Chapter 15: Welcome to the Snakes...

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Chapter 15: Welcome to the Snakes...

Ginny led Hermione, not without difficulty, into the Griffindors' common room. The Griffindors were shouting and singing, celebrating in a very jovial and warm way. Glasses of champagne were passed from hand to hand, the boys were inviting the girls to dance, some were laughing to tears with a glass in their hand, threatening to collapse at any moment.- Go on!" shouted Ginny to Hermione to drown out the noise.But Hermione nodded:- I'm not really in the mood right now!- What!" shouted Ginny, putting her ear to the ground.- I said I was tired!" Hermione shouted back.No matter how much Ginny insisted, the young woman wished her good night before closing the portrait on those in her house, with a twinge of regret. She would gladly have stayed with them if she didn't dread running into Harry.Hermione walked alone along the dark, silent corridors... Everyone must be celebrating, even the teachers...She finally resigned herself to going to sleep, probably the best way to escape from this permanent solitude. She knew very well that she only had herself to blame, that the fact that she was alone was because she'd had the stupid idea of challenging Draco, she should have known that you don't come out of a game with Malfoy without after-effects...
Hermione was about to enter the Prefects' Common Room when she heard a noise coming from inside.- Damn!" she swore. I'd completely forgotten he was having a party! Don't panic, Hermione," she said to herself, taking a deep breath. You're going to go in there and see a lot of Slytherins looking you up and down, but keep your head up, girl.The young woman had hoped to go unnoticed with the music and the crowd of students dancing without paying any attention to her. But what she didn't know was that she wouldn't be able to escape any stares...As she entered the room, Hermione was first attacked by the whitish smoke invading the room, which stung her throat and eyes. The Common Room, usually so brightly lit, was plunged into a cold and eerie darkness, with the fireplace and the full moon as its only source of light. The music was slow and haunting, creating a gloomy and sinister atmosphere. Most of the Slytherins were slumped in the big black armchairs she had seen Draco sit in so often, with one or two girls on their laps. Others, leaning against the bar that had been set up, were struggling to keep their eyes open, and then there were still others, dancing with a girl; but it was more like a standing body fusion. In fact, the Slytherin was caressing and touching the girl wherever he wanted, without the girl objecting, both of them spinning very slowly to the rhythm of the music.
Hermione had just set foot in Hell, the hell of the Snakes...

She had already heard about the gloomy parties that the green and silver liked to organise in the dungeons, but she had never imagined it like this horrible picture whose characters were white and ugly, all holding a cigarette or a glass between their fingers. Hermione wanted to turn back, but all the eyes glaring at her, looking her up and down with an evil expression, paralysed her with terror.- Careful, you're getting Granger roots.Hermione gasped. Draco had just arrived at her side, looking amused at the young woman's stiffness. 
As she didn't seem to want to move, Draco ordered the others to stop staring at her, and Hermione felt slightly better when no one was paying any attention to her.- Do you want a drink?" offered Draco, closing the door behind her.- No, I'm going to bed," she said shakily, glancing around at the few dancers.- Is it me or are you scared?" he asked with his usual smirk.- I'm not scared!" she retorted more firmly, although the tone of her voice betrayed her words.Draco grabbed a tall dark-haired man, perhaps two or three heads taller than him, by the arm and ordered him to fetch her two glasses of whisky neat. The young man complied.- I said no," Hermione repeated.- My part of the contract was to teach you to enjoy yourself," he reminded her with a smile.- I don't see how drinking is fun! Besides, this pact business is long over, I won the bet the moment you removed the heart from the Bulborbus," Hermione replied dryly.- Unfortunately for you Granger, Lisa and I didn't work out, you lost the challenge and so it's my turn to try. Besides, you've got nothing to lose, I can't transform you in a single evening...
