Chapter 19: Make up your mind, Hermione...

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"I was going to publish the rest in a few days' time but as I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow I'm not cruel enough to make you wait another week^^ So I'm aware that the previous chapter wasn't very clear despite all my efforts to make it lol.So I'm aware that the previous chapter wasn't very clear despite all my efforts to make it lol and as I love being close to my reviewers, I'll give you my msn address if you like, so you can ask me as many questions as you like, except about the sequel of course! Although sometimes I like to reveal a few things^^ Anyway, I'd rather not put it publicly on my blog, you never know, so anyone who wants it can tell me in a comment or send me a message^^.

I'm still answering a few of Marie's questions^^ whose answers may be useful to everyone. Why did Draco kill the little girl without regret? Simply because he was a mangemort at the time, he spent his childhood learning evil and education doesn't change like that, Draco only wants one thing: to be free. The rest doesn't matter, his mind is black, like his heart before he met Hermione, he's evil like the others, but unlike them, independent. A lot of fic make Draco's character change after he meets Hermione, for me he's just making an effort for her, not to hurt her, so it's in his interest, but for example he would unapologetically kill someone who was after Hermione's life...And why didn't Hermione blame him? Because it was hard enough for him to confide such things and she didn't feel entitled to reproach him in any way, but we can assume (after all, they're still characters!) that of course he didn't like it. Last question: does Draco know that Lisa is a Death Eater? No, as the celebration didn't take place, they didn't have a chance to meet....

So much for your answers! I hope I've answered them, but if not, let me know! Sorry if I've written a novel, but I like to explain things in detail lolNow it's time for the story!

Thanks for all your comments !!!!!"- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 19: Make up your mind, Hermione...

Hermione couldn't sleep that night. Tossing and turning, she couldn't get Draco's face out of her head, looking at her like a monster. She had the real impression that her heart was split open, letting the blood and pain flow out slowly...She didn't know how long she slept, but she was woken a few hours later by a rather loud conversation coming from the Common Room. After rubbing her swollen eyes, reddened by tears, she put on her green bathrobe, not without a touch of nostalgia, and left her room. She saw Rufus Scrimgeour, Snape and Dumbledore trying in vain to calm Draco, the latter shirtless and forcibly restrained by two members of the Ministry. So Lisa was telling the truth," Hermione thought darkly, "they're coming to get him...".- Let go of me!" spat Draco as he tried to pick up his wand again.- Mr. Malfoy," Scrimgeour said calmly, "I have here an authorization from the Ministry of Magical Criminal Investigation allowing me to take you in for questioning which...- Let go of me!" he shouted.Faced with such fury and, above all, such grey eyes, the Minister suddenly felt himself melting but did not lose his self-confidence:
- You'd better calm down, young man...- Let go of me," repeated Draco between his teeth.- Let him go!" intervened Hermione.All eyes turned to her as the young woman ran down the stairs before addressing the Minister:- Don't hold him," she said hastily, "if you want his attention, don't touch him, don't touch him..." she said breathlessly.- I'm sorry, Miss, but it's the law and we have to make sure, for safety's sake, that...- He'll never co-operate if you continue to hold him by force," cut in Hermione. Trust me...Rufus Scrimgeour seemed to hesitate, but the young blond man appeared to be in such a state of trance that he thought it best not to escalate the situation. The young woman seemed to know him inside out and he nodded to the two men who let go of Draco. Draco hurried back a few steps.- I suppose you'll be keeping him all day," said Dumbledore dryly.- It all depends on what he has to tell us, Albus, you know the procedure...- All too well," he decided, before striding towards Draco. I'll arrange for you to be back tomorrow, now follow them.
Draco finally obeyed, aware that the Headmaster would never be able to defend the actions he had committed this summer, today was undoubtedly the last day he would set foot at Hogwarts...He then turned to Hermione and looked at her for a long time, finding in those worried eyes the woman he loved:- Here Granger," he said, taking a crumpled ball of cloth out of his jeans pocket and handing it to her, "give this to Hermione for me...Troubled by these last words, the young woman took the present and watched Draco being led away from her.She stood there for several minutes, staring at the portrait through which he had just disappeared, before coming to her senses and turning her attention to the ball of cloth. With trembling hands, Hermione delicately unfolded the cloth before revealing what it hid: a silver chain whose pendant was the small purple heart of the Bulborbus removed by Draco himself a few days earlier... Hermione took it delicately, sliding the small links of the chain between her fingers, just as she let the tears flow freely down her cheeks. She slipped the necklace around her neck, clutching in her palm what she had fought so hard for, only to sacrifice it... A note was slipped into it: "So that you never forget that my feelings for you were sincere.- Me too, Draco," she murmured, "me too...


Draco and Hermione had, in a way, become the 'celebrity' couple of the school, each of their declarations being made public, the students could follow their relationship and bets were being placed, with photos of the embracing couple going from two nuggets to ten nuggets. If only they knew, if only they knew that all this was far from being a game between two teenagers going through a love crisis, but a matter of life and death. Hermione didn't go to class today, preferring to sit in one of the prefecture chairs, trying to convince herself that Voldemort was in control of the situation at the Ministry, ordering his followers to convince the court to release Draco.- Hermione? Open up, please.She ordered the knight to let them in. Harry and Ron went inside, their faces serious.- Now you tell us," Harry said firmly, taking a chair, "and no lies.Hermione took a deep breath, knowing full well that lying to them was beyond her strength, she had done it too much recently. So she told them about the conversation with Lisa, mentioning the Unbreakable Vow which obliged Voldemort to keep Draco alive, on the sole condition that she left him. As well as her own Oath, forbidding her to reveal the truth to Draco.
- At last, Hermione, you realise that you've just made a pact with You-Know-Who!- I realise that, Ron! she replied. I had no choice, if I refused Voldemort wouldn't have done anything to save Draco's life!- Do you really think he would have let his most promising Death Eater die without trying?- If Draco refused to join him, believe me, he would have let the Ministry do something! What I don't know is why my leaving Draco was so important to him that he decided to make an Unbreakable Vow...- It seems obvious to me, Hermione..." said Harry. Draco's always been afraid of death, no matter what he says, you can see it in his eyes, he doesn't want to die and he hasn't since he was very young. If Draco hadn't met you, Voldemort would have offered him his life in exchange for his loyalty and I'd bet my life he'd have accepted his offer rather than the Destroyer's Kiss. But he fell in love with you at a rather difficult time in his life, and it would be unthinkable for him now to join Voldemort's side and fight against you... And it kills me to say it, but I seriously think he would have preferred to die Hermione. He loves you, I saw it in his eyes yesterday, he really does.That's why Voldemort was so keen to separate you, Draco not only had to be attached to nothing and no one, but on top of that the fact of separating you would surely provoke a black anger in him, influencing his choice towards evil.Hermione couldn't contain herself and burst into tears in her friend's arms. Hearing him acknowledge Draco's love for her was even more painful, realising the Slytherin's true feelings, the real beginning of a serious relationship that she had ruined.Hermione had never cried so much in front of her friends, and she felt a certain unease as she realised how "weak" she had been, as Draco would have said. She tried to look a little more detached and asked:- Where are we with the Horcruxes, Harry?- Well, apart from Jedusor's diary, Salazar's Medallion and the Gaunts' ring, Dumbledore and I assume, I'd even say we're sure, that Rowena Slytherin's tiara, Helga Hufflepuff's cup and Nagini are the other three parts of Voldemort.- The snake?" exclaimed Ron.
- Yes," he replied, "Dumbledore thinks it's the only explanation for Voldemort having such control over the animal.Harry told them about his recent escapades in the Headmaster's Thinking Room, confirming the Headmaster's hypothesis that the cup and tiara were very valuable objects that had belonged to the two founders of Hogwarts.- How are we going to find them?" asked Hermione.- I have no idea," Harry admitted darkly.They remained silent for a long time, staring at the ground, probably realising the long task ahead of them...


The three of them went down to the Great Hall for lunch, ignoring the comments and glances that were thrown their way.- Hi Hermione!" said Ginny. Hello Harry, I've saved a seat for you.The redhead pointed to an empty seat on the wooden bench, her eyes shining with hope.- That's nice, Gin', but you didn't have to, there's a seat here," he said, taking a seat a little further back with Ron.
The young woman's smile fell as quickly as it had appeared, and she didn't even glance at Hermione, who came and sat down opposite her.- He hates me," she mumbled, her head in her hands.- You know very well I don't," replied Hermione.- He's avoiding me!" said Ginny, raising her head.- Don't you think you're exaggerating?- Am I? Look carefully, Hermione.She straightened up and called:- Harry? I need some advice for the Quidditch match coming up, I'm new to being a chaser. Do you think we could practice together after school?- Not tonight Ginny, sorry, Snape's given us a parchment and a half to write!- Tomorrow then?- There's an outing to Hogsmeade.- The day after?" she tried.- Well, I don't know, we'll see, won't we?" he said before turning his attention back to Seamus and Ron's conversation.
Ginny raised a questioning eyebrow at Hermione who lowered her eyes.- You see, you recognise him! I'm hopeless!" she moaned. He must think I'm ugly, I'm sure!- Oh stop it, Gin'," cut in Hermione, annoyed. You're beautiful, lots of boys want to go out with you and you know it! Harry really liked Cho, let him get over it.- Yes, well, I'll be gone for thirty years!Hermione said nothing. She had to admit, Harry never seemed to want to fall in love in his life, maybe that was why he was pushing Ginny away. Hermione bit her lower lip. Would she too push away every future boy she liked because of her love for Draco? Would he go back to the way he was before and forget the first woman he loved? Will all these broken hearts ever fall in love again? So many questions to which Hermione could only guess at the answer, and it didn't really seem positive to her...


The next morning, Hermione woke with a start. She clumsily disentangled herself from the sheets and ran out of her room, crossing the small corridor that separated her from the Slytherin. On tiptoe, Hermione carefully turned the doorknob, and just as she expected to discern a sleeping figure in the dark, the blinding light of day revealed a room identical to the day before, with an empty bed.- He's not back," Hermione gasped in panic.She ran down the stairs and was about to leave the common room when she came face to face with Dumbledore:- Ah Miss Granger," he said in his steady voice, peering at her through his half-moon glasses. You were coming to see me, weren't you?Hermione agreed.- I'm glad to see you're so interested in Mr Malfoy's fate, I must say.- Professor, I'm really sorry about what happened at your party," Hermione said quickly. I didn't mean to spoil it and...But Dumbledore gently silenced her with a gesture.- What goes on between you and dear Draco is none of my business. So I'd like to apologise for turning your relationship into a freak show...
- Where is he, Professor?" said Hermione, who couldn't hold back the question that was burning her lips any longer.- The Ministry cleared him, he'll be back in a few hours.The young woman's heart sank heavily in her chest and she couldn't hold back a smile.- I'll be honest, Miss Granger... Although I'm delighted that he's free, Mr Malfoy should never have been released so soon. I think he's told you about the things he's done in the past, and the Veritaserum potion should have had serious consequences, much more serious...Hermione lowered her head, masking her confusion.- If you know anything, miss, please tell me.- I know nothing, Professor, nothing at all," she lied.She knew that Dumbledore was far from convinced, but she thanked him inwardly for not insisting:- In that case, I wish you a pleasant day.When he had gone, Hermione let out a long sigh. Then, with a light heart despite the fact that she didn't know whether or not Draco had accepted the Lord's obvious proposal, she left to change for the outing to Hogsmeade which would do her a world of good.


Dressed in a long white coat and a hat of the same colour, perfectly fitting the shape of her skull, Hermione breathed in the icy air of the snowy Park. As Ron hurried towards Zonko's shop, Hermione walked alongside Harry, ready to broach a subject that the young man was never really comfortable with: girls.- Is everything all right with you at the moment, Harry?- Yes," he said, looking away.- I was... talking about Cho.- I don't feel like discussing it Hermione," he said in a calm but definitive tone.- And Ginny, eh? You don't want to talk about that either?- What's she got to do with it?" he said, staring at her.- Oh, I think you know, Harry.He grumbled something but Hermione pretended she hadn't heard and continued:- It's one thing that you don't want to go out with her, but you don't have the right to give her hope knowing full well what she wants from you!- You haven't understood Hermione! I don't want to push her away!
- Ah...ah yes? So what's the problem?- She won't be happy with me, that's the problem.- What's all this about?Harry stopped walking, then pointed to the Three Broomsticks. Up ahead, Cho Chang was laughing with her friends, her long silky black hair swaying elegantly behind her back.- You see, Hermione, that girl has destroyed any trust I had in her. Now I'll never be able to trust a woman again. But I'll always love her. If I go out with Ginny, she'll have to put up with the fact that my eyes will follow Cho every time she walks by, that my thoughts will often go to her. Plus I know I'll be torturing myself every day hoping Ginny isn't with another man. I don't think I'm capable of loving Hermione anymore, and Ginny would suffer...- Do you seriously think Ginny doesn't know all this, Harry? She knows what you've been through and she's prepared to wait for you for as long as it takes. She's genuinely loved you, since second year! Don't make the mistake of lumping all women together with Cho...
With that, Hermione walked away towards the Three Broomsticks. The young man watched her go, a tender look on his face, then saw her return, a horrified look on her face. She was accompanied by Cho:- Very good, Harry," said Hermione, holding the Chinese girl by the arm.The latter seemed completely overwhelmed by what was happening, not understanding what she was doing there.- Look at her closely, