Chapter 28: At the heart of magic...

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"No blabla this time except to thank you for your comments, which were particularly numerous in the last chapter, thank you!Happy Reading to All..."

- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 28: At the heart of magic...

For the first time in his life, Draco was afraid. Not for himself, but for her.

He'd felt worry, anxiety and panic before, but never real fear; the kind that freezes your insides, chokes your heart and leaves you unable to think about anything except the image of the other person in danger. Seeing her so trapped by this creature without being able to intervene, at the risk of losing her, prevented her from breathing properly and Draco had to force himself to pull himself together, something that is always very difficult when it comes to her.- Put your wand down! repeated the vampire in a frosty voice.Hermione's exorbitant eyes told him to obey, but Draco could not bring himself to risk finding himself unarmed in this situation, which he would not be able to endure for long. Anger gradually replaced fear and his self-confidence returned as well, hatred stirring his eyes as they alternated between Hermione and the greyish hands that imprisoned him.- For the last time," the vampire grew impatient, "let go of your...- No way!" Draco spat.
He saw the former Gryffindor's eyes flash at him, but ignored them and concentrated on the vampire, who slowly extended his jaw towards the young woman's neck.- Draco!" Hermione begged in a high-pitched voice.The vampire suddenly froze. His red eyes locked with the young man's and his hunter's features lost all trace of menace:- Draco Malfoy?" he whispered.The young man rose to his full height and nodded. In the space of a second, the creature had disappeared into the dark night and its prey collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

The sensation of two sharp points grazing her neck finally faded, and a melodious voice came from far away. The coolness of the night gripped her skin and Hermione opened her eyes. Two grey pearls were staring back at her and an incredibly cracking smile greeted her return to reality. By reflex, the young woman jerked upright but before she could do anything a powerful grip had seized her forearms.- Calm down, Hermione, there's no more danger.Despite his reassuring words, she glanced around and her hands fumbled in her pockets for her wand. Faced with the young blond's serenity, Hermione finally calmed down and took a deep breath, feeling stupid for panicking like that when she was supposed to be a trained auror, the new hope of the war. But she was grateful to Draco for his patience, and he waited without a word until she had finished her outburst. But suddenly her hostage-taking came back to her mind, Draco's non-existent reaction to the threats and all feelings of gratitude disappeared to be replaced by reproaches:
- You didn't put your wand down!" she exclaimed, without managing to be angry.- You seem to have come to your senses," said Draco, rising from the damp floor.Hermione imitated him less delicately and frowned, waiting for an answer.- I did the right thing," Draco defended himself as he set off for home. And if I had to do it again, I would.- But he was going to kill me!" she raged, following him angrily.- I was aiming for his head and you wouldn't have been hurt, believe me. The only reason I didn't put my wand down was because we'd both have been helpless against a vampire who'd been ambushed while hunting. You couldn't even imagine his mood, he would have killed us.Hermione felt stupid again. Draco was much better than her, he had seen the vampire, not her, he knew them better to know that he was even more dangerous while hunting and he clearly knew what he was doing. Her own fear had made her angry with herself, but she had expressed it against him. In fact, she would have bet that he knew. Nevertheless, she did not apologise, it was difficult to get rid of the fear she had felt earlier, and as long as her heart was pounding as hard as it had been, the tension would not diminish.Hermione breathed out tiredly when they finally reached the huge ladder they had to climb.- We're going to transplane," announced Draco, holding out his hand to her.
- You're crazy, it's too high.- You're exhausted," he added.- I can climb it, I assure you.- I've climbed this ladder enough times to assess the height and size of the platform, so it'll be easy. Don't you trust me?Hm, she didn't like that question at all. Of course she trusted his magical abilities and if he said he could get them up there, then he could. But even if this question seemed harmless and devoid of any irony at first sight, Hermione nevertheless perceived a hint of hope, of supplication, as if the answer she was going to give him was of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, she herself did not have the answer. She would gladly have assured him that she trusted him and his love, that she was now convinced that he had never joined Voldemort and that she would put her life in his hands if she had to. She loved him so much that it was quite possible that her love for him blinded her to the truth, and hid from her every suspicious behaviour and every black hole in her past that would suggest she belonged to evil.So she didn't reply, just accepted the hand he held out to her. He immediately drew her towards him and wrapped both arms around her for safety.- Are you ready?
She nodded slowly, holding her breath to avoid succumbing to his exquisite scent, which would have made her faint a second time. She closed her eyes and felt Draco pull away from her. Hermione was about to ask him what was wrong but was surprised to find that she was twenty metres above the ground; she hadn't felt anything during the transplaning.She followed him into the cabin and just as her first instinct was to collapse onto the bed, she remembered that there was only one. The young woman was about to protest, refusing to sleep with him another night, but Draco had already settled down on the old worn-out sofa. In a second, the flush of guilt that had seized her told her to offer him her bed and she'd deal with it. But she managed to control her conscience to prevent the pain in her arm, which until then had merely been tingling, from becoming a real burn that would attract the young man's attention. Besides, if another nightmare arose tonight, she would be happy not to end up crying against him.Hermione went to bed with a slightly lighter heart.- Leave the door open," came her deep voice from the living room.