Hermione hesitated, wringing her hands nervously.- Just one glass," Draco insisted, knowing full well that this was a foregone conclusion.The Gryffindor huffed in annoyance, and took the glass handed to her by the young man, after he had sent the dark-haired boy packing.- Your friends aren't going to disown you if you have a drink with a Muggleblood?" Hermione asked wryly.- Don't worry about them, they know what'll happen to them if they touch you," he replied quite naturally.This last sentence reassured Hermione as she passed three Slytherins who were giving her a murderous look. One of them was sitting in an armchair and she looked delighted when Draco approached her sensually, placing his lips delicately against her cheek and whispering in her ear:- Get out of here.The young woman did not react immediately, still in shock at what he had just said. When she finally seemed to realise, she made a huge effort to contain the hatred she felt towards the Gryffindorian intruder, before getting up and leaving under Malfoy's amused gaze.- Er...thank you," Hermione said as she took a few steps forward and sat down in the now empty chair.But it didn't stay empty for long. Draco went ahead of Hermione and slumped into the chair with the grace of a warthog.
- I see," she breathed, resigning herself to standing.- You don't think I'd make room for you, do you Granger?" he said, lighting a cigarette. It's like that here, you want to sit down, you get rid of the person who's in your way.- This may surprise you, but I don't work like that..." she replied coldly. I find your manners abhorrent and disrespectful. Oh yes, go ahead and laugh, Malfoy, make fun of me! But I'm sure you could find a place without acting like a prehistoric man!- Draco asked, finding the situation increasingly distracting. How could I do that?- Politeness, for example!Now everyone was listening to the conversation, because when Malfoy laughed, you had to laugh too.- Look at that! Politeness! Granger, we're Slytherins, who cares about being polite, you understand?Without a word, Hermione walked over to a fat lump who was smoking peacefully, slumped in his armchair.- Good evening," she said, giving him her best smile. I'm a bit tired, could you give me your seat?The Slytherin stared at her for a long time with his little squinty eyes, as if he was trying to detect the trap. Then he burst out laughing, a loud, fat laugh. He was soon joined by the whole Common Room.
- Who does she think she is!" he laughed. Do you seriously think I'm going to leave my place to a little mudblood like you?Laughter broke out again.Hermione had flinched when he had uttered the insult she hated so much. The Slytherin must have noticed because he added:- What's the matter, you don't like 'Bearded Blood'? Can I change it if you like, you daughter of impure blood?- That's enough, Sid," said Draco calmly, but with a hint of annoyance.- Relax Drac'! I'm having a bit of fun! Because she doesn't seem to realise how much Muggle filth she's leaving behind in this world!- Sid!" hissed Draco, who had risen from his chair.But Hermione, who had been holding back until now, leaned over him, pushed one of her knees violently into the boy's private parts, before pulling his head back and grabbing his hair. The boy let out a cry of pain, which intensified when the lioness pressed her knee a little harder.- I'm going to say this nicely one last time," she articulated, "could you leave me your place?- Die, you whore!" he spat.Hermione smiled:
- You're a tough one... You don't want to lose face in front of all your friends, do you? But you've got to learn to lose, my lad...Hermione then grabbed the cigarette that the Slytherin had managed to keep despite the pain. The young woman drew it slowly over the victim's eye. The ash was ready to fall at any moment. He panicked:- What are you doing!- If you don't let me take your place, I'm going to take a drag off that cigarette, is that clear?Everyone had held their breath, impressed by the Gryffindor's behaviour, and knowing full well that on the next puff, the cigarette ash would be much larger, too large not to fall off in any case...- A...a...stop it!" the boy stammered, his eyes bulging with fear as he stared at the glowing ash that threatened to fall dangerously. You've won! Take my chair, will you? But get that fucking fag out of my eye!Hermione smiled victoriously, then quickly got out of the way. Sid struggled to his feet before collapsing to the floor, both hands below his belt, his face tight with pain.The young woman took her place in the chair, then raised an eyebrow at Draco, all the Slytherins waiting for his reaction. Draco glanced back and forth between Hermione and Sid, then finally burst out laughing, followed by everyone else.
- Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "I'd like to introduce you to a brand new recruit.He walked over to Hermione and held out his hand:- Welcome to Slytherin Granger.She shook his hand with a radiant smile, happy to no longer feel like an outsider among the reptiles...


- Go Granger! Don't be shy!Hermione, sitting in the centre of the room, had been staring at her glass of firewhisky for over a minute now. The Slytherins were encouraging her not to take even a sip, but she couldn't help imagining the look on her parents' faces if they saw her drinking alcohol. Draco was staring at her, nodding to reassure her that everything would be all right. Hermione prayed that her mother would forgive her, then, after sniffing the contents with an air of disgust, dipped her lips in the liquid. Before she had even swallowed, the whisky was already burning her palate, and it was with closed eyes that she took the first sip.Silently, everyone waited impatiently for her reaction with knowing smiles. Hermione then opened her mouth wide and waved her two hands in front of it, fanning them out to blow cool air down her burning throat.
