Chapter 14: New Year Like Americans

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Chapter 14 : New Year Like Americans

Hermione dressed reluctantly for New Year's Eve. Memories of the Christmas party made her think that she wouldn't be any luckier that night.If only she knew...The young woman promised herself that she would keep an eye on Ron and count every glass in his hand. As for her, she would just drink pumpkin juice, as always...Hermione glanced at the clock: eight forty-five. Everyone had to be in the Great Hall around nine o'clock, which didn't leave her much time to get ready, especially as her hair was becoming less and less resistant to magic.As this time she didn't have the luxury of wearing a dress given to her by Draco, Hermione had sent an owl to her mother, asking for a 'suitable' evening gown. Knowing her mother's taste in clothes, she had insisted on the word 'suitable', and was pleasantly surprised to receive, a few days later, a long plum-coloured satin dress, pleated on the side. It was really very beautiful, just held up at the bust. The parcel was accompanied by a little note:"Hermione darling, I hope you like the dress. I didn't buy it, it's mine. It was tucked away in an old cupboard, but I'll never forget it, because I was wearing it the night I met your father. I hope it brings you luck too!I love you, Mum".Hermione thanked her mother inwardly, for she would need luck tonight more than any other. She desperately wanted Draco not to forget her. In fact, she had been very worried since the previous evening, because her "Malfoy" side was getting the upper hand again, and there was no way that all her efforts would be wasted, and that she would end up as a memory belonging to "the time when he had the stupid idea of trying to change". Perhaps she was exaggerating, but the risk was not negligible.Hermione therefore dressed in evening clothes, put on white shoes with heels, and after a long hesitation, decided to leave her hair loose, waving majestically down her back. Facing the mirror, she couldn't help smiling - she did look pretty tonight.- When you've finished looking at yourself, Granger, will you let me use the bathroom?She hadn't heard Draco come in, and didn't hold back a look of exasperation.- I'll take my time," she replied, "because once you're in there, you're going to spend hours looking at yourself!
- You're wrong. I'm not going to waste my time in front of a mirror because I know I'm as handsome as a god. You're stupid sometimes! Say, Snape's been talking to me vaguely about an American-style evening... Do you have any idea what that stupid idea might be?Hermione blushed slightly.- No, I haven't," she lied.- And I thought you'd have done your research! You seem to be having a hard time with me, Granger...The young woman bit her tongue to keep from replying, preferring to leave the bathroom. The old arrogant and pretentious Malfoy was definitely making himself felt again...


