Chapter 26: Twenty-four hours out of twenty-four...

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"Hello! First of all, Happy Nowel to everyone! I hope you've all had a good, drunken holiday ^^ I'm sorry I'm late, but I was at my grandfather's and er...well, his computer isn't brand new, so my USB key was useless. As a result, I'm posting on New Year's Eve! Sorry about that! I hope you enjoy this chapter, the action is arriving little by little, as are the answers to your questions!I hope you enjoy reading it! And Happy New Year 2009!!!"

- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 26: Twenty-four hours out of twenty-four...

- I can't believe I'm going to have to put up with you all this time!In reality, behind her outburst, Hermione was trying to prevent a huge smile from forming on her face. It had been a long time since she had been happy, feeling his presence made her breathe again and knowing that he was by her side all the time filled her heart with joy. However, the other, reasonable part of her was imploring him to find a solution to prevent Draco from taking his place in her life again, at the risk of her heart not being able to withstand another heartbreak.- Don't worry," he replied with a sad smile. I won't be bothering you and... your new family for long.He had made every effort not to let his grief show in that sentence, but his fingers tapping nervously on the dashboard and his gaze constantly darting from his hazel eyes betrayed the indecipherable mask he used to wear so well.- Hermione isn't one of our family," said Jaffrey from the back, who seemed to have overheard their conversation. Charlie said. Hermione's trying to take Mum's place, even though she's naughty and a pest. Charlie said.
He had repeated the words cheerfully, as if he didn't really understand their meaning but where the pride of listening to his big sister shone through. Hermione let out a long, accustomed sigh.- I'm not sure it would be a good idea to meet her," Draco admitted, clenching his jaws.- She's not actually a bad person," Hermione assured him, switching on the ignition. She's a teenager disturbed by the death of her mother, she needs to find herself and she masks her pain with spite.- Ah Hermione," laughed Draco. You never change, always defending those who despise you. Don't make that face, it's one of the many things that made me fall for you.Hermione pressed the brake pedal a little too hard and the car nosed over the red light.- What's that noise?" said Draco suddenly, stiffening.- What noise?" she asked, listening intently, praying that it wasn't the sound of her heart pounding against her chest.- That noise! Can't you hear it? It sounds like... a bomb!
The young woman burst out laughing before briefly explaining the function of the indicator. Vexed, Draco remained silent for the rest of the journey despite his obvious curiosity about the ever-changing numbers on the speedometer.- Where can she be," Hermione ruminated as she peered through the window at the streets.- How old is she?- Fifteen.- Come on, where could a fifteen-year-old girl in the middle of a crisis be hiding?- Don't look at me like that, with that laughter that reminds me so much of our Hogwarts days, it's annoying me. When I was young, I used to take refuge in the library when my parents argued.- Of course, I should have known better. But now I'm talking about a normal girl, Hermione, a girl who lets her hormones do the talking...- Logan!" Hermione exclaimed, speeding up.
- I suppose that's the boyfriend's name," smiled Draco, examining the black stripe that strangely crossed his torso and which he had heard Hermione call a "belt".A few minutes later, Hermione slammed the car door in front of a white gate that opened onto a small, very elegant house, Draco hot on her heels. She climbed the three steps leading up to the dark wooden door and rang the bell twice in succession, then waited only a few seconds before leaving her finger pressed down on the bell. The door swung open to reveal a young man with skin as dark as night, fine features and piercing black eyes. Judging by his build, he must have been nineteen.- Hello Logan," Hermione said firmly.- Oh, it's you, Miss Mason," he said in his deep voice.- Granger!" she corrected, irritated. Is Charlie there?- Er...well, she's not," he stammered uncomfortably.- Logan, please, it's important," she insisted.- She's not here, I tell you, and... Hey! What are you doing!Without warning, Draco had forced his way in and was already striding inside.- Draco don't! tried Hermione, knowing full well that talking to a wall would have been just as effective.