- It stings!" she gasped, her voice breaking slightly.All the Slytherins burst out laughing at Hermione's gesticulations.- I need water! I need water!" she said to a young man.- Some water? What's water?And he laughed again.- You need to finish your drink, Granger.Hermione turned back to Malfoy, shaking her head frantically:- No way," she said.- These are the rules of the game. If you want to be one of us, you have to drink it all, that's that.- Wait a minute, I never had any intention of becoming a Slytherin!- You shook my hand just now," he replied, looking innocently at his fingernails.- I... yes, but... well, that was just pretend! I mean, I'll never be a Slytherin! I'll never be a Slytherin!- Too me a favour and become one for the evening.He took the glass she had in her hands, added a little alcohol, and handed it to her after also pouring himself a drink:- Bottoms up," he said.
Hermione opened two big eyes, and brought her glass up to eye level, to see what she was in for. Draco winked at her and raised the glass to his lips, his head back. Hermione saw him take one sip after another without breathing, and in less than five seconds he had put the glass back on the bar, empty.Everyone's attention returned to her. Giving herself a burst of courage, Hermione emptied her glass in one gulp to the overexcited shouts of the green and silver.With her throat on fire but a smile on her face, she held her empty glass high, causing the exclamations to redouble.Hermione suddenly felt dizzy and had to hold on to the back of the chair, and just as she was expecting someone to help her, they laughed harder. Without really knowing why, she laughed with them.


The new recruit had brought a lot of her Gryffonrian joy, there was no longer that cold, silent atmosphere, but a relaxed atmosphere where everyone laughed non-stop. Hermione had become the centre of everyone's interest, they were fascinated by the young woman's innocence and purity:- You've never smoked so much as a single cigarette?" wondered a girl sitting on Draco's lap.
- I'm telling you I won't! And I don't want to! It's extremely bad for your health, you know? Your lungs must be black by now.Indeed, everyone was puffing away on at least one packet of cigarettes an hour, and the room was seriously starting to become unbreathable.A lit cigarette was handed to her for the tenth time, but she continued to refuse.- Gryffindors are such little creatures!" laughed Blaise.- I'm a Slytherin tonight!" corrected Hermione, feeling the alcohol turning her head.- Well, prove it...The young woman hesitated again.- Forget it," said Draco, "she's not going to do it, she's a saint after all, isn't she, know-it-all?Vexed, Hermione frowned, now determined to show them that she was not the uptight girl they imagined her to be. Draco had won again, he knew her like the back of his hand...
She took the cigarette, wedged it awkwardly between her index and middle fingers, then moved her lips forward, barely touching the filter. She inhaled gently, but the smoke penetrated with a disconcerting speed that made her cough violently. As she had expected, they laughed again, but with surprising kindness, not the meanness she was used to in the corridors between classes. A Slytherin came up to Hermione and showed her how it was done. After several disastrous attempts that left her coughing for a long time, she finally managed to swallow the smoke, only to let it out again a few seconds later in a long, whitish stream.The evening went on like that, Hermione discovering with pleasure that the Slytherins were perhaps arrogant with the others, but incredibly humorous and good-humoured with each other.As for Draco, he couldn't stop watching the young woman. She had livened up the evening as only she could, even managing to give a lecture on alcohol to three Slytherins who were amazed that this drug could do so much damage. Perhaps she hadn't noticed that she herself was holding a glass in her hand during her speech...- Don't turn them into Gryffindors! he had shouted at her.In response, Hermione had given him a magnificent smile, revealing her white teeth perfectly aligned thanks to the good care of her parents.Draco felt himself melting in his brass armchair, he found her particularly beautiful this evening, laughing with his family, they seemed to be under her spell too...He got up to clear his head, the alcohol was really making him think the most unlikely things, even though he'd only had two glasses since the beginning of the evening. Draco walked over to an open window, leaned against it and lit a cigarette. The smoke entered his lungs and gave him a feeling of well-being. He barely opened his mouth and the white smoke drifted out into the cold night as a slowly dissipating cloud, just like the Slytherin's mind.But something buried under the snow caught his eye. By squinting a little, his vision became clearer and he recognised the Chinese plant, now turned