Chapter 21: Beyond Love...

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"Sorry I'm late! I don't have an excuse for once, I'm just sorry^^ Chapter perhaps a little less good than the others but what I reveal in it is of the utmost importance. Everything in this chapter is a figment of my rather wild imagination, I must say! Thank you so much for all your comments, I love you!Happy Reading!" - Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 21: Beyond Love...

The young Potter's actions were not without consequences, and the very next day he was summoned to the Magenmagot, accompanied by several members of the Ministry as well as Dumbledore himself. For the second time in his life, Harry entered the huge legal courtyard, which resembled a dark stone dungeon dimly lit by a few torches, where a hundred people, all dressed in plum-coloured robes, stared at him, taking away any hope he had of ever seeing Hogwarts again. Nevertheless, the presence and apparent determination on the Headmaster's face gave him hope of escaping Azkaban prison...

Rufus Scrimgeour, who presided over the Council, began the trial with the usual introductions, including the representative for the defence, Dumbledore. Harry recognised Amelia Bones, one of the major directors of the Department of Magical Justice, who had been present at his previous trial. A massive witch with a square jaw and short-cropped grey hair, she had a friendly relationship with Arthur Weasley, and Harry hoped with all his heart that she would be merciful once again.

- Mr Harry Potter," began Scrimgeour's deep voice, "you are accused of attacking a student, Miss Granger, in the Hogwarts library using an undeclared lethal spell: the Sectumsempra. The victim is currently in a coma and the only witnesses against her have refused to testify. The court has deliberated on your fate and proposes immediate expulsion from the school and, since you have recently been declared of age since the thirty-first of July, six months' imprisonment in Azkaban. I now call upon Mr Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.The old man stood up proudly, a strange glint of mischief revealed behind his half-moon spectacles.- You are no doubt aware," he said in a tired voice, "that Mr Potter was the victim of the Death Spell on the thirty-first of October 1981, and that consequently...
- Forgive me," cut in the high-pitched voice of a tall, dark-haired woman with stern features who lived to the left of the judge, "but although this young man may have been the victim of atrocities in his past, his actions the day before have nothing to do with You-Know-Who and personal arguments that are surely intended to soften us up cannot be taken into consideration.- Allow me to contradict you on certain points, dear Sinella," replied Dumbledore calmly. My second point may surprise you, but Lord Voldemort himself is once again partly, and I stress this point, responsible.Murmurs of protest ran through the assembly at the mention of the dreaded name.- Please refrain from uttering his name in future," ordered Scrimgeour through gritted teeth. Daring to say his name is not a mark of courage as you seem to think, Dumbledore; the chessboard drawn up by the Dark Lord is far too large for your 'bravery' to move our pawns forward.- With respect," replied the old man, "if you continue to fear his words, it will be his pawns that advance...- That's enough," said the man to the right of the judge this time. The defence has the floor and no further intervention will be tolerated. You may proceed...
Dumbledore thanked him with a nod. Rufus Scrimgeour had always been at odds with Dumbledore and this was not going to help matters. But the latest news was that his position was under threat due to repeated absences. According to Hermione, her daughter was responsible, her father's love for her prevented him from selling her out to the law as a supporter of the Dark Lord, and keeping an eye on her was vital for her protection. Harry vowed to denounce them if he did not leave this court without confirmation that he would not go to Azkaban.- As I was saying," continued the Headmaster, "the death spell backfired on Voldemort, but not without consequences. Mr Potter realised over the years that he and Voldemort were linked, whether they wanted to be or not. When the spell cast on Harry backfired, some of his powers were passed on to this young man, in particular his ability to speak Fourchelang, a dialect possessed only by the heirs of Salazar Slytherin. But two years ago, Harry suffered horrific nightmares that revealed the Lord's actions, thoughts and moods. This file will prove it to you.A yellow file appeared on the judge's desk.