Reluctant to be heard if she had a nightmare, she nevertheless obeyed, aware that it was once again a question of safety. She lay down in the frozen sheets of the big wooden bed and a smile came to her lips. She was happy to know that her soul mate was close to her, there to protect her, not out of duty, but out of love. She pushed Richard and Harry's faces away without hesitation, then closed her eyes, allowing herself to savour the moment. Tomorrow she would send a letter to her boyfriend and contact Harry through the chimney to explain the situation, but for now she let the face of a blonde angel flood her mind and let out a breath of satisfaction.- Thank you for being here...The resonance of her own words surprised her. Had she been thinking too loudly? The answer came when, after a short laugh, he told her to go to sleep.


As she had sensed even before entering, the lounge was empty. Toast and tea lay on the central table, the small window was open and a pleasant draught of fresh air wafted through the room. The temperature had risen sharply once the night was over, and the heat was quickly becoming too much to bear.Hermione quickly ate her breakfast and took advantage of her partner's absence to contact her best friend. She preferred not to think too much about why Draco wasn't there this morning, at the risk of getting ideas that would take away her good mood. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small pouch containing what little chimney dust she had left, and quickly cleared away the ashes that were still warm from the previous day before leaning inside. A few seconds later, she was being swept along in an emerald-green whirlwind, and a warm breeze made her head spin. The speed gradually stopped and the smell of roast beef tickled her nostrils.
At first Hermione couldn't make out anything in the darkness. Then she remembered that it must be night here because of the time difference; having got up at about nine o'clock, Harry must have been eating in the kitchen at that time. Suddenly, the light came on and the large sitting room came into view. Hermione heard thumps against the tiles, which she immediately recognised as Ginny's heels. She called for her with all her might, despite the suffocating sensation caused by the separation of her head from her body. A pretty red head soon leaned towards her and a huge smile lit up her face:- Hermione!- Hello Gin'!- How nice to see you! Why weren't you at Richard's? What's this mission the paper keeps going on about? Where are you exactly?- Let me explain, is Harry there?
Ginny nodded and left for a few seconds before returning with her fiancé. Hermione made an effort to hide her grimace; her friend looked as alive as a zombie. His complexion was white, his eyes rimmed with fatigue, his smile difficult, his hair unkempt and his gait heavy as if he were carrying a huge burden on his back, Harry Potter was destroyed. She couldn't find any joy in the old friend she'd known at Hogwarts, even his voice sounded more serious when he spoke to her, as if he'd lost the habit of speaking for too long:- Good evening Hermione, I wasn't expecting you any more.- Hello Harry," she smiled. I wanted to get in touch with you first, but the last few days have been quite hectic and full of surprises.- I know the drill," he grumbled.Hermione saw Ginny nudge him discreetly. It was true that it wasn't the first time she had used this kind of excuse to justify her lack of visits, but Hermione couldn't do otherwise; it had become too hard for her to come and see him, to talk to him as if nothing had happened while she watched helplessly as he slipped into an ever darker depression.
- It's the truth," Hermione assured him, this time determined to make him react with news that would not leave him indifferent.That's why she went straight to the heart of the matter without preparing the ground, as she was running out of time.- I'm currently in New Zealand, hiding in a wooden hut with Draco Malfoy.- What!Her broken voice had prevented her from shouting loudly, but the expression on her face gave away her burgeoning anger.- Don't get upset," Ginny whispered, putting her hand on his arm. Let Hermione explain.Hermione thanked her with a shake of her head and continued, trying to remain impassive to the gaze of the man she considered her brother.- I've been given a mission by the Ministry. We've spotted Death Eaters coming frequently to New Zealand, near a vampire hideout.At the mention of the creature, Ginny's expression was hardly different from hers a few days earlier. As for Harry, he remained indifferent, surely more interested in why a certain blond man was at his side.
- Apparently the vampires have a weapon," she explained. We don't know what it is, but it's vital for Voldemort, and the Ministry sent me to find out what it is. Only... the danger of the mission was not to be ignored and the Ministry saw fit to entrust my protection to Malfoy.- But he's a Death Eater!" exploded Harry. He's been cleared, but I'd bet my life he hasn't repented as he claims!- I know, but I've got no choice!- You're in danger, Hermione!" he shouted, despite Ginny's words to calm him down. You're thousands of miles away stuck with a Death Eater on the loose and you're completely ignoring him!- How can you believe for one second that I trust Malfoy after a year's absence!- Don't you dare tell me that you no longer feel anything for him when we know what you have in common..." he said with a wicked smile.- I didn't say that," she admitted with a heavy heart. You know how much I love him, but you also know how much I've suffered because of my determination to get him out of my life. After so much effort, believe me when I tell you that I'm keeping my distance from him.
- You're kindred spirits, Hermione," Harry murmured seriously. Use your feelings and your so-called good conscience all you like, but don't make me believe that you're doing perfectly well on your own. Not only is your life in danger because of the bloody secret you're in danger of revealing by being with him all the time, but he's Voldemort's right-hand man and probably has a plan in mind!- If you understand the bond between Draco and me so well," Hermione retorted darkly, "then you should know that he'd rather die than hurt me.- Who says you're the target, Hermione? Why don't you consider that he's targeting humanity through you, and more It's true, open your eyes! I can well imagine the long speech about his love that he must have prepared for you, assuring you that he hadn't joined the Lord, that you'd turned him and all that rubbish!
Hermione was surprised that he had guessed the scene so well and it worried her greatly; was she so blinded that she had not found it obvious that Draco was telling her this story? After all, he wasn't going to tell her he was evil with a natural, sincere smile!- A Malfoy stays a Malfoy all his life! continued Harry. I want to believe that he won't hurt you, but I'm still someone he despises, and his master's number one enemy! He's perfectly capable of using you to get to me, you know him better than I do and the only time he's human, i.e. when he feels guilt or compassion, is when he's with you! The rest of the time he's Draco Malfoy, selfish and ambitious, but you forgot about that man a long time ago, didn't you?Hermione was terribly angry with Harry for revealing to her what she did not want to see, so easily, while she herself struggled to understand what was going on in her own head.- Stop blaming me for my mistakes and concentrate on your own instead," Hermione blurted out.She immediately regretted her words. It was not her policy to attack as the best defence, but her love for Draco was a sensitive subject. Now that she had broached what Harry was probably dreading, she might as well tell him what was in her heart:- Harry, we all need you...
- Don't start that again, Hermione," he said, clenching his jaws.- I'm sorry, but this time I won't give up! I've had more than enough of your behaviour and your whims! Yes, you heard me right, your whims!She ignored Ginny who signalled her to stop before her fiancé exploded, but to her surprise he didn't reply, and Hermione added:- You sound like a child! A temperamental child who can't get over a punishment and hides behind that argument to avoid facing the outside world! I know how much you're suffering, Harry! I feel the same grief but I'm dealing with it! I don't let it destroy me! I had the opportunity you know, after Draco left I didn't start a new life the next day, I needed time, just like you! But no sooner had I made up my mind than I had to suffer the loss of Ronald immediately afterwards! So stop feeling sorry for yourself and saying that you can't survive, because I did! And without anyone to support me, whereas you've got a future wife who loves you and needs you! By keeping to yourself you're making her and everyone around you unhappy! Get out there and fight! For all those who are pinning their hopes on you, for Ron! What would he say if he saw you, Harry...
His eyes stared into space, as if lost in memories. There was a long silence during which the two young women feared his reaction, but they thought they were dreaming when they saw his little smile:- He'd call me an idiot and kick my ass..." he said in a whisper.Then he looked up at his fiancée and took her hands, watched by her best friend.- I'm sorry I've been so distant, but you reminded me so much of your brother that your presence didn't lessen my suffering. I realise now that your absence would have been fatal. I love you, Ginny.He kissed her briefly and turned to Hermione who was feeling increasingly numb.- Thank you Hermione. What would I do without you?She was about to reply that without her he'd still be with that idiot Cho Chang, but footsteps that weren't from Harry's house rang in her ears. Fear tensed her face and she didn't answer her two friends' panicked questions.- Someone's coming!" she said quickly. I've got to go!- Hermione's waiting! Who is it?But she felt two hands pull her back roughly and Harry's panicked questions turned into distant whispers as she crossed the swirl of colours again.
No sooner had she recovered from her journey than someone lifted her wrists and pulled her to her feet.- Where's your wand!Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, it was Draco.- Where's your wand, Hermione!" he repeated, shouting in her face.- In... in my bag," she stammered, shaken.He finally let go of her wrists and rushed into the room. Hermione looked around in the hope of understanding his agitation but saw nothing unusual or worrying. Draco returned a split second later and threw her bag, which she caught in mid-air.- What's going on?" she asked, grabbing her wand.- We've got to get out of here right away.- What the...- I told you that the means of communication were monitored, Hermione! I warned you that they were checking every piece of mail as well as every transport, it's not usually the sort of thing you forget!- Oh Merlin what have I done..." murmured Hermione, horrified. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Let's leave quickly!Motionless, his gaze elsewhere, Draco raised his hand to silence her.- Too late," he announced. They're coming now.