But she didn't even have time to apologise to the boy before the former Slytherin had already returned, carrying a hysterical Charlie across his shoulder, a real fury who struggled furiously, pounding his back with her fists and shouting in a voice so high-pitched that it was hard to understand how her kidnapper put up with it.- I used to hide my girlfriends in the cupboard too. Where do you want me to drop her off?" Draco naturally asked as he reached the door.- Get off me you sick bastard!" shouted Charlie.- Malfoy, put her down immediately!" ordered Hermione, horrified.- Oh you, I'll kill you!" roared the teenager as she heard her stepmother's voice.Draco raised an eyebrow at her, who hesitated before changing her mind:- Okay, put her in the car," she said at top speed, running down the steps after him.- Wait!" finally exclaimed Logan, who seemed to realise.- Hurry, hurry!" Hermione urged Draco, galloping towards the car while ignoring Charlie's cries and her boyfriend's protests.As he rushed towards the door, which slammed in his face, Hermione stepped on the accelerator and took off at full speed before remembering to breathe...


- Who the hell is this guy! What right have you to take me away! Turn around right now, do you hear me? When my father finds out...- That what!" exploded Hermione, who hadn't been able to stand his jabbering for a good ten minutes now. That you've been skipping school?The silence that fell, although it was short-lived, was deliciously savoured by Draco, who was back in the front seat.- You won't tell him!" threatened Charlie.- I won't? Well, I'll be...- All right, do what you like. I wonder which will be worse: that his daughter didn't go to school, or that his girlfriend unjustly kicked him out of the car, forcing him to walk all the way, face the dangers of the street and...- It's all right, it's all right!" cut in Hermione, who couldn't stand the blackmail.But the girl had made her point. Neither of them would say anything to Richard and everything would be fine. At least, she hoped so...
His attention returned to Draco, who was daydreaming. And to think that this living God was his soul mate... Why her? How could a girl who had spent her childhood whose only friends were books that even adults found too complex, who wasn't a party girl but boring as hell, be a match for a man like him? A man whose qualities, both physical and mental, should delight thousands of women far better than her...But Hermione was not complaining, far from it. Aware that he would have to leave her life for good at the end of the mission, she was happy to know that, whatever his future, every woman he met would never have the same love that he had for her, a young Gryffindor who had long been despised. The young woman smiled at this memory; who would have believed such a thing just a few years ago?- I like to see you smile after you've looked at me, Granger.Blimey, her quick glances that she thought were discreet were caught by his grey eyes every time. Hermione realised he was referring to her by her surname, a comeback that clearly meant he was getting into a verbal game like in his Hogwarts days. Should she take part, knowing that through humour she would only strengthen bonds that had to disappear? Unfortunately, the temptation to make him smile was much stronger, as if the wound to his heart that Hermione had inflicted on him for life could be made up for with the little she had available.- I wasn't looking at you at all, Malfoy," she replied with a half smile. Your so-called beauty is the worst piece of nonsense I've ever heard in my life.It was more like the biggest lie of her life!- Oh really? he said, delighted to see her playing along. But that's not what I've heard from all the girls at school who...- There's a child here," she interrupted him reproachfully. And all those girls were only with you for your popularity, you know that.- Why don't you admit that you're attracted to me?"Melt' would have been a more appropriate word.- Don't dream, little weasel," Hermione laughed.Contrary to what she thought, he didn't take offence at the old nickname, he even laughed at it; he really had changed.- I'm sure I was cute as a weasel," he laughed.- You're joking! Miss Moth wouldn't have gone near you.- Defend yourself however you can after all, but I remain convinced that I was the most handsome man at Hogwarts, my name and my money would have been useless without my perfect physique. And Merlin knows that girls love him!- I really don't see what you could possibly like about all these shallow girls!" retorted Hermione, getting slightly angry.- Jealous, Granger?She turned her attention back to the road, avoiding being blinded by the magnificence of the dazzling smile he was giving her.- And of what or of whom could I be jealous? she finally replied. Those girls all had nail varnish for brains. Don't touch that, it's the cigarette lighter.- And that was much better.- What do you mean?- At least with them, there was no risk of me getting attached to them.Another missile exploded right on the target fixed to her heart. Hermione knew that playing with a Malfoy was dangerous. She regretted having taken that risk, her grief surfaced again, but she preferred to keep silent about this allusion, once more. The painful cry that escaped from Draco's mouth drew her out of her thoughts. Hermione rolled her eyes and snatched the lighter from his hand before putting it back in its place, falsely exasperated.- Where did that guy come from?" exclaimed Charlie.