- It contains the testimony of Mr Arthur Weasley who was saved thanks to Harry's insight after a nightmare. It also contains the testimony of Mr Remus John Lupin, who will confirm Harry's distress call to him after he had a nightmare warning him of his godfather's death. Finally, there is my own testimony, in which I state that I saw Harry Potter being possessed by Voldemort himself a few minutes before Cornelius Fudge arrived. All this to say that, in spite of himself, Harry is attached to Voldemort by a bond so strong that the occlumancy practised with the help of Professor Severus Snape did not have the desired effect, and Harry cannot close his mind to the frequent intrusions of the Dark Mage who takes advantage of this situation.- Admittedly," said Scrimgeour, "your reasoning is perfectly logical and we do not doubt your evidence, but how does that explain Mr Potter's behaviour in our case?- Harry Potter, for personal reasons, went into a rage and the link between them working both ways, Voldemort felt this state of hatred and exploited it through him, so as to make him commit the irreparable.- Do you have any proof of what Dumbledore is saying?
- It seems to me that the fact that Harry Potter uses the Sectumsempra, a spell still unknown to the magical world, except by a power with perfect control over dark magic, is proof enough. Only a being such as Voldemort would be capable of inventing such spells and a seventeen-year-old boy, however gifted, would be incapable of doing so.Harry knew full well that Dumbledore was playing up the fact that last year's accident with Draco was known only to him and Snape. The Sectumsempra had been found in a book and Harry had been perfectly capable of casting the spell. If the Ministry believed the Headmaster's claims, he had a chance of getting away with it.- What's more," continued the Headmaster, "you have to admit that the famous Harry Potter, Voldemort's sworn enemy, being expelled from Hogwarts where he enjoyed guaranteed safety, to find himself in Azkaban where his only protection would be evil beings easily influenced by the Lord, would be far too good an opportunity to eliminate him once and for all, wouldn't it?The assembly murmured approvals which gave the Gryffindor courage. Dumbledore had been impressive and so convincing that he even hoped to return to Hogwarts.Rufus Scrimgeour cleared his throat to silence the rising noise:
- So," he said, "you're saying that Mr Potter is innocent and that his behaviour was nothing more than premeditated manipulation by the Dark Lord? You must admit that, although your story has a certain coherence to it, your assertions remain weak when it comes to proof...He looked over both shoulders and was surprised to see a silent and apparently convinced assembly. It was time for the vote in favour of the accused and a few hesitant hands rose, soon followed by a very large majority.- This is preposterous!" cried the high-pitched voice of the judge's neighbour, who was also grimacing.- The court announces a change of verdict," said Amélia Bones in a clear, strong voice. Mr Potter, under the influence of the Dark Lord, acted in a state of unconsciousness and his act is therefore considered involuntary. The charges against the accused are withdrawn and Mr Potter will resume his studies at Hogwarts tomorrow. However, a member of the Ministry will teach him proper Occlumency three evenings a week for two hours until he shows signs of progress. Thank you.Scrimgeour banged his gavel angrily, and the trial was over.


Harry's return created a veritable cloud of hat-raising, the hero we needed most in this pre-war era was once again with us. The Ministry, or at least some of them, did not regret their choice because the young man remained the only hope of one day seeing the light return, he gave people the desire to fight against what had been rotting their world for far too long.Draco watched the pathetic scene from the infirmary window, his eyes dark and his complexion pale. The students were greeting Potter warmly with grateful handshakes, as if to thank him for not letting them down. How could they even for a moment worship him after what he had just done to Hermione? How could people continue to smile when the woman he loved was hanging by a thread over the eternal abyss? Hermione's best friend was a liar and a profiteer of his own glory, posing as the poor little orphan, denying all help only to look more pathetic, believing himself superior to others and allowing himself to neglect his priorities. His legendary bravery was only due to numerous coincidences and the precious help of the beautiful Gryffindor, without her he would be nothing and how had he thanked her?
