it's not good for you.Soane stopped moving towards him but it was Drago who approached.- You're no danger to me," spat the vampire. But you are to her!Draco drew his wand swiftly and thrust it under the creature's chin, but it didn't flinch a millimetre.- Keep her out of this!" he cried. I'm no threat to her, and whatever you're thinking, she knows it!- Oh, she does, does she?" murmured Soane, happy to push his buttons. Well, it's just that you're not capable of reading her, I suppose. But it doesn't matter after all, all you have to do is ask her...Hermione froze at the same time as Draco, afraid of what was about to happen.- Come on, Hermione Granger," continued the vampire as he stared at the young man. Deceive me, and assure him that he has your complete trust...Draco, who was still holding his wand just as tightly, didn't dare raise his eyes to her and waited, as if terrified by the former Gryffindor's silence. The latter remained as motionless as the other two, trapped in the trap. Did she trust Draco Malfoy? In his love, yes, a little more every day. But in him?Draco finally lifted his grey eyes to hers and Hermione was painfully struck by that look of misunderstanding. He was clearly waiting for an answer, but she couldn't give it to him and so kept silent. It was Soane who broke the silence:- Looks like you're not the only one with secrets of your own...Draco looked down at him. He seemed weak all of a sudden, his mind seemed elsewhere and Hermione could feel his pain all the way up here. Perhaps he felt betrayed, abandoned, alone? She didn't know, but his silence had obviously been destructive.- What do you think, Soane," he murmured. That because she doubts me she'll come closer to you? What exactly are you hoping for? That she'll fall in love with you?Busted, Soane didn't answer. He seemed to lose his joviality and it was Draco's turn to burst out laughing.- You're not serious?" he laughed. Have you seen yourself? You're a vampire, mate, you hunt for food and you live by night, do you think that's a life for her? Come back down to earth, she'll never be yours, ever.Hermione again had the unpleasant feeling of being an object to be fought over. Just as she was about to put an end to this argument, which was getting out of hand, a familiar noise suddenly arose. Hermione had no difficulty in recognising the dangerous growl of a vampire before the mutation.- Are we angry?" laughed Draco, whom the young woman recognised less and less in this state. Did I say something wrong?The growling redoubled in intensity. Soane was increasingly adopting a sitting position, a hunting position...
- Malfoy, stop!" she begged. He'll mutate!- I'll tell you what's irritating you," he continued, ignoring her warnings. What you can't stand, in fact, is that the heart that has been ringing in your ears for hours, that sometimes beats so loudly it gives you a headache, what you can't stand, in reality, is that it's not beating for you!The roar tore through the new dawn. Its eyes blood red, the creature threw itself savagely at Draco. Hermione let out a shrill scream and drew her own wand. But Draco didn't need any help and propelled the vampire into the air before immobilising it in flight with his wand. He struggled to his feet, hatred disfiguring his face. His torn shirt gave a clear view of the claw marks on the white skin of his shoulder, which was now bleeding. For a moment, Hermione saw a stranger. Draco was beside himself, slowly letting the evil take over...- Why don't we wait until daybreak, eh Soane?" he exclaimed, levitating the vampire a few metres away from the hut, his feet dangling in the air. And what if I let you sunbathe in the sun for a few hours?