Hermione had hardly set foot outside the Common Room when she sensed the surrounding excitement of the students. She recognised Harry and Ron in the melee as they rushed up the stairs, but in the opposite direction, jostling people as they went. Hermione then noticed the envelope Ron was holding, fuming as he tried to free himself from the red-haired man's grasp. It was probably Molly Weasley who had sent a bawl to her son, who must have forgotten something once again, and they were both trying in vain not to attract attention once the envelope had been opened.She also saw Lisa a little further on, staring at her with her blue eyes so hatefully that Hermione turned her head away and continued on her way, ignoring her. But the Serdaigle was not to hear of it that way, for Hermione had only just passed through the doors of the Great Hall when a cold hand suddenly grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn around.- So you're happy, are you? You bloody cur! You deserve to be killed on the spot!- What are you waiting for? Go ahead and kill me," Hermione said with the perfect replica of Malfoy's smirk, one eyebrow raised in challenge.
- Believe me, there's nothing to lose by waiting! Draco and I were happy before you stuck your ugly Muggle head in our business!- I stand corrected: you were happy with Malfoy, but apparently he wasn't, because he dumped you quite nicely. What's more, at this critical moment, I wonder what would happen if the school knew about your little affair?- You wouldn't dare," threatened Lisa, her fists clenching.- I won't," Hermione replied with a big smile, relishing the anger she was generating in her enemy.- Listen to me, I...- No, you listen to me!" interrupted Hermione, who was beginning to think that this little game had gone on long enough. If you continue to threaten me for something I had absolutely nothing to do with, because I'm telling you, if Malfoy dropped you it wasn't even for another girl, it was simply because of you, I'll tell the whole school what happened to you, is that clear? "The girl who thought she'd transformed the Snake was dumped three days later just as they were about to make love. Does that speak better to you now?- You stupid...
Lisa didn't finish her sentence and threw herself at the Gryffindor's neck, both hands tightly clasped in a chokehold. Hermione wobbled in surprise, but held on to the wall. She tried to loosen the hold as best she could, but Lisa's grip was so strong that it was impossible to break free. Several of the students around her rushed at Lisa, tugging at her sleeves and waist to separate them, while others cried out in panic. Just as Hermione felt all her strength drain from her and her vision blur, two strong hands grabbed the attacker's shoulders and threw her against the wall behind. Hermione opened her eyes to see Draco out of his wits, moving towards Lisa before grabbing her by the arm and lifting her off the floor. He slammed her hard against the wall and brought his face, distorted with rage, so close to Lisa that she was paralysed by two steely grey eyes.- Don't you ever touch her again," he hissed through his teeth. Or I'll kill you. I swear to Merlin I'll kill you.- Mr Malfoy!" shouted the high-pitched voice of Professor McGonagall. Please release Miss Scrimgeour immediately!Draco gave Lisa one last fiery look, then let her fall back heavily before heading towards Hermione.
But she had disappeared. He turned his head and had just enough time to see a part of her dress disappear at the angel of the corridor. He ignored the Metamorphosis teacher's orders and went to join Hermione, while Lisa was being pointed at accusingly by about twenty students, all of whom had witnessed the scene.

- Granger!" shouted Draco, "Granger, where are you going?- Leave me alone!" she cried, running up the stairs at top speed.He caught up with her and stood right in front of her, blocking her way.- Let me through," she said coldly.- Not until you explain to me what happened," he decided.- It's not that complicated," she said, angrily wiping her cheeks. Scrimgeour thinks that if you're separated it's my fault, and she threatened me once again.- Once more?" he repeated, his eyebrows furrowing.- Yes, she never liked me anyway. She was putting on an act in front of you.- Why didn't you tell me about this?- What was the point? You seemed so happy, I didn't want to spoil it," she ironised.- I get the impression that you're angry with me, aren't you?- Did you come up with that on your own, Malfoy? Now for the last time let me pass!She tried to climb the last step but Draco put his hand on the banister:- Tell me what's going on."I love you, that's what's going on! But you're not even capable of realising it!- Nothing," she finally said. Nothing at all.To her great relief, he didn't insist:- Well, I'll pretend I believe you and we'll go back to the Great Hall to clear our heads.
- Oh no, I won't be going! To see Scrimgeour again, no thank you! You were supposed to bring me luck," she whispered into her dress as the young blonde looked on in bewilderment.- Don't worry about Lisa, she's in the headmaster's office by now. Come on.- No, how would it look if I came back as if nothing had happened when everyone saw me being strangled!- Since when does Hermione Granger care what other people think?- Since when does Draco Malfoy care about Hermione Granger?The young man's silence embarrassed her and she said in a whisper:- I just don't feel up to all the questions and comments I'm going to get tonight, that's all.- There won't be a single one who will open it - trust me," he promised earnestly, holding out his forearm to her.Hermione let out a long sigh, as if to give herself courage, then accepted the young man's arm.