Before Hermione knew what she was saying, two Death Eaters appeared in the sitting room, wands outstretched. Despite the black hoods pulled down over their heads, she immediately recognised those who had attacked her the other night, among them Yaxley. She remembered that the third had been killed by one of those strange red lights, and hoped with all her heart that they would come to her aid again this morning.Draco immediately stood in front of her and challenged the enemies with his eyes, before being the first to speak:- It's an early visit, guys, unlike last time. Couldn't you pick a better time to play the hero?- I see you've got your sense of humour back, Draco," laughed Yaxley. You were on the verge of death the last time I saw you, and I suppose it was your Sang-de-Bourbe that put you back on your feet?- Be careful what you say," Draco threatened without a trace of amusement. You've only got a few seconds to live, so I'd advise you not to waste them provoking me.It was then that the second Death Eater, whose identity Hermione still did not know and who had hitherto been content to observe, laughed in a way that Draco did not like, given the speed with which he turned his head towards him.- Does your approaching death make you laugh, Dexter?Dexter? The name rang a bell, and Hermione searched her memory for anything that might remind her where she had heard it before. But she didn't need to look any longer, because he pulled back his hood and revealed a cold, cruel smile that she would never forget: William Dexter, a former Slytherin who had opposed her couple to the point of wanting to eliminate them. Did he think, like his colleague, that she belonged to a race that had to disappear in order for good to reign? Something told him that he was only using this as an excuse to accompany Yaxley in his task of killing her.- It's not mine I'm laughing at," he replied, stepping forward, "but your protégé's...- Take another step and I assure you you'll never have the chance to laugh again! You know perfectly well what I'm capable of, and there aren't enough of you for me to bother fighting, so what exactly do you expect?- Just that you think about our proposal," said Yaxley seriously.- I'd rather kill you now.- There's nothing stopping you from doing so, but it would be a shame to kill the only link between life and the three people your companion cherishes, don't you think?Unlike Draco, Hermione immediately understood what he was getting at, and hatred quickly filled her eyes with a murderous lust.- If you dared touch even one of their hairs..." she began, taking a step towards them.Draco finally seemed to grasp the meaning of their words and put a firm arm around the young woman's chest.- Fascinating," commented Yaxley in a whisper. She could almost look brave, but it would be more foolish to threaten a Death Eater who was holding Muggles dear to her heart.- Speak to my face you...- Hermione stop!" Draco hissed through his teeth before pulling her back.- Fascinating!" repeated the Death Eater enthusiastically.- What's your proposal?" asked the young blond, who frequently glanced at William.- Give her to us, and I swear the lives of her loved ones.- No, you won't.- I had a feeling you weren't interested in those stupid muggles. But you do care what your protégée thinks, don't you?He smiled evilly at the young man's silence. He didn't dare look back at Hermione, dreading to meet her eyes, guessing what she had in mind. Indeed, she thought for no more than ten seconds before imploring him to accept the deal.- No!" he decided.
Hermione frowned, determined not to remain passive to the danger her family was in. It was obvious that Draco would never let her go with the two Death Eaters, especially against three lives that meant nothing to her. But, as Yaxley had pointed out, the decision was hers to make and the hope of getting away with it helped her to accept her fate.- I want proof that they're alive! she said, moving forward despite the young man's grip.That was the step too far. William, who until then had seemed to be waiting for the slightest opportunity to attack, leapt on Hermione and tore her away from Draco, propelling them both against the wall. Yaxley took advantage of the surprise effect to immediately disarm his opponent, who had to resort to using his hands. He grabbed William by both shoulders and lifted him off the young woman with impressive speed, before pivoting on himself. As he had foreseen, Yaxley's spell hit his companion, who acted as a shield, and Draco didn't waste a second: he had to think and act quickly. He let go of the Death Eater's inert body and grabbed the legs of the heavy wooden table before tipping it forward, protecting them for just a few seconds and retrieving his wand. But his wand had flown somewhere in the cabin and, having no time to look for it, he wanted to grab Hermione's wand, but he didn't have the time.
The table exploded a fraction of a second later; Draco thought nothing of it and threw himself at the Death Eater, whose spell grazed his ear before deflecting against the hut, which was beginning to move alarmingly.Hermione watched helplessly as Draco punched Yaxley, who recovered very quickly, and just as his opponent was about to strike again, he sent him flying with his wand against the wall where Hermione was cowering. The Death Eater raised his wand and the young woman felt her heart give out, petrified, while Draco immediately rolled on top of her, ready to sacrifice himself without any fear except that of not being able to protect her once he was gone.The whole scene had unfolded in a matter of seconds, and Hermione's brain had simply switched off, unable to think of any means of rescue, because Draco had simply pushed her out of the fight, pushing and shoving her every time she had tried to get up to help him. And now they were going to die, he was going to die... Just as the young woman was about to say the two words she had promised herself she would never say to him, the window above the sofa exploded into a thousand pieces and three red lights flashed inside the cabin. Yaxley shrieked and shielded her face with both hands, but this did nothing to stop the vividness and ferocity of the lights. Once again, Hermione watched as the three blades slashed at their victim's face, making a strangely high-pitched sound.
Yaxley let out a "protego" and the three lights were ejected for a few moments before falling back on him. But he had had time to pounce on his unconscious companion, lying at Hermione's feet, and transplants without delay. The glowing lights, although much less sparkling than the other night, remained in place for only a few seconds before fleeing and disappearing into the distance.- Are you all right?" whispered Draco, his face a few centimetres above hers.
Hermione nodded, and the young man disengaged himself before helping her to her feet. She had a ton of questions on her mind, but Draco seemed even more preoccupied and she waited patiently for him to raise his eyebrows. When he laid eyes on her, she felt as if she were melting at the sight of so much anger.- Come with me," he ordered curtly, with no apparent opportunity to argue.Having barely recovered from her shock, Hermione followed him outside, carefully avoiding a glance at the devastated hut which threatened to fall into ruin at any moment. Once downstairs, he led her without a word across the deserted plain, except for their great oak tree.- Stay here," he told her before taking a few steps further east.His clenched jaws did not bode well and Hermione stood stupidly where he had indicated, bracing herself for anything but a pissed-off Malfoy. She saw him pull out his wand and instantly did the same. Suddenly, a Death Eater appeared in front of her. It was a good thing she'd seen the former Slytherin's wand movement, otherwise she'd have taken it for real, such was the effect of the illusion.
Just as she was about to ask Draco what he was getting at, a flash of green blinded her and a small electric shock ran through her body, not painful but extremely unpleasant.- Bad news, Granger," announced Draco. You're dead!- I didn't have time to prepare!" she retorted before sending the Death Eater tumbling a few metres away.- Oh, I'm sorry! I should have told the Death Eater to offer you tea before he attacked!- What's the matter with you?- You nearly got yourself killed, that's what's the matter with me! You stood still while a Death Eater waved his wand at you!- What!" she exploded back, bewildered. You stopped me in my tracks!- Because you weren't ready!" defended Draco with more pain in his voice than real anger. You were petrified, Hermione! Unable to move, your few attempts to act were thoughtless and you had no self-confidence, your fear nearly lost you...
Hermione looked away and glared at the tree a little further on. Draco was always quick to blame her for his mistakes and she would have given anything to be able to blame him. But he had been perfect. Draco had saved their lives with his speed and instinct, while she had just watched.He approached her and his face seemed to soften:- I'm trying hard to keep you alive," he said. Help me a little. The reason I want you to be able to fight so badly, Hermione, is because it's too difficult for me to concentrate in a fight if I'm not sure you're going to make it. I need you to be strong, do you understand?Hermione nodded sadly.- Let's start again," he announced before walking away.- Do their lives mean so little to you?" Hermione murmured, her eyebrows furrowing.- Who are you talking about?- Richard! And Charlie and Jaffrey! They're being held somewhere and you seriously think I'm going to sit here and do nothing?- They're fine," replied Draco calmly. All three of them.- What are you talking about? What are you talking about, didn't you understand their threats?- They were lying, Hermione, it was a simple way for them to blackmail you, a completely idiotic attempt on their part.
- How did you...- I took care of their protection before I left," he cut her off impatiently. They're in absolutely no danger. I knew they were being blackmailed, and believe me, it's impossible for anyone to harm them, or I'd be informed immediately. Are you reassured now?- Yes," she breathed in relief. Thank you, thank you very much Malfoy. It's a good thing you're here, much more far-sighted than I am...- It's a matter of habit. Well, shall we go?A new Death Eater appeared, and Hermione repelled his first attack.- You should have attacked first!" she heard Draco shout.She ignored him and concentrated on her opponent. The paralysis spell she cast on him disappeared into thin air before he immediately counter-attacked with the unforgivable spell that earned him another shock.- Dead!" commented Draco reproachfully before conjuring up another Death Eater.This time, Hermione didn't give him time to appear and sent a jet of acid at him, which caused her enemy to cry out in pain. Satisfied, her smile disappeared when she heard Draco announce "dead", before she even had time to understand. Indeed, two seconds later, another bolt of green lightning struck her head-on, to the jeers of her coach:
- The time you wasted claiming victory, he used to attack!Humiliated, the young woman closed her eyes tightly to stop herself from strangling the other Malfoy moron. As much as she wanted to leave, she resolved to prove to him that she was capable of fighting a bloody Death Eater.Draco made another one appear, tirelessly. And so, for a good hour, there was a succession of "dead" and "shut up", which were the only exchanges in a fierce battle in which one persisted while the other despaired. If Hermione could feel her body beginning to suffer from the incredible number of shocks she received, she didn't complain once, refusing to give her adorable coach the opportunity to laugh.- Dead!" shouted Draco for the hundredth time.- I know that, thank you!" she retorted, stung to the quick. I think I know better than you when I get hit!