Draco's hatred for Harry outweighed all the reasons inside him that were screaming at him not to kill Potter at the risk of losing the young woman for good.The Slytherin turned back to her and looked for the hundredth time at the deep scars that marred her body. Madam Pomfresh's potion didn't seem to be working very well and her skin still hadn't regained any colour. Draco didn't even dare imagine never seeing her hazel eyes stare back at him with reproach and amusement, her lips kissing his with ardour...- Have you been there all night?Draco was roused from his reverie and once again looked cold and self-assured:- Am I dreaming, or are you trying to make conversation after trying to kill me, Potter?Potter, standing in the doorway, could think of nothing to say in reply, but nevertheless felt the need to justify himself:- I wasn't myself yesterday and...- Oh shut up Potter!" shouted the young man as he stood up, knocking his chair over with a deafening crash. You can screw all your stupid fans but not me with your possession stories! You and I both know that the old fool said that to protect you, so cut the crap!
Harry fell silent, his jaw almost as tight as his enemy's, and came to stand by Hermione's bed under Draco's murderous eye.- It should never have been her on that bed, or anyone else for that matter..." he said darkly.- Yes, you will if she doesn't make it," swore the Slytherin in all sincerity.- Why did you refuse to testify against me?- For the same reason you're still alive," he said before straightening the chair and sitting down again.Harry took the hint that he would not harm her while Hermione lived, he was only doing it for her sake. Even if he refused to admit it to himself, Draco was much more powerful than he was, he knew where he stood from now on and was relieved not to have to face him, at least not yet...Sensing that one presence was too many and that the Slytherin didn't seem in the least determined to leave, Harry reluctantly left the infirmary.
Several minutes passed and Draco no longer even looked at the clock, but his feeble movements and white complexion spoke volumes about the time he had spent sitting there, hoping to see the young woman move even a finger. Then, for the space of a second, he saw a glint of sunlight near her neck. Draco lifted the sheet slightly and saw the silver chain at the end of which hung the pendant that had changed his life. He gently took the small purple heart between his fingers and was surprised by the warmth it radiated, which contrasted with the coldness of its owner's limbs.- Don't take this as weakness or submission, Granger," Draco laughed with a smile, "but you're the one person I'd do anything for...He looked up sadly at her with his grey eyes that had lost their intensity, tired of talking to himself, not even sure if she was hearing words that would never have been spoken with such ease in any other situation than this one.
Draco suddenly felt Bulborbus's heart heating up between his fingers to a point where he cried out in pain. He tried to let go of it, but was horrified to find that his hand remained glued to the pendant, which was now reaching a scorching temperature, burning his skin. The veins in his hand became visible, as if they were trying to pierce the skin to get out, then it was the turn of those in his arm before his whole body was shaken by violent spasms, all the veins discernible including those in his neck and face. The young man, collapsed on the floor but with his fingertips still firmly attached to the pendant, was unable to scream out his pain as a tight knot knotted his throat, and horrible thumping noises pounded inside his skull, like a heart trying to stop beating.Madam Pomfresh stepped out of her office and quickly dropped her cup of tea, which exploded against the white tiles, horrified by what she saw before her: the young blond man who had been there for two days, on the verge of agony, his eyes wide open, seemed to be attached to her patient's collar, the glowing scars of which were slowly disappearing as the boy's veins appeared.
She rushed towards them and tried to free her fingers from the pendant she assumed was the source of the attraction, but was violently thrown back against the wall by some kind of protective field. She reopened her eyes after a few moments and saw the enchantment stop of its own accord, the Slytherin fell back heavily onto the floor while the little heart gradually lost its red glow and its warmth.The nurse rushed to Draco's side after grabbing a student by the collar in the corridor, ordering him to fetch the headmaster. The young man's skin was as cold as stone, but the pulses in his veins seemed to be calming down, as was his heart... In fact, thanks to a very difficult spell, Madam Pomfresh could easily see the boy's heart, or at least an image of it, floating at eye level, revealing the almost non-existent heartbeat. After placing him on a bed with the help of her wand, she used several spells, potions and magic ointments to improve his crucial condition. Dumbledore arrived in a hurry, closely followed by the Deputy Headmistress, who put her hand to her mouth:- By Merlin, what's happened?- Oh Minerva, you're not going to believe this!" exclaimed the nurse, pointing at Hermione.The young woman lay serenely on her white bed, her skin as new as a child's, all traces of scars gone...