When they entered the Great Hall, all eyes turned towards them. Hermione, clinging to Draco's arm, lowered her head in shame as she thought back over the previous events. As for the Slytherin, he held his head high and dared anyone to make a single remark as he swept the room with a single glance. His cold eyes inevitably roamed the table of green and silver, and he focused on each face for a long time to make them understand what would happen to them if they allowed themselves the slightest mocking smile.The message having got through, everyone resumed their conversation, softly at first, then the usual hubbub took over again.- Thank you," breathed Hermione.- You won't mind if I leave you now, Granger, I have a certain reputation to uphold, especially in relation to my house," he said, glancing at Pansy and Blaise.Somewhat hurt by these last words, Hermione reluctantly let go of Draco's arm. Draco was starting to walk away when Hermione said:- You know, Malfoy, one day you're going to have to face up to what you've done.Stopped short, he turned round. But the young Gryffindor had already disappeared into the crowd, leaving him to think about what she wanted him to understand.


Hermione spent most of the evening leaning against the bar, glass of pumpkin juice in hand, alone. She frequently glanced at Harry, but he ignored her completely. What's more, he and Ron had missed the scene with Lisa, and Hermione was sure he would forgive her one day, but the shock was hard to take, and she understood his surprise perfectly. Yet she remembered one day when they were both at the aviary; he had warned her not to end up falling in love with Malfoy. She remembered coming away puzzled, not understanding his words. So why had she reacted so badly?As for Ron, he didn't know. She was relieved to discover that Harry had said nothing to her when the redhead had come to ask her to dance, full of merriment.Hermione had intended to leave the Great Hall a few minutes before midnight, knowing the American New Year, it was better to be gone. But at half past eleven, as she struggled to get up from the stool to which she had been glued all evening, Donovan came to speak to her:- Hi Hermione. You don't look well...- It's nothing, I'm just a bit tired," she replied, forcing herself to smile.- Did you get my flowers?
- Oh, so it was you! I'm sorry I didn't thank you sooner, but as it wasn't signed...- Don't worry, I understand. I deliberately didn't put my name. I thought that, as you were living with Malfoy, if he came across the flowers before you and saw who they were from, he'd throw them away, not to say burn them.- I don't see why he would do such a thing, my life is my business and he doesn't care.- Come on, you'd have to be blind not to see that Malfoy is possessive of you.Hermione pretended not to understand.- Don't ask me why, I can't answer that," he added at her surprised expression. But with you he doesn't seem to be like the other girls, he's always protecting you, and for something that isn't always worth it! he said, surely remembering the episode of the Three Broomsticks. And yet I thought you were enemies. Shall we dance?- Yes, all right," she said, taking his hand, still shaken by such a confession.He took her to the middle of the dance floor, ignoring the looks of love he was getting from a group of third years.- It looks like Krum's fan club," Hermione joked.- Don't remind me, those girls are unbearable following me around.- Don't tell me you're complaining?
- Let's just say it's not girls like that that interest me...Hermione blushed, but decided to play along:- Really? And what kind of girl?- To start with, I prefer girls my own age. One in particular. She's in Gryffindor.- Then I probably know her," she said, smiling with all her teeth.- Yes, she's very beautiful, you can't miss her.The young woman remained silent. She saw Donovan stare at her lips, before bringing his face closer. Hermione closed her eyes patiently.- Excuse me, coming through," exclaimed someone who took the liberty of separating them to clear a path between them.- It's him again!" shouted Donovan.Draco gave him a huge smile:- I wanted to get to the bar, I had to go somewhere! I chose the couple who didn't go well together, I hope you don't mind," he said with a smirk before disappearing into the crowd.Just as the Serdaigle was about to reply, the music stopped and Mc Gonagall spoke up:- I hope you're all having a good evening. As you know, in a minute it will be midnight sharp.- Oh no!" Hermione gasped in panic. I've got to get out of here.But as she made her way discreetly towards the exit, she saw Rusard closing the two large doors, a look of sadism on his face.