to stone. It looked like it had been thrown out of the window from the state it was in. Draco shrugged his shoulders and turned round to see, to his horror, that Hermione had started stripping, standing on a table. The Slytherins were clapping their hands to the rhythm of Hermione's as she lifted the bottom of her dress. Just as she was about to reveal her thigh, Draco forced his way through and ordered her to get down. But she bent down towards him and brought her lips so close that Draco automatically tensed, and it was in a sensual voice that she whispered to him:- Wasn't it you who wanted me to learn to enjoy myself, Malfoy?She stood up and continued to dance on the wooden table. Draco regained his composure, frustrated at having been manipulated so easily; he was usually the one who amused himself at the reaction of young girls who fell victim to his hypnotic power. With a determined step, he climbed onto the table and grabbed Hermione by the wrist to force her down. But she struggled furiously, encouraged by the Slytherins:- Leave her alone, Drac'! We're having fun, there's nothing wrong with that!Draco didn't listen to them and forced Hermione down, before taking her away from the disgruntled booing.- Let go of me!" Hermione snapped. Why don't you let me do what I want!- You're drunk Granger.- I'm not drunk! I've only had a few drinks...- Enough to get you drunk anyway, the first time is always more sensitive to alcohol.- Look at this expert at showing off!" sneered Hermione. I've had enough of you! I don't understand you, you give the impression of being indifferent to my presence but as soon as I'm happy you're always there to bring me down to earth! If it wasn't for you, I'd have gone out with Donovan long ago!Draco clenched his jaws so hard his teeth hurt. He didn't appreciate being spoken to like that, especially to admit what he was trying to ignore...- I'm stopping you from doing the worst shit of your life with this guy, that's all! he shouted.- But why! Why are you doing this?- Because I care about you, damn it!Draco had shouted. In anger, his words had escaped his mouth and silence had absorbed them. Hermione stared at him, as if savouring the moment she had imagined so many times, but no longer believed in... until tonight.Draco glared at her; she was responsible for his irritation and because of her everyone was staring at him.- Does anyone have anything to say to me?" he asked all his friends in an icy voice.They gave each other worried looks and carried on with the party as if nothing had happened.As for him, he went up to his room without a glance for Hermione.


Lying on his bed, Draco replayed the scene in his mind over and over again. It wasn't the first time he'd lost control of his emotions, it was all her fault, as usual. He thought back to the time he'd seen her cry, the night he'd shown himself weak and helped her get back to the castle. Or the time he'd given her presents at Christmas, the time they'd danced by the lake in the middle of the night after an aerial walk over the park... All those intimate moments when he'd felt so good, so different.Draco rolled over to bury his head in the pillow: none of this had happened with a Gryffindor, and not just any Gryffindor, Granger. Draco suddenly felt so bad, so ashamed...- If my father knew," he murmured. If he bloody knew...Draco made a decision: he had to stop hanging out with his flatmate, she had done too much damage to his life, to his way of thinking and behaving. He thought back to the previous day when he had come across two Slytherins bullying a first year; normally he would have joined them, but he had chased them away after making sure the victim was all right... What had got into him? He still wondered, but he blamed Hermione, even though she wasn't there.
The young man closed his eyes, and immediately the image of Granger smiling at him appeared. Draco felt his heart racing, but put it down to the anger she was creating in him.He struggled to his feet, finished his beer in a single gulp and left. The atmosphere had calmed down, nobody was laughing any more, they were entering what Draco called the comatose phase. He went downstairs and glanced at the clock, which showed two o'clock in the morning. Snape had told him that was the maximum time, and as always, his potion teacher had extended the evening by an hour. But Draco was tired tonight, and they'd have them out of here in a few minutes... His eyes scanned the room, Hermione wasn't there.- Where's Granger?" he asked Blaise.Blaise snapped out of his deep concentration on his cigarette and looked up at his questioner:- What's it to you?Draco remained silent. Really, why was he looking for her? If he wanted to stop all contact with her, he'd have to start by stopping thinking about her all the time, especially when he didn't even know why he wanted to see her.- Nothing, nothing at all, I don't care," he replied, taking his turn to sit down.