- is that possible?" asked McGonagall.- What's happened to Mr Malfoy?" asked Dumbledore curtly, who was much more concerned about the young man's condition given the purplish colour of his skin.- It's this thing," she replied in a trembling voice, pointing to the necklace resting wisely on Hermione's chest. When I arrived Mr Malfoy was like...electrocuted by the pendant, it was horrible. Miss Granger's scars all started to fade away!- I think I recognise a Bulborbus heart? he asked.- Indeed," agreed the metamorphosis teacher.- Please fetch Pomona," he said to McGonagall, who complied immediately. How is her condition?- Critical at the moment," said the nurse gloomily, "but he'll be fine, I assure you. With everything I've given him, I wouldn't be surprised if he came round in a couple of hours.- I'm glad, you're admirable Pompom. I would ask you to keep what happened to yourself.- That goes without saying.Professor McGonagall returned a few minutes later, accompanied by Mrs Chourave.
- Ah Pomona," said the headmaster warmly, "does the heart of Bulborbus have a function other than that of the love filter potion?She seemed surprised by the question, but contented herself with answering:- Well, yes indeed, but it's very rare, I'd even say impossible that...- What is it?" he cut in gently.- The heart of Bulborbus brings together two souls completely fused in perfect harmony, and if something happens to one of them, if their love is strong enough, then the other can absorb all the evil, physical and moral, that is eating away at his sweetheart. This exchange can be fatal if we don't intervene in time. But as I was saying, it's almost impossible for...But Madame Chourave was interrupted when her gaze fell on the necklace of a sick woman. With her eyes wide open, she looked as if she'd died standing up if she hadn't walked cautiously towards Hermione, as if to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Still without a word, her eyes sparkling with adoration, she gently moved her hand towards the pendant, trembling.- Pomona, is everything all right?" worried Professor McGonagall.- It can't be..." she breathed in a whisper, without taking her eyes off her target. It''s a miracle, Merlin!
- Don't touch the heart of the plant," Dumbledore ordered sharply.- Yes, yes, I know," replied the botany professor, who seemed to wake up from his torpor.- Professor?" called a small, timid voice.During Mrs Chourave's strange behaviour, no one had realised that Hermione had woken up. The nurse gave a cry of joy and hurried off to get her a nice bar of chocolate to give her some energy.- Professor," she repeated, looking horrified at the next bed, "what's happened to her?Dumbledore took charge of explaining what had happened to her, to the frequent approvals of the metamorphosis teacher, while the botany teacher couldn't stand still, apparently eager to reveal the source of his excitement. When the Headmaster had finished, Hermione's first question was, "Is he going to be all right?" and she was relieved to see that the nurse answered in the affirmative.- What's so wonderful about this situation, Pomona?" asked McGonagall, who was becoming annoyed by her neighbour's frantic hopping about.
- How can we explain this? Let's say that on Earth, every person, whoever they may be, has a soul mate. When you are born, your soul mate already exists somewhere in the world, she is you, and you are her, you are one, united by an indestructible and eternal love. But it's impossible to find her! By that I mean that the chances of meeting her among billions of human beings are very, very slim, not to say non-existent! The heart of Bulborbus is the one and only way to recognise them, to prove that two people complement each other! The heart of this plant is worth millions of gallons! The only Bulborbus heart known to date lies in Greece in a place protected by countless spells, removed by a sorcerer several centuries before Christ! Understand my astonishment when I see that this young girl is wearing gold love around her neck without even knowing its value!Everyone was stunned by the botany teacher's incredible speech.- Why didn't you tell us this in class?" asked Hermione.- The Ministry has forbidden revealing this information for the safety of the students," she explained, "can you imagine if they wanted to find out if the person they loved was their soul mate? Or try to take them away for money? I don't even want to think about how many hands would be burnt for life...