- This year," continued the Deputy Headmistress, "Professor Dumbledore has chosen to ring in the New Year in the American way... They're very, how shall I put it... affectionate? They even hug to say hello. But on New Year's Eve...they kiss.Exclamations rose up from both sides of the room, but Mc Gonagall silenced them with a simple wave of his hand.- It's simply a little 'smack', as the French call it. People of the same sex are asked to shake hands. Now I completely understand your revolt, but I have to admit that I find it... well, never mind. Those who refuse to play the game are obviously not obliged to do so.- Mr. Rusard, for the last time, please let me out!" Hermione insisted, desperate.But the caretaker stubbornly refused, calmly and hypocritically repeating that students were not allowed to leave the Great Hall until after midnight.Hermione had to resign herself to joining the others, almost skirting the walls.- Five!" the students and teachers shouted in unison, all looking up at a gigantic golden clock hanging from the ceiling. Four! Three! Two! One...HAPPY NEW YEAR!It was then that Hermione saw Draco being savagely attacked by a dozen girls, all clinging to him in the hope of kissing him. To her regret, she saw him respond to every kiss with a certain amusement.The same was true of Harry, who was trying in vain to free himself from the group of harpies, as Hermione liked to call them. Donovan was also overwhelmed by his fan club, along with a few other very cute boys. There were also some girls who surprised themselves by being so successful, as boys rushed towards them, arms outstretched. Others, like Ron for example, tried to slip into the crowd in the hope of getting a kiss in turn. Still others, like Hermione, wisely stood aside, far too modest...She was suddenly grabbed by the arm of a fifth year and kissed without her having time to react. The boys in the vicinity caught sight of her and rushed to wish her a happy new year. Apparently she was one of the most beautiful women of the evening, as she was soon drowned by the crowd...Ron took charge of passing them around, before hugging Hermione tenderly, followed by Ginny.She saw a boy, whose acne looked like a field of strawberries in full bloom, approaching her briskly. Panicking, she turned back.- Get off my back!" shouted Ginny. Have fun for once!And off she went again, kissing a tall, blond, rather charming man. Hermione hesitated, but when she saw that even Luna Lovegood was kissing all over the place, she thought it was time for her to let loose a bit!
The next boy she got her hands on would get her kiss! Just then, a dark-haired pupil with jet-black eyes, who seemed a little drunk, was no longer walking straight and Hermione seized her chance. Without even asking his opinion, she grabbed him by the collar and placed her lips on his. When she released him, she immediately felt ashamed of what she had done. But the boy must have liked it, because a huge, blissful smile spread across his lips, and Hermione became a little more confident.She then offered her kisses to anyone who wanted them, finding it very exciting to kiss a stranger!The Gryffindor, her smile stretched to her ears, was jostled from behind by a student who had lost his balance. "Probably a handsome man who's overwhelmed by girls! My turn!" thought Hermione, no longer quite in control of her desires...The young woman turned round sharply, grabbed the boy in question by the shirt and brought her lips to his.Her radiant smile faded immediately, her eyes widened in amazement as her face came within centimetres of Draco Malfoy's, who was just as immobilised and surprised as she was.
The surrounding noise became barely audible, the blinding lights were nothing more than flickers, everything seemed dull and distant. Only the two hearts beating against their chests echoed in their ears. Their azure-blue eyes were immersed in their chocolate-brown ones with such intensity that even when their mouths brushed against each other, they couldn't take their eyes off each other, completely hypnotised by the desire they both exuded. Everything seemed to go so slowly, nothing mattered any more, the crowd seemed motionless and each could feel the breath of the other as the distance separating them drew closer.Just as their lips were about to touch, Draco was violently pulled back by a dozen or so girls who had not yet been given the "opportunity of the evening", in other words, to touch Malfoy without him being able to refuse. Everything collapsed around the Slytherin and the Gryffindor, as if the link had just been brutally broken, and they heard the incessant hubbub around them again, coming back to reality. Without taking his eyes off Hermione, Draco was led away by the harpies, while the young woman remained standing in the middle of the runway, still in shock from what she had just experienced...