- Don't be so sure! I can tell you before you do when you're going to be had! You're so predictable! I hope you're taking this training seriously, I don't bother saying 'dead' for nothing, it's your life we're talking about!- By Merlin Malfoy, how do you expect me to progress in just one day?" she said, dropping back against the tree behind her. You've had a lifetime of experience! You've been immersed in magic and duels since you were a child, and you're asking me to become a formidable fighter in just a few hours?- Yes," he replied simply. Hermione, you're an extremely talented person! I was taught my magic, and it's not hard to guess that magic is an integral part of you. You've been very gifted since you were very young, and whatever you say, if anyone else had been as passionate about books as you are, performing spells would still have been too complex for a child. You learn at an impressive speed, and show an incomparable agility and intelligence. You have all the talents you need to win every battle, but you lack self-confidence and are far too sensitive to fear. It makes you lose all your nerve and diminishes your reflexes; you think too much about the attacks you undertake but not enough about those of your opponent.
Hermione was pleased to hear such things, but couldn't shake the idea that he was only saying them to encourage her to be more confident. No matter what he said, she'd never be a match for real aurors like Harry, and she wasn't even talking about Draco. Yet he seemed sincere, but in any case it was hard not to see wonderful qualities in her soul mate, and Hermione feared that every one of his compliments was only the fruit of his love for her.Draco conjured up a new Death Eater, much to Hermione's regret.- How did I survive all the Death Eaters this summer?" Hermione murmured sadly. How did I manage to capture so many of them?- The Death Eaters that Voldemort sends are just ordinary wizards who have recently bonded with him, preferring evil to death, which is why there are so many of them. But the true Death Eaters who have served him for years are given far more important missions and remain at his side for constant protection, although I doubt he needs it. These are the most dangerous followers to watch out for, the ones we'll have to fight against. Let's get on with it.
- All right," she breathed. But stop telling me I'm dead and give me some advice instead.- I was waiting for you to ask," he smiled. If I'd asked you, you'd have told me to shut up, wouldn't you?- Shut up.Draco laughed and Hermione, gasping for breath, turned her attention back to the black hooded figure raising his wand. She tried to disarm him and the spell succeeded, only he himself had had time to cast the Doloris spell just before. The young woman pursed her lips under the pain this time, although it only lasted a few seconds.- You need to be mobile," Draco said in a serious voice, indicating that the real training was beginning. Since you've been fighting, I haven't seen you move once. Constant movement disturbs your opponent and gives you one more chance to avoid a spell, an opportunity that shouldn't be overlooked during a duel.Hermione agreed and immediately straightened up, adopting a more flexible position in front of her new and thirtieth opponent, ready to move. She repelled his first spell with her protego and sent the jet of acid again. But the Death Eater had anticipated her attack and avoided it easily, before casting the death spell. Hermione had learned her lesson and threw herself to the side, thus avoiding the unpleasant shock. The next moment, however, it electrocuted her.
- No, Hermione!" grumbled the young man as he came towards her.- I avoided the spell!" she defended herself immediately.- Yes, but not the second one!- I was unlucky," she cursed.- It's not a question of luck but of technique, you should know that. You leave far too much time between each of your attacks, the Death Eater is quick! No sooner has he attacked you than he starts again until you fall! And even when he's hit, he doesn't take the time to realise it and goes straight on!- I think I'm beginning to understand," she said as she replayed each of her fights.It was true that her opponent was fast, but wasn't she also too slow?- As you've seen," he explained, "duels with this type of Death Eater, by which I mean trained adepts, only last a few seconds, because the slightest carelessness on the part of the other person means the blow is fatal. That's why, this morning in the hut, I didn't waste a second acting, I kept him occupied as long as possible to avoid him having the opportunity to kill you.
Hermione kept nodding her head in agreement. It was time for her to swallow her pride and really try to progress. But then she was faced with a problem:- I get it, I have to chain spells to survive, it's him or me. But my magical knowledge is limited to the white magic taught at school and in books, I don't stand a chance against their magic when I see you fighting...- Have faith in yourself, Hermione, please. Don't underestimate your magic, remember that it's the magic that saved you and your friends so many times when you overcame every trap to reach the Philosopher's Stone in first year. You were only eleven years old then, and you braved stages where great wizards would have failed. Don't neglect the powers of your wand, even with simple spells you can win, you just have to want it...The former Slytherin's words were finally beginning to take shape in his mind. Black or white, magic was still magic, it wasn't a question of one being stronger than the other, but of the way in which it was used...Draco conjured up a Death Eater. He barely had time to form before she had propelled him away. Wasting no time, she disarmed him, then levitated him before sending him crashing into the oak tree.