Hermione parked the car in front of the black wrought-iron gate, identical to all the others that lined the street inhabited by small brick houses, more or less red according to the age of the place.She saw Draco take a quick look at the neighbourhood and felt a little ashamed to invite a Malfoy into such an ordinary place. Charlie was already rushing inside, slamming all the doors in her path, while her brother stood on the pavement, motionless, staring at Draco with his inquisitive little black eyes.- What's the matter with you?" said Draco with an obvious lack of tact, strangely uncomfortable at being scrutinised like that by a tiny Muggle.- Are you Hermione's new lover?" he asked accusingly.Surprised, Draco gave a small grin before replying:- And if I were, what would you care?Jaffrey was silent for a moment, staring intently at this new stranger who was returning his gaze.- I don't like you!" he suddenly exclaimed, stamping his foot.
Hermione watched in amazement. Although she knew that Draco had never attracted the sympathy of men of any kind, she was nonetheless astonished that anyone could feel hatred at that age. There was nothing childlike about Jaffrey's eyes at that point, and while Draco's grey was hypnotic, the boy's black was petrifying.- I don't like children," Draco retorted, unimpressed.- Stop it, you two," intervened Hermione, her old Head Prefect instincts kicking in. Malfoy, behave like an adult, will you?- Then let him behave like a child," he replied without taking his eyes off the little being who was a little higher than his knees.Suddenly, Drago let out another cry of pain, louder this time.- Draco!" Hermione worried, wondering why he was holding his arm like that.She immediately bit her tongue for the spontaneous impulse that had made her pronounce the first name she refused to use, just to keep her distance.
He rolled up his sleeve and the young woman gasped. His left arm, whose skin was a fiery red colour, was all crumpled, as if burnt. Hermione looked at the little boy for a moment, who was now looking at Draco with round eyes, all traces of anger gone. She shook her head at the absurd assumption that had taken hold of her and rushed over to Draco to help him. But he was clenching his jaws so tightly that the young woman stopped dead in her tracks and simply suggested an ointment called "Biafine", the benefits of which were medically recognised.- Your Muggle cream won't do anything against a magical wound," he replied, looking up at her with his grey eyes.- Magical... wound?" she stammered, confused.- Very perceptive for his age," Draco grumbled before walking through the gate to the house.Hermione took Jaffrey by the hand and led him inside. Closing her mind to the voices shouting the truth about what had just happened, Hermione ignored Draco's insinuations and joined him in the living room, where he was slumped in a shabby old armchair.
- Then go to St. Mungo's," she said. Jaffrey, go up to your room, please.He looked at Hermione, then at Draco. He seemed to be analysing the situation, unsure whether to leave his stepmother in good hands. Finally, he complied, once again adopting the innocent air of a real five-year-old.Draco had a flashback to his childhood, which reflected the same kind of situation; barely older than Jaffrey, he was looking into his mother's eyes, already intense azure blue, when Lucius, angry with her, had just asked him to go to his room. Worried, he didn't move. He too, though so young, understood so much more than a normal child. His mother's reassuring gaze was flooded with tears when he was punished for not obeying quickly enough.- Malfoy, are you listening to me?He snapped out of his memory and plunged back into reality. When would she stop calling him by his surname? His tone, he remembered, had not been the same at Hogwarts when she used to call him Draco, it had been softer. Now she called him with the same rancour in her voice, he couldn't stand his surname when it was spoken by her.- I'm not going to St. Mungo's," he decided.- But why? I mean, look at the state of your arm!- I'm staying here.
After a long moment of silence, Hermione seemed to realise the reason for her obstinacy because she headed towards the kitchen, shaking her head:- No, but really..." she let out in a breath. You take your role as bodyguard far too seriously.- And you don't take it seriously enough.- I really don't know why you insist on not letting me out of your sight, but believe me, I'm not risking anything here!He replied, but she didn't hear him. Hermione sat down at the kitchen table and began to peel some potatoes for the meal, while she quietly let her mind wander.
It had been a rather emotional day, and something told him that it was far from over. Indeed, this evening's meal heralded tensions to come; firstly between Draco who, as only he was capable of doing, had alienated the two children in less than an hour, and then between Draco and Richard, whose confrontation she was dreading. Oh, she wasn't worried about Richard, far from it; the man was so docile and polite that, knowing him, he'd rather keep quiet than upset Draco. Draco, on the other hand, knew how to be hurtful when he wanted to be, and Hermione feared that jealousy would make him act arrogantly and thoughtlessly. But despite everything, there was no denying that he had changed. Draco, who already possessed an uncommon coolness that only Hermione managed to make him lose, seemed to possess even more of it, maturity painted his features, even if from time to time it was easy for her to guess his anger.- Does your Richy know that his son is one of us?Absorbed in her thoughts, Hermione hadn't noticed him, leaning her shoulder against the doorframe.- Don't call him that," she said annoyed. And what are you talking about, Jaffrey's not a wizard.