Hermione looked at the little thing hanging around her neck. So she and Draco were soul mates, united by an indestructible and eternal love... And to think that he had unconsciously taken it away when he thought he loved Lisa. Hermione realised that for the last seven years, she had been living with the man of her life right in front of her, and she had known nothing about it, she had even hated him... She remembered that evening on New Year's Eve, when their mouths had brushed against each other, the world around them had disappeared and Hermione had never felt anything so strong. That evening was their first kiss in Draco's room, and the sensations that had taken hold of her body were similar. Everything could be explained, this bond between them, this burning desire to tease the other, to talk to him, this need to see him, to kiss him, it was vital, it was their unique love, it was their merged souls.But Hermione knew deep down that this chance of destiny that had led her to find her soul mate would be ruined again and again because of that dark being who had destroyed her life and Harry's: Lord Voldemort.
She wondered if he would have the patience to wait until the end of the year for Draco's answer... As long as he persisted in thinking that their story had never been a lie, the chances were that he would refuse to ally himself with him, but Hermione knew that it was her duty to convince him that she had never loved him, and when he finally accepted this idea. ... the black anger would seize him and there would be nothing to keep him here, he would go and settle his debt with Voldemort, who would thus gain a major asset for the great war to come...Hermione was so tired of it all, she wished she could tell him the truth...But he must never know, never. He must never find out that she was a part of him, that she loved him in a way he was forbidden to love. Hermione knew that she wouldn't have the strength to live without the man she loved more than her own life, but the love she had for him went so far beyond that that he was the only thing that mattered to her.The young woman looked tenderly at Draco on the next bed and, praying that he had not overheard the conversation with Mrs Chourave, she said to those present:- Don't say anything about this to Drago, Professor... Please.While the headmaster, his assistant and the nurse approved without question, much to her relief, Madame Chourave looked at her with round eyes, outraged:
- But you can't spoil a prodigy like that!" she exclaimed. He has a right to know and...- Pomona, that's enough!" hissed Dumbledore, apparently angry. Miss Granger has asked us to keep the secret and we must respect her choice...- But...- Is that clear?" he asked with a piercing look behind his glasses.- Yes, yes of course..." she finally said sadly.- Well then. I'm going to ask you ladies to leave now, as Miss Granger needs her rest.The two women complied as the nurse returned to her office, leaving Dumbledore with his patient. The latter knew perfectly well that, despite her desire to know the truth, he would not ask her any questions that would make her feel uncomfortable, and she really respected him for that.- You know, Miss Granger," he said in his broken, tired voice, "the fact that Mr Malfoy has removed the heart proves that you also love him beyond the bounds of love. Your reason for refusing this happiness served up on a silver platter must be extremely important...and serious.He approached the bed and was silent for a moment before declaring:- You can trust me, Miss Granger. I suspect it has something to do with a force so dark that you cannot face it, and I also suspect that Mr Malfoy must be dangerous for your heart to suffer such horror.Hermione hesitated for a long moment, uncomfortable about lying again. No, she couldn't tell him, he wouldn't understand. He would seek a solution to spare Draco from harm rather than reunite them, everyone's future depended on it, and for that perhaps he would be prepared to sacrifice the secret. She couldn't risk telling an adult because, clever or not, they never really understand that what's most important to them isn't necessarily important to a teenager. If Draco were to learn the truth, she would die and he would live with the hatred and sorrow of not having known sooner. No, the less she talked about it, the better her secret would be kept.- I'm afraid I can't tell you the truth," she said at last, her throat tight. I'd rather tell you that I'm not going to tell you anything than lie to you, Professor. I'm sorry, Professor.Dumbledore, who was used to concealing his feelings quite well, looked very disappointed, he must not have expected this student to reject him, he who had always known how to find the right words. He suddenly seemed to reflect on the last words exchanged, then his gaze fell sharply on the young woman's wrist, but it was hidden by the sheet. A smile appeared on his wrinkled face, however, and he stared at Hermione before saying:- Very well, it's your choice. I understand.Then, without a word, he left the infirmary, as if relieved to have finally understood the source of his stubbornness. Hermione wondered if he had seen through the sheet, but she rather thought that her headmaster was very intelligent. She raised her wrist to the light and looked intently at the cause of her misfortune, the one and only scar that had not disappeared and would remain forever...

 She raised her wrist to the light and looked intently at the cause of her misfortune, the one and only scar that had not disappeared and would remain forever

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