Soane lost his red pupils. His tense body relaxed and a look of fear came over his face. The first ray of sunlight had just pierced the still dark sky.- No!" cried Hermione, coming closer. Malfoy, let him go, please listen to me!Malfoy remained motionless, his wand firmly pointed at the vampire, his breathing ragged and his eyes greyer than ever. The evil was clearly visible on his usually smooth face, his soul had let the darkness take hold of it, and Hermione prayed to Merlin that he would manage to come out of this terrifying torpor.- Draco..." she breathed, her eyes streaming with tears.His eyelids twitched and his gaze slackened into confusion.- Come back to me," she said, coming up behind him. I need you, please...Draco closed his eyes and clenched his jaws. Then, carefully, he lowered his wand. Soane breathed a sigh of relief at the same time as the young woman and said in a hoarse voice:
- You see, Draco Malfoy, you are a danger to her...With that, he glanced at Hermione and disappeared over the horizon. Draco didn't move, his eyes fixed on the distance, lost. Less frightened than she probably should have been, Hermione placed her cold hand against Draco's hot back. He did not react to her touch, which was the most hurtful.- Maybe he's right..." he murmured. Maybe I am dangerous for you...Hermione shook her head.- Of course you're not. I've never felt safer since you've been here.Draco lowered his head, let out a tired sigh, then turned back to her. Hermione was pleased to find two light grey eyes with a hint of blue in them. Then, gently, he brought his finger to her wet cheek and picked up one of the tears, before bringing it back to eye level and gazing at her in disgust.- Scared you, didn't I?" he said softly.Hermione didn't answer, unable to lie at the moment, even to reassure him.He then took both her hands and joined them with his own, his face serious:
- You know I'd never hurt you, don't you Hermione?She nodded slowly.- What you just saw," he continued, "that wasn't me. I'm not evil, Hermione, believe me. My only evil is you.- No," she said, shaking her head at the surprised look on his face. No. The one I just saw was you. It's a dark side that you hide, but it's you. And even if you claim that I alone am responsible for this anger, you know that's not true. That Malfoy is part of you, and he's the one who makes me doubt whether you're good, the one who may have led you back to Voldemort.- So it was true," he said sadly, letting go of her hands. You don't trust me.- Don't be angry with me for asking certain questions," Hermione replied, watching him turn his back on her again. You disappeared for a year Malfoy! A year during which everyone was convinced that you had joined the Lord's followers! Then, without warning, you come back into my life just as I'm leaving on a mission, you remain mysterious about your past and sometimes you disappear for a few hours during the day without any explanation when you return! By Merlin, how can I ignore all these details?Determined, she walked around him and planted herself in front of him.
- All I ask is to trust you," she says softly. But you're not helping me, not at all.Draco looked around, but couldn't meet her hazel eyes. Then, after a moment, he pierced her with his grey gaze.- I can't," he said breathlessly. I'm sorry, Hermione, but some things belong in the past and it's better if they stay there.He was silent for a moment, then said:- I love you Hermione Granger. And if that's not enough to earn your trust, I'm sorry, but I have nothing more to offer.Hermione lowered her head, her heart racing. The last time Draco had said those words had been the day they parted. Hearing them again brought out a surge of love in her that she had been trying to suppress until then, and a sudden desire to kiss him seized her, no matter the consequences. She looked up at him and just as she was about to do what she had been dreaming of doing for over a year, Draco turned on his heels and headed inside before declaring with his back still turned, standing in the doorway:- I'm sorry, Hermione. I probably love you more than I can bear, and I must be suffocating to protect you so much.He only turned his head to the side and finished:
- But I can't do otherwise. For the first time in my life, there's something I can't control, and that's my feelings. I seem to have found something much stronger than myself...Then he disappeared into the cabin, leaving Hermione alone with herself. Unlike him, she had managed to be stronger than her feelings and controlled herself relentlessly. But she had had enough, the suffering was becoming unbearable and yet she couldn't help taking it as a sign that he had turned away at the moment of her kiss. Hermione couldn't even imagine what kind of trouble she would have been in if the last few seconds had been any different. She had suffered so much for so long that all that pain would be wasted if she broke down now.
But when she went inside and found him slumped in the armchair, his face dark and his heart broken, Hermione couldn't help but go and look at him. His shoulder was bleeding profusely, but he wasn't paying any attention. She went off to look in her bag and came back with the first-aid kit she had thought it useful to take with her, then knelt down at his level before starting to disinfect without asking his opinion. He didn't object and let her do it, merely looking at her. Hermione could feel his heavy gaze on her, and she concentrated so that her fingers would stop trembling as she applied a bandage.- There," she said in a low voice when she had finished. I hope it holds, I'm not very good at this.- That's very good," he assured her without taking his eyes off her.Hermione let out a little sigh, still a little tense.- You know," she said as she stood up. My best friend once told me that he never wanted to see me again. I was so devastated that I didn't think I'd ever be able to cheer up again. Well, I found it again that very evening, thanks to someone I had no idea could be so compassionate.