Ginny, who had been observing the scene, questioned Hermione with her eyes. The latter thought it was time to confess everything to her, as she was the only one who knew nothing about the whole affair, even though she was her best friend.She took the redhead away from prying ears, while Mc Gonagall, after painfully freeing herself from Hagrid's embrace, announced the end of the evening, asking the students to return to their common room.- Hermione, did I dream that you and Malfoy nearly kissed? I know it's the New Year and I've told you to let go, but still...Malfoy! Well, I'll admit it, he's the sweetest man I've ever seen and...- Listen Gin'," she interrupted, "I need to talk to you about something.- I don't like that serious look at all...Hermione then launched into a long account of the last few weeks, but this time even mentioning the parts where she and Draco were acting suspiciously. As she had guessed, Ginny reacted positively:- Hermione, do you realise that you've managed to make Draco Malfoy fall in love with you!- Yes, but you have to see which girl I chose too, Lisa was really...- I'm not talking about Lisa, stupid!" she interrupted. I'm talking about you!- Ginny, have you listened to even one word of my story? I'm the one who fell in love with him!
- You don't know much for a know-it-all," she joked. If Malfoy acted exactly as you described, it's clear that he loves you!What her friend was saying might have given her hope, but Hermione kept the voice in her head telling her that a Malfoy would never, ever fall in love with a Muggle girl like her. And even if he did, he couldn't admit it to himself, because of pride and family matters. The image of Draco telling Lucius Malfoy that he loved a Muggle-blood suddenly appeared in her mind and all her hopes were dashed.Hermione merely smiled at her friend, not feeling brave enough to argue with her.- Still," murmured Ginny, her eyes wide, "it was weird earlier.- What were you talking about?- When you and Malfoy were face to face, when you nearly kissed. It was like you were... somewhere else.Hermione smiled, staring into space, before saying:- Believe it or not Gin', we really were somewhere else. I couldn't see anything but him, couldn't hear anything but his breathing. It was as if... as if we were alone in the world...Ginny laughed:- Sometimes, Hermione, you say such crazy things!- I understand myself, never mind," she replied vexed.


Draco was about to join the students of his house in a corner of the Great Hall, all waiting for his permission to go and finish the party in the Common Room reserved for the Prefects, when a hand grabbed his shoulder. It was Blaise, and he looked rather annoyed:- Can you explain?" he said, his eyebrows furrowed.- Explain what?" he said coldly, freeing himself from her hand.- What happened earlier, my goodness! With Granger! Maybe the others didn't notice, but I'm not fooled!- What the hell are you talking about!- Stop playing games with me, Draco, you know exactly what I mean.Draco dragged him away before threatening him:- If you tell anyone what you saw...- You know very well I'd never do that.- There's nothing to explain," said Draco, nervously running his hand through his hair. I don't know what happened, I was being harassed by a group of crazy girls when one of them threw herself at me. This idiot made me lose my balance and I bumped into someone. I turned around and Granger grabbed my shirt, ready to kiss me! But when she saw it was me, she froze in place... And then...Draco fell silent, lost in thought. But Blaise urged him to continue.- It's hard to believe, but I saw the desire in her eyes, I swear she wanted to kiss me...
- Granger want to kiss you? No offence, but I think you've had too much to drink. And from what I saw, if you hadn't been pulled by that girl, you would have kissed her too!- Tell me about it! Tomorrow I'm going to ask that girl to marry me for saving me the embarrassment of kissing Granger in front of everyone!They burst out laughing, but the young blond's laugh sounded fake.- Still," Draco continued, "believe it or not, when I came face to face with her, you had all disappeared. I couldn't hear anything, all I could see was her... We were alone in the world.There was a silence during which Draco seemed to be elsewhere, recalling what had happened. As for Blaise, he gazed at Malfoy with a compassionate air, like watching a madman being taken to the asylum.- You stop drinking tonight," he said finally, giving his prefect a friendly pat on the back.- You never understand anything, Blaise, leave it alone..." replied Draco, offended.The two of them headed for the exit, followed by a large number of Slytherins, all ready to continue the evening...

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