- Avada Kedavra," she said.And the Death Eater disappeared in smoke. Hermione, still amazed at her own performance, turned impatiently to Draco. She had expected him to shout out his admiring joy, but all she got was a smile and a satisfied nod. So she just smiled back instead of taunting his achievement. Something in his eyes told her that he was acting as he had been taught, and she could clearly see that Lucius was not the kind of father to congratulate his son on every success. She couldn't blame him, because although he had changed remarkably, it was impossible to completely erase an upbringing and a way of being. That's why he was still Draco Malfoy, different from all other men, and she loved him for who he was. She often complained about the pretentious, insolent Malfoy at Hogwarts, but would she have loved him as much if he hadn't been that boy? Nothing would have been the same. He was the second part of her, the second piece of her heart, his arrogance and self-confidence complemented her as much as his kindness and modesty complemented him. They were one, but could never be united.
A lump of grief rose in her throat, and Hermione had to hide it at once in her determination:- Another Death Eater, quickly.Draco didn't need to be told twice and a new adversary presented himself to the lioness. Something told her that repeating the same ploy would work, but would not be beneficial to her training. The words of her coach came back to mind: "even with simple spells, you can win, you just have to want to...".- Rictusempra!" she exclaimed.The Death Eater burst out laughing, which soon turned into an uncontrollable fit of giggles that made him fold in half. Hermione knew she had already won and finished off the enemy, who was unable to defend himself. Once again, she turned proudly to Draco:- It's getting easier," she smiled.
- I told you, you're a fast learner. When will you trust me?Hermione didn't hide her surprise at this new question that twisted her stomach. Like the day before, she didn't answer it. Draco must have noticed because he didn't dwell on it, but disappointment crossed his face for a second that didn't escape the young woman.- Since you're progressing so quickly, let's move on to level two.- Level two? she repeated without understanding.Draco conjured up four Death Eaters.- It's up to you, champion," he taunted as he walked away again.Hermione grunted. That'll teach her to claim victory too soon. Four bolts of green lightning shot straight at her, but listening to Draco's advice, she had the reflex to throw herself to the side again, thus avoiding four shocks which she could well imagine would have caused her pain. The Death Eaters attacked again without wasting any time, but Hermione had prepared herself this time and shouted:- Impedimenta!
The hindering spell that slowed down the action gave her plenty of time to avoid the spells, and she took advantage of her opponents' surprise to cast the blinding spell on two of them. She avoided the spells of the other two, who were already at it again, and easily disarmed them. The four defenceless fighters at her mercy fell one by one.Although Draco was trying to hide his joy, Hermione could tell. She killed all the illusions that followed with the same skill and taking less and less time. She felt she had made more progress in a single day than she had in seven years at Hogwarts. Draco was conjuring up dozens of illusions now, but the number no longer bothered the young woman - technique and speed were the only things that ensured her victory.But when she finished off the last Death Eater with the incendio spell, and watched him burn to death, the young woman felt dizzy and asked to stop for the day. Far from ignoring what was tormenting her, Draco approached Hermione, who was leaning against the tree.
- No, you're not getting a taste for dark magic, Hermione," he whispered with a smile. You're getting a taste for victory, that's different.Hermione looked at him intensely. Merlin, how could he read her so easily! This man had just guessed her thoughts when she had simply pretended to be tired. She couldn't hide it from him anyway, so she might as well talk about it:- I felt so powerful," she admitted. The desire to kill and defeat them almost became a game instead of a duty! Can you believe it? I had fun...killing.- It's normal, you're discovering dark magic and its power affects you like any other person. It's very difficult to resist the power that this magic gives us, the feeling of invincibility that it brings and I would have been surprised if you hadn't been attracted. Many have succumbed to it on discovering it, and are now on the side of evil, consumed by this drug that gives them omnipotence.- So," she swallows, "I'm going to become evil, am I?- Your question isn't even worth answering, Hermione," he snapped.- Did you see how I killed the last one? Merlin, I had it burnt! That's so unlike me! What if I'm already different?
- The only difference is that your level of magic is increasing. You're the last person on Earth whose dark magic I'd worry about! Yes, it has an effect on you by making you stronger, but it doesn't affect your personality, which is more marked than many others.- You knew the risks involved," she murmured angrily.- What risks?- You knew perfectly well that black magic was capable of taking control of wizards and you made me try it!- Because I knew it wouldn't work on you! Now Hermione, what exactly are you accusing me of? Of trying to turn you to the side of evil?Yes, that hypothesis had crossed her mind, and she wasn't very proud of it. Remembering that, even if Draco were a Death Eater - a possibility she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried, rule out - he would never harm her, others perhaps, but not herself. Along with her love, that was the only thing she was really sure about him.- Excuse me," she finally said. You're right, fear, whatever it is, makes me lose my mind and I've been talking nonsense.- You see," he smiled, "that you are perfectly capable of dominating it?- And what's that?- Black magic. It's what's made you so angry, it's trying to take possession of your soul but it's come up against an opponent who's far too pure to succeed. I must say, I didn't expect you to regain your composure so quickly. But even if I'm sure that it's powerless against good wizards, it's still better not to use it too often, just use it in training and in real fights, for the rest, do as you always do.- Yes, yes, of course.The young woman's eyes stared into space. She was discovering a peculiarity of dark magic that she had never suspected. So this magic had the power to influence? While this did not justify the choice of evil sorcerers, it did help her to understand better.- Shall we move on to level three? suggested Draco with a smile.Hermione raised her eyebrows. What could be more powerful than a horde of Death Eaters? The answer came to her when Draco Malfoy stood in front of her as her opponent.- Of course," she said with a small smile.She stood up and, even though she knew she didn't stand a chance, she enjoyed the challenge.- Good luck Granger," he smiled like a child, raising his wand in front of him.- It's not luck, it's technique, my dear Malfoy.- He must be a very wise man who taught you that," he laughed.- I'm leaning towards the amateur side...She had just enough time to see his smile reveal its white teeth before a flash of red lightning forced her to move. She fought off the second, the third and the following ones, but his attacks were so fast that she couldn't find the time to fight back.- Are you getting tired, my little lioness?- For that you'd have to start attacking! Come on, is that all you've got? Stupefix?- I'd hate to hurt you...Hermione tried to keep up her pace to avoid or repel each of his attacks, but she wouldn't last forever and absolutely had to find a way to cast a spell of her own.She didn't know if Draco did it on purpose or not, but he seemed to relax for a moment, and Hermione took advantage of the moment to cast the paralysis spell on him, which was easily repelled.- Do you want to see some real magic?" said Draco, grinning from ear to ear.Putting his money where his mouth was, his wand made a strange movement and gigantic icicles appeared all around the young woman. The blonde head was reflected on each of them and Hermione felt her heart speed up, lost in a maze of mirrors. She wanted to run but every path led to a dead end and panic took over.- Malfoy, stop it!" she ordered with a hint of pleading.The labyrinth disappeared immediately. Then she felt cold, very cold. She took a step but the ground cracked under her feet and Hermione discovered to her horror that she was in the middle of a frozen lake. She looked up and gasped at the landscape, which was nothing like the green plains, but with a layer of snow covering the trees, it was a terrible winter picture. Petrified, the young woman didn't dare move for fear of breaking the ice and falling into the frozen water.- Illusion is one of the darkest spells," the former Slytherin's voice rang out from nowhere. I can make you believe what I want and even make you feel the things I want...- My...Malfoy, please...The ground beneath his feet turned green again, as did the landscape, and his body regained its warmth. Draco was standing there in front of her. Hermione couldn't utter a word, mad with rage and fear.- You're just showing off," she finally said with a dark look.Draco laughed without bothering to apologise.
- You have no idea what dark magic is capable of," he continued. I want to show it to you so that you know how to deal with it when you find yourself in this situation.- I'm not sure that Death Eaters, no matter how good they are, use this spell in combat.- Maybe not," he said mysteriously. But these spells are just as effective. They can, for example, prevent you from moving while you're still conscious.At once, Hermione felt her body stiffen and the slightest movement became impossible.- Or they could...take away your sight.Suddenly, the landscape disappeared again, giving way to complete blackness. Hermione could no longer see anything, she was completely blind. If she could no longer see, she could still hear and smell, and she heard him coming closer, smelled him closer and closer.- Malfoy, don't do this," Hermione begged between breaths.- They can also... stop you speaking...Speechless, the young woman couldn't shout at him to back off. He was very close now, she could feel his warm breath caressing her cheek and his perfume enchanting her.
Then, with frustrating slowness and unreal gentleness, Hermione felt lips land on hers. All the spells she'd been under might as well have been reversed and she would have stayed put, savouring the first contact with her soul mate for over a year...The young man's lips became more urgent, and Hermione felt desire run through her like electricity, possessing her uncontrollably. She knew that right now, there weren't two hearts beating wildly, but only one for two...Far worse than a film ending, worse than a summer coming to an end, more horrible than the end of the sales...Draco ended the kiss. Hermione opened her eyes and rediscovered the light as her body regained its mobility. Two eyes of sublime azure blue gazed down at her with love...He blinked for a fraction of a second and she watched with regret as the grey returned. She too had to come back to the hurtful reality, she too had to escape from this moment of happiness to put back on the mask that seemed to weigh more and more heavily on her every day."You'll pay for this, Malfoy. Yes, those were pretty strong words, and the tone would have made quite an impact, although he would surely have laughed as usual. Yes, those would have been the words spoken with conviction if she had been able to speak...
- You're not angry with me, I hope? he smiles. I prefer to savour the silence that follows a beautiful moment, rather than the hysterical and indignant cries of a lioness with red cheeks and a distraught heart."This is due to Malfoy anger! And nothing else! But no sound came out. Draco made his way back with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, ignoring the gesticulations of the young woman who was miming screams, to no avail.


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