To her great relief, she saw him give a small smile. He remembered.- He gave me a miracle cure," she continued. And it works, believe me. Since then, whenever I feel sad, I take the broom he gave me for Christmas and fly away from all my worries.Seeing that he didn't react, she suggested:- Come with me.He looked up at her.- How can I forget my worries," he said, "if they come with me?- Very well," she breathed, hurt. Then I'll stay here, you go on your own, you need it.- No, that would be worse.- Then do it for me! Because I need it.Draco got up before her pleading eyes, left for the bedroom and returned a moment later with a new shirt and broom in hand.- Tell you what," he said, taking a deep breath. I'm going to do what I did when I was thinking about you this summer. From now on I'm not going to think of you as the person who hurts like hell every time I think about her, every time she looks at me, or smiles at me...His voice broke and he had to pause, before resuming:- From now on I'll see you as the one who brings me more happiness than anyone could ever hope to have, the one who revives my whole being with a single look, the one who simply makes me happy... It's easier that way.
Hermione was speechless once again. He was amused:- By dint of all my fantasies about what my life with you would be like, I end up becoming a romantic. Knowing you, I hope that's at least one quality you can appreciate in me!- Why do you say that?" she says, following him outside. I appreciate a lot more than one, you know.- Oh oh, a lot more? he laughed. That sounds like the beginning of a statement, Miss Granger, doesn't it? If this keeps up, you'll become as strong as me!- I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself, Malfoy, but I mean it! You're not the same person I knew at Hogwarts all those years ago.- I'm even more perfect than I was, that's all," he said with a smile.- Well, some things don't change, apparently, like pretension, for example.He got on the broom and looked into the former Gryffindor's hazel eyes.- You know," he said, "the reason I was so pretentious was because I knew how much it pissed you off. And I loved it!
Hermione patted him on the shoulder and came to stand behind him, as in the good old days. Without warning, her foot barely touched the ground and the broom rose into the air. As she had expected, Draco picked up speed in a matter of seconds and she had to hold on tightly to him. She was sure it was on purpose. But she was happy to do so, and laid her head against his back as she closed her eyes, enjoying this contact which she was entitled to and which had the gift of bringing her back to life for a few happy minutes.Less terrified than she had feared, the dizziness was easy to ignore and Hermione let herself be guided through the sky, which was letting its black cloak fall to welcome the awakening of a sun that was still tired. The light lightened little by little, but the night left the cold behind and the young woman regretted not having dressed more. Draco felt the invisible link that made two beings one, and landed in a field of flowers the next moment. The morning dew made the grass damp, but Hermione paid no attention to it and collapsed in the middle of the immense green expanse of an infinite landscape. He lay down beside her and they both gazed at the few remaining stars.- It feels really good," Hermione confirmed, breathing in the fresh air.
His silence intrigued her and she turned her head towards him. His eyes stared up at the sky, his chest slowly rising and falling, and he seemed calm and at peace. His blond hair didn't need the rare rays of sunlight to keep it as bright as gold, and the cold had slightly pinkened his lips, which Hermione had almost kissed a few moments earlier. She shuddered at the thought of having been so irresponsible, and yet she was more and more convinced that a future with him was possible...- You can't help it, can you?Hermione raised her eyebrows.- From what?" she asked.- Staring at me," he smiled, turning his head towards her.- I wasn't staring at you Malfoy," she lied.- Bloody pride," he grumbled, looking up at the sky again. One day you're going to have to take responsibility for your actions, Granger.She couldn't help laughing as she thought back to that famous phrase that had made her think so much. Draco began to laugh with her and the two of them couldn't stop for a long time. When they finally calmed down and caught their breath, Hermione spoke up:- It's nice to release all this tension...These vampires are quite stressful I must say.- They're proud and frankly annoying," Draco admitted. You're a bit too quick to put your trust in them for my liking.