Draco raised his eyebrows, then walked into the kitchen before noisily pulling a chair opposite and settling into it.- Hermione," he said in his deep voice.She didn't answer, pretending to be concentrating on peeling her potatoes. They both knew she was avoiding conversation.- Hermione," he repeated.She closed her eyes, annoyed that she had described such a change to him when her annoying habit of not tolerating being ignored was as intact as ever.- What...- Why does it affect you so much that he's a wizard?- What makes you so sure he is! she suddenly exclaimed.In reply, Draco pulled up his sleeve again, revealing his reddened and damaged skin.- You should look after that," she finally said.- Don't change the subject. I felt it in my bones that the spell came from him. In Potter's book, The Survivor's Tale, it is said that at the age of eleven, he unwittingly cornered his cousin in a zoo with a snake, simply because it had upset him.
The image of Harry came back into his mind and a pain gripped his stomach. Thinking of her friend immediately brought Ron to mind. How would he have reacted when he found out she was working with Draco? Better than Harry, surely, Ron had even encouraged her to join him several times, when he could no longer bear to see her crying for hours on end every evening.Patient, Draco seemed to be waiting for her to come out of her reverie.- I never thought you'd read the book about Harry," she said at last.- Get to know your enemies," he smiled. It's one of the first things my father taught me.There was a silence as Hermione stared at Draco's arm, wondering if it was possible for him to hide the pain of such a large burn so well.- Don't worry about it," he said, following her gaze. Tell me where your boyfriend works, at the Ministry of Magic?Hermione lowered her head, her cheeks flushed.- Oh," he said embarrassed, or so it seemed. Does he work in a small business in Hogsmeade? He doesn't work at all?Hermione swallowed her saliva with difficulty, then took a deep breath, broaching the inevitable subject sooner or later:- Richard shall I say...not of our world.The horrified expression she had been dreading disfigured her beautiful face.- A Muggle!" he exclaimed. You live with a Muggle?Hermione was glaring at him now:
- So what?" she defended herself. I don't see how it's wrong and even less how it's any of your business. I'm from a Muggle family myself!But he didn't seem to be listening to her, his mind was totally elsewhere and although his face remained unreadable, his fingers kept tapping nervously against the wooden table.- Why are you getting like this?" Hermione said impatiently.- You've been unprotected all this time!" Draco finally blurted out, more to himself than to Hermione. You put yourself in constant danger and you live with Muggles who are completely incapable of protecting you!- When are you going to stop all this protection nonsense! I know how to defend myself and so far I've never been attacked in my own home! If you know something I don't...- No," he decided.
Hermione stared at him, trying in vain to find even one answer to the hundreds of questions she had. Why was he so worried about her? Was she really in any danger or did he love her so much that he overprotected her like that? Was he really a Death Eater, as she was still convinced this morning, or had he been telling the truth when he claimed to be away from the war? After all, the latter hypothesis would explain her reaction to the announcement of her new life in the newspapers. And what of the coincidence of Malfoy's return just a few days before his future mission?It was so hard to see the good in this man, but even harder to see the evil...Hermione was literally lost.- Are you hiding your witch nature from him?" Draco asked, calmer.- No, he knows. But his children don't know, it's better for them not to know.Then a voice came from the hallway:- Darling?- Richard!" Hermione gasped.After ordering Draco to screw his bottom into the chair until further notice, the young woman came out of the kitchen and embraced the new arrival.- Did you have a good day?" he asked.- Not really," she admitted.- Well, let me cheer you up, I've booked us a table at the French restaurant in London!- But you have to book months in advance for that place!- Yes, and I did.
- Oh Richard, that's so sweet! I'd love to, believe me, but...tonight's not going to be possible, I'm really sorry!-''s's fine.Hermione felt her heart clench horribly. Richard was stuttering again, a sign that he was feeling embarrassed and confused. And to think that he had made a reservation at the restaurant she loved and that she was going to spoil what was supposed to be a romantic evening because of that bloody Draco Malfoy who had turned up in her life.- Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!The little dark-haired boy ran towards his father with a huge smile. The latter happily sent him flying into his arms before putting him down again.- Hermione has brought back a naughty man! he declared.She made big eyes at him and then turned to Richard with an apologetic expression.- A big loser," added a teenage girl's voice from the staircase. He's probably your girlfriend's lover!- He's my bodyguard," Hermione corrected immediately.- Your bodyguard?- Yes. You know the new mission I told you about, well, the Ministry decided to send me a protector.- Is this mission that d...dangerous?" he asked.
- Yes, I'm going to have to meet some vampires.- V...v...vampires! Oh S...Lord Mary Jesus! It's out of the...question, far too dangerous!- Don't worry Richy, she's safe with me.Hermione closed her eyes in exasperation as she heard his voice. Would he never listen? She turned back to the young blond man who had just appeared in the living room, a mocking look on his face.

What on earth was that? Draco couldn't believe it. He'd imagined everything except...this kind of man. It was very easy to read Richard: he was the ultimate failure.His old brown checked shirt matched his khaki green trousers, a striped tie as old-fashioned as his shoes, an old-fashioned hairstyle with a huge parting on the side that glinted in the light, and the round glasses on his little nose, were a clear indication of his personality.As a little boy, he was the one who had his sandwiches shaken down at every break time, the one who was pushed in the mud in sports class, the one who was pelted with wet paper balls in class and the one who did his classmates' homework without saying a word, at the risk of being beaten on the way out. Ambitious parents who pushed him to work, telling him time and time again that being a doctor was for him, a loving mother but a strict father, an only child whose only friend was a goldfish he confided in at night when another terrible day had just ended. A teenager with no girlfriend, far too shy and girls far too beautiful for him. A kindness and naivety that nevertheless led him to help a pretty girl with her maths lesson, the same girl who made him carry her schoolbag when she was fed up and kept him in her net thanks to the many little kisses on her pimply face. But she was going out with the popular boy at school and gently explained to him that dating him was ruining her reputation. The teenager realises that he has been used and mourns his loneliness with friends who spend all day talking about video games. He passed his baccalaureate with flying colours and soon entered working life, still as lonely as ever. At work, his colleagues ask him for money to buy a coffee, promising to pay him back as soon as possible, and leave laughing at this idiot who lends money every week without ever protesting. But Richard knows very well that they'll never pay him back what they owe him, so asking for money is very rude, and it's better to keep quiet than to make enemies. He's the sucker who, one Christmas Eve, finally agrees to replace his colleague, who tells him he's having health problems, while a few hours later he's having a beer with his mates, telling them how easy it was to fool that idiot Richard.

That was how this man appeared to Draco: kind, generous...and a loser. He couldn't believe it, how could Hermione have chosen such a phenomenon? Apart from an obvious passion for books, the two of them had nothing in common! He felt his pride really take a beating; going out with this loser after having known him, Draco Malfoy?- Richard, this is Draco Malfoy. Malfoy, this is Richard...- Well... hello!" Richard said cheerfully, extending a warm hand.Hermione's dark look encouraged him to show a modicum of friendliness, and Draco shook the strange man's hand.- Hermione dear, isn't that the man your world has been looking for for a long time?" he whispered away from his children's ears.- Yes," she replied. In fact, that was the bad news this morning, he was tried and the verdict went in his favour.- Oh, I see.- Bad news?" repeated Draco, amused.- Yes," she declared firmly. A Death Eater on the loose, I'd call that very bad news.
Without giving him time to reply, Hermione took Richard by the hand and led him into the kitchen. She asked Charlie to help her set the table but, as she had expected, the teenager sat down at the table and waited for the meal without a word.- Malfoy set five plates, please," she said.He looked at her in outrage.- You're not serious?" he said, bursting out laughing.- I'm sorry I don't have any House Elves," she quipped. But if you want to stay here, you're in, that's that.Seeing that he still didn't move, Hermione was about to get angry, but Richard intervened:- Hermione, come on, he's our guest! Leave Mr. Malfoy to me, I'll set the table, pull up a chair.Surprised, Draco smiled kindly at him and gave Hermione a look of victory before taking a seat opposite Charlie, with Jaffrey on his left. A few minutes later, they were all seated around a potato gratin, Hermione having only the most basic notions of cooking.- It's disgusting," Charlie suddenly spat, dropping his fork in the plate before letting himself fall back against the back of his chair.- Charlie!" grumbled Richard.

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