He looked round at the others, all slumped over, half asleep, their drinks still in their hands. Some were playing cards and betting either gallions or their girlfriends. Draco thought back to Lisa and smiled. Only Hermione could make him do such ridiculous things, like having a girlfriend! Come to think of it, what he'd been through with Lisa wasn't as extraordinary as he'd claimed, something deep down inside him was screaming that he was doing it so as not to disappoint the Gryffindor's efforts, but Draco wasn't listening and preferred to think about something else.- By the way, if you see Sid, tell him he owes me ten gallons," announced Blaise.- Sid?" he repeated in astonishment. Stingier than he is, there's only one way to get money out of him.- Precisely. We bet he'd sleep with a chick tonight.Draco burst out laughing with what little strength he had left.- Sid's incapable of getting a woman into bed! Did you see his face?- Yeah," said Blaise with a smile. But he still made a bet.- He's really too stupid.Blaise was about to make a joke, but Drago sank a little deeper into his chair, marking the end of the joke. Several minutes passed and Drago could feel his eyelids growing heavy.It was then that the image of Hermione came back into his mind once again. His heart stopped beating, his eyes fluttered open, his nails dug deep into the leather of the armchair, and with a gasp he said:
- Hermione!- What do you want with him now?" said Blaise impatiently.But Draco grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to his face:- Where's Sid!" he shouted.- I...I don't know! Let me go, you're strangling me!- WHERE IS SID!" shouted Draco to the Slytherins who gasped.He didn't even wait for their reply and rushed upstairs, flying open the door to the red and gold room:- SID!" he shouted like a madman.He then opened the bathroom door and discovered what he had been dreading: Hermione, half-naked, unconscious, was pressed against the wall by the Slytherin's bulky body with his trousers down. He didn't even have time to realise what was happening to him when Draco pulled him back before hurling him against the mirror, which shattered into a thousand pieces. Sid collapsed to the ground and tried to get up, but Drago threw himself on top of him and pummelled him with increasingly violent punches:- BA-STARD!" he shouted, punching with all his might at every syllable.The Slytherins came running and tried to pull Draco away from Sid's inert body, but it was very difficult to get close without getting hit. And he kept on hitting, again and again, the boy's deformed and bloodied face didn't lessen his rage, he had to hit, each time harder.- Drago, stop it, you'll kill him!" shouted Blaise.
Breathless, he finally obeyed and let himself be dragged along by his friend, leaving Sid in the pool of his own blood...Draco regained his senses and looked around for Hermione. Several girls were looking after her, covering her with a blanket.- Out!" Draco ordered sharply, slipping his arms under Hermione's knees and back before lifting her up.- But she has to go to the infirmary!" protested one of the girls.- I said out!" he shouted.Everyone complied immediately, scrambling to get Sid's body out of the bathroom. Once alone, Draco went to his room and laid Hermione gently on the emerald green bed. She moved slowly and finally opened her eyes. Without a word, Draco watched her squint to remember what had happened, then open her eyes wide as she remembered.- He forced me to drink," she murmured. I was freshening up when he came in. He forced me to drink. But I didn't want to, I didn't want to...Tears escaped down her cheeks. Draco didn't move. Something else was occupying his mind:
- Tell me he didn't do anything to you," he said in a cold, uncompassionate voice.Hermione looked up at him with wet eyes, speechless.- Tell me he didn't do anything to you!" he repeated, the grey colour of his eyes unable to fade.- I don't think so," she answered quietly. No, I struggled, and I heard you shout his name before sinking. I knew you'd come...Draco seemed to soften, his eyes taking on an increasingly blue hue. He was about to leave his room but Hermione called out to him:- Don't go! Don't leave me alone, please...Draco hesitated for a long time, then finally sat down on the bed without taking his eyes off her. Hermione embraced him before he realised:- Thank you," she whispered.He slowly tried to pull away, still tense from every touch, but Hermione tightened her grip a little more. Then, in a state of semi-consciousness, she slowly brought her face closer, letting out the desire that had been languishing inside her for too long.
The young man remained distant and cold, the Gryffindor's warmth seemed to paralyse him, and he did not flinch when she placed her lips on his. Draco closed his eyes at her touch, then finally responded to the kiss, tenderly at first, before becoming more passionate. He rediscovered the same sensation he had felt a few hours earlier in the Great Hall, the desire taking hold of him as he tasted the most delicious lips he had ever known. He laid the young woman down, still kissing her, not wanting to break the bond between them. How could he have lived until now without knowing this burning desire that no woman had ever given him? He was so eager to discover every inch of her skin, yet his movements remained slow and gentle. As for Hermione, she was overwhelmed by a flood of intense emotions, quivering under the caresses of her partner who had slid one of his hands up her back and the other down her thigh. Although her breathing was jerky, Hermione continued to exchange this kiss which seemed to make her come alive, she had the impression that death would follow if she put an end to this contact.Just then, the bedroom door opened and Blaise stood in the doorway, frozen in front of the spectacle.
Reality set in again, harder than stone. Draco looked at Hermione, horrified by what he was doing. He pulled away from the Gryffindor's body so quickly that he nearly fell off the bed. He wiped his mouth angrily, trying to understand her behaviour, looking devastated. Followed by Blaise, he left the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving Hermione motionless, herself overwhelmed by events.


Sitting in an armchair, the two Slytherins silently gazed at the fire. Blaise waited patiently for Draco to speak, but as he didn't seem determined to explain anything to him, he finally said:- I came to see if you'd recovered... For pity's sake, Drago, tell me it was a fake. Tell me it was the result of a bet, tell me you'd had too much to drink.But Drago remained silent.- Listen," Blaise continued, "I've always followed you wherever you go, you know you can count on me, I've always respected your choices and your desires, I've never judged you. But you really have to explain, because I can't understand any more. Shit man, it's Granger! The girl you've always despised! The one who stole your success at school, and the one, the only one, who never showed you the respect you deserved!- What's happening to me, Blaise," Draco murmured, overwhelmed. What would have happened if you hadn't arrived? What would have happened? What would have happened!- Calm down, Drac', he said, dreading a tantrum.
- Should I calm down?" he said, looking up at him. I nearly slept with Granger!- Could it be that you didn't go through with it?" risked Blaise, turning his arguments on their head.- Don't try to reassure me! I don't understand..." he complained, letting his head fall into his hands. Just imagining that scumbag Sid putting his hands on her is driving me completely mad. She assured me that he didn't have time to touch her, but if he had I'd...He paused, less and less able to control his disgust as images flashed through his mind. He hadn't told his friend, but he felt he had to protect Hermione, especially tonight, he had involved her in this evening and felt responsible for her. Responsibility... Another thing he had just discovered, and he didn't like it, not at all.- I think I'm sick, Blaise..." he said finally.- Sick or in love?- Don't you dare say such stupid things!" he shouted, standing up. I'll never, ever, ever be in love! I don't know how to love, you hear me! Only weaklings and muggles are capable of sinking so low, of becoming dependent on a feeling that ruins life!There was a silence, everyone coming back down to earth after such words. No, it was clear that a Malfoy would not fall in love, the events of the evening had confused their minds, yes that was surely it.
- I've got a Quidditch match tomorrow and I need to get some sleep," said Draco.- If you need anything...- Just get out.- All right..." sighed Blaise helplessly.Blaise gave his friend a worried look, then crossed the portrait. Draco, exhausted, opened the door to his room. Hermione was still in bed, asleep. At that moment he would have liked to kill her, never to look at her again, never to be tempted by her beauty, her soft skin, her perfume... But Draco imagined the scene and had a sudden hot flash, realising that he was incapable of hurting her. Was this weakness? Yes, it certainly was. This woman had become such an important part of his life that he couldn't bear the emptiness she would leave behind. "I need her because I've never felt so alive, the others bore me, but with her, I have fun" Draco thought, reassuring himself. "Yes, she's like my own personal toy, that's why I need her. Freed of the enormous weight of having found the source of his attachment, he left the room before closing the door discreetly. Still, a knot persisted in his stomach, but as always, he ignored it.A few minutes later, he was asleep on the sofa in the Common Room...

A few minutes later, he was asleep on the sofa in the Common Room

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