Hermione found the perfect moment to tell him about her plans, and reassure him about Soane at the same time.- I don't know if I should trust Soane," she said, "but he trusts me. And thanks to that I've been able to learn a bit more about the weapon I need to find and bring back.- You mean you used him?" astonished Drago.- No, well, yes...Draco remained silent, then finally said:- As much as I hate that vampire, I feel sorry for him. He's going to go through exactly what you did to me, and I hope for your sake that when he finds out you've been playing with his feelings, he doesn't react too violently.Hermione only realised that she was actually using him to get her way, and understood Draco's disapproval. Just as she was about to change the subject, finding the ground too slippery, Draco took over.- You know what I sometimes say to myself?Hermione waited patiently.- See all those stars? Take one of them and imagine that it represents a life, and that somewhere, in the infinity of the galaxy, there's another star that corresponds perfectly to it, its other half. Sometimes I think that each of them has another half, but that space is too big for them to meet.
- Hermione murmured, worried that he was getting so close to the truth.- Simply that...I've found my star," he said without looking at her. In this vastness I've found the one that's right for me. But you see, I'd give anything never to have met her, to be just another insignificant star...Hermione closed her eyes, deeply hurt by such a confession. She had ruined his life, and he wished he had never known her. What could be more painful to hear?- I'm exhausted," she said. We've been awake all night, how long has it been since we slept?- A long time, I suppose. I admit I didn't notice, I'm used to insomnia anyway.Another reference to that summer. Hermione refrained from telling him that he wasn't the only one in that situation.- Let's go," she breathed as she stood up.He imitated her, smiling.- What are you laughing at?- Nothing, it's just that you did exactly the same thing to me last time. We were having a lovely time by the lake that night, dancing. And just as you did, you suddenly pretended to be tired and wanted to go home. You must be tired of my company.- It's your prejudices that bore me," she corrected, annoyed at hearing such nonsense.
- Then why do you run away every time we're happy, Hermione? I'd like to understand?She huffed in exasperation, walked over to the broom on the grass a little further away, then turned back to him who was still waiting for an answer.- I'm not running away from Malfoy. I'm protecting myself.- But from what?- From you! From your smiles! From your looks, your words, your feelings! I'm protecting myself from all this love that's making me completely... drunk!She paused, unsure of what she was about to reveal. Then, with wet eyes, she finished in a broken breath:- Drunk with you...She turned her head away to escape the young man's shining gaze of joy, then became even more enraged, which in reality had long been the only means of communication between them, the only way to confess her feelings...- You're insufferable Malfoy! All your attentions towards me are unbearable, you know deep down that I'm sensitive to them, don't you? But he doesn't care! He's the only one who counts, and it doesn't matter that his every smile makes me go crazy for him, as long as he's amused by my red cheeks! You know something? You haven't really changed at all! You're an egotist who doesn't give a damn about the barriers I try to keep between us, and you still make my heart beat far too fast when you're in the same room as me, but what does it matter, eh? What does it matter if I get a headache thinking about you all day?She stopped in her tirade, breathing heavily. It was in a calmer voice that she added:- My heart already belongs to you, Draco, so stop trying so hard to get it...She saw him open his mouth but took the initiative:- Please don't say anything. If you want to help me, please don't say anything! I'm driving, get in.He stood behind her, barely holding back a burst of laughter. The young woman turned round sharply and glared at him:- I feel ashamed enough as it is, so don't add to my shame!- How can I express my joy if I can't speak?- All you have to do is not express it," she decided. Let's get Malfoy to listen for a change!Without giving him time to reply, Hermione took off and wobbled slightly under the speed. She felt Draco put his hands on her hips and called herself an idiot the whole way.
It was too late to have any regrets anyway, she didn't want to think about it, just enjoy the moment, appreciate how happy she'd made him. And that was all that mattered. As long as he didn't learn that her feelings for him dated back to Hogwarts, the oath had no chance of being discovered.They arrived at the hut a few minutes later, the sun was now up. Neither of them spoke, she because she didn't know what to say, he because she wouldn't let him. But he seemed too happy to complain and moved towards the sofa that served as his bed. This room had no shutters and was bathed in natural light. What's more, with the fire out, the temperature wasn't very high and there were no blankets on the sofa. Hermione bit her cheek, stared at him for a long moment, then looked up at the sky before saying:- Come to bed silly, it's not very big but there's plenty of room for two.Without waiting for an answer, she slipped under the sheets, having only taken off her shoes. He followed suit and they both let out a sigh as they settled down side by side. To avoid any temptation, Hermione rolled onto the side of the bed, close to the empty space, taking the duvet with her. She then felt the duvet roll back the other way and soon found herself uncovered. Frowning, she glanced at Draco, who seemed at peace with most of the blanket over him. Refusing to be fooled so easily, Hermione grabbed a piece of the cloth and pulled it over her. Warmth invaded her immediately and she was finally able to close her eyes and sleep. At least, that's what she would have done if the duvet hadn't been snatched up again, uncovering her once more.- Malfoy, you're taking the whole duvet, in case you didn't know!- Sorry, but it's too short for both of us, and I'm the taller one, so I have to cover up more than you.- That's a ridiculous excuse, I'm freezing to death so share!But Draco only held her tighter when she tried to take it from him and, like two children, each pulled energetically to his side. As Hermione found herself completely wrapped up in the blanket, Draco pulled the duvet towards him with a sharp tug and the young woman unwrapped herself at the same time to find herself stuck to the young man's body.
Immediately, the game stopped and the breathing became jerky. Tangled up in the sheet, pinned against Draco, Hermione kept her eyes down, at the risk of meeting a gaze that would only make things worse. She could feel his light breath caressing her, she could feel his grey eyes staring at her, she could feel his heart racing...Frozen against each other, neither of them uttered a single word for a long minute that seemed like an eternity to the young woman. She stopped herself from breathing in the perfume, which already seemed to have taken hold of her, given the difficulty her brain had in thinking properly. Then, at last, her deep voice echoed in the silence:- I don't think I can go much longer without kissing you, Hermione...She looked up at him cautiously. He was giving her the opportunity to step back by warning her, and she was grateful. But she did not move.- The two of us is forbidden..." she murmured in a voice broken by sadness.Against all expectations, he gave her a smile brimming with love before replying:- You of all people know what I do with forbidden things...Then he caught her lips and that was the end for Hermione.
She did not feel the same carnal sensations as the day before, her body not consumed by the need to possess the other. With Bulborbus's heart carefully tucked away in her belongings, she remained in control of herself. This contact was therefore voluntary and Hermione was perfectly aware of it, but she wouldn't put an end to it for anything in the world.Draco's gestures were infinitely gentle, his slender fingers ran tenderly over her skin and their kisses remained slow despite the burning desire that animated their lips. Of all the people who thought they would one day experience perfect happiness, they were fooling themselves. Perfect happiness could only be found in the arms of Draco Malfoy...


The morning was gradually drawing to a close, giving way to the early hours of the afternoon, but the room was bathed in a soft darkness.He could hear her slow, relaxed breathing, smell her perfume and feel her breast against his chest. He watched her sleep for a long time, loving it. He'd probably have gone on like this for a long time if his wand, lying on the bedside table, hadn't just glowed for a second.
A grey veil covered her pupils. Draco let out a sigh, then tore himself away from his contemplation, very slowly freed himself from Hermione's embrace, then discreetly pulled up the sheet to get out of bed. He quickly pulled on his jeans and shirt, picked up his wand, pulled the duvet up over Hermione's shoulders, placed a kiss on her forehead and left the room.The sun blinded him once he was outside, and it took him a few seconds before he could make his way down to the bottom of the great oak. His footsteps then began a brisk walk across the plain to the nearest forest, where a few unfortunate trees were clustered together. He went deeper into the forest and the thick foliage once again guaranteed him darkness. His steps became more and more urgent until he finally reached the largest of the trees, the heart of the woods, before pulling the arm of the young woman who was hiding behind the trunk. He pressed her violently against it and grabbed her neck with one hand, a gesture whose strength was enough to hold her in place.- I told you not to come here again! he spat.She stared at him with her big blue eyes before whispering:- I missed you too much, my love...
Draco remained silent for a few seconds, then grabbed her chin without delicacy and kissed her briskly. The young woman responded with a fiery kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as he tightened his embrace. It wasn't long before he decided to put an end to the contact by loosening her arms from around his neck and pressing them back against the trunk.- What are you doing here Lisa..." he questioned coldly.- You know why I'm here, Draco," she replied. The Master is getting impatient, you're abusing his generosity!- I thought I'd made myself clear," he replied curtly. I just need time! There's no point in rushing her, I know her. She'll trust me when she feels ready.- Well, she'd better hurry, because in the meantime I'm the one who's suffering the wrath of the Lord.- You don't have to worry any more...She watched suspiciously as he reached into his jeans pocket, then her eyes lit up as he pulled out a long silver chain with a pretty purple heart dangling lazily from the end...- By Merlin Draco, you've done it!" she cried, jumping onto his neck. You've convinced her to give it to you!- No," he admitted. She refused once and it was clear enough for me not to insist. So I had to steal it from her.- It doesn't matter!" she said quickly, gushing over the pendant. The Master is so happy! Oh my Drago, you're the best!- Tell the Master that I have to finish my mission at the Ministry, and that I'll bring it to him myself soon.She then tried to grab the object, but Draco didn't have time to warn her before she was violently thrown against a tree a few metres away. Draco rolled his eyes in annoyance.- You're as giddy as that stupid Londubat!Lisa massaged the back of her head painfully, then struggled to her feet:- Bellatrix said I could touch him! She's made a fool of me again, why does she hate me so much?- I'm the only one who can touch him and Granger, I'm the one who took him away, don't forget. And it's not your fault, Bellatrix only respects wizards with a modicum of intelligence.The young woman frowned, deeply offended.- Try to understand Lisa! You spend more time making sure the Master likes your hairstyle than being useful to him! You know he's constantly renewing his subjects, and right now he needs you as a messenger. But when your job is done, make yourself useful, or he won't keep you alive...- You wouldn't care," she murmured sadly.He went over and took her head in his hands.- You know better than that," he replied. You're in the big leagues now, you're part of the Lord's entourage, and this isn't a game, Lisa! Believe me, it's more dangerous than you think. You don't realise the trouble you've got yourself into by offering to be his go-between. He already knows what he's going to do with you once your job is done...Lisa shook her head frantically, denying reality.- No," she cried softly. He told me he was counting on me, Draco! He told me that my mission was very important to him, he told me that I was very important...Draco closed his eyes for a moment, helpless. How could he explain? How could he find the words to make her understand that he was manipulating her to achieve his ends, before finally killing her like getting rid of an old shirt?- Run away from Lisa," he said in a whisper. You're not precious to him, you have to believe me. That's why I don't think he'll come after you, he's got other things to worry about and...- No!" she cut him off in a loud voice.- But you don't understand...- No, Draco, it's you who doesn't understand! I've found my way! For the first time in my life I know where I belong!Draco fell silent. There was nothing more he could do for her, the Lord already had far too strong a hold on her for him to be able to convince her, and it was with regret that he gave up...- I have to go," he says. I'd rather be there when she wakes up, my absences are increasingly suspect.Lisa seemed to hesitate, then finally asked shyly:- You're not getting attached to her, are you?Draco smiled and came to hug her.- You know I've hated that Muggleblood since the day we left Hogwarts," he whispered in her ear. You know how much she hurt me, you know how much I hate Lisa, so don't worry.She nodded as he loosened his grip, then placed her lips on his before preparing to leave.- Don't kiss him too much," she said.- I can't promise you anything about that," he laughed, "she's a much better kisser than you are and a real delight!Furious, Lisa turned on her heels and, as she disappeared into the depths of the forest, Draco called out to her. He saw her dark figure turn around.- Save yourself while you still can, Lisa," he said, his face serious.- I love you, Draco," she replied simply.
He watched her walk away until she disappeared completely. He would probably never see her again, and it was with this thought that he returned to the cabin, where a beautiful young woman in love was peacefully dreaming of her Prince Charming...

A prince with a reflection of the devil.

*****"I hope I've succeeded in playing with your feelings, I hope I've planted the seed of doubt in you, I hope I've made you want to know what happens next even more, if it's yes to all three, my own challenge has been met and I thank you for it!...

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"I hope I've succeeded in playing with your feelings, I hope I've planted the seed of doubt in you, I hope I've made you want to know what happens next even more, if it's yes to all three, my own challenge has been met and I thank you for it!!!!Thank you for reading!Kisses and see you soon ;-)"

- Drago-Malefoy-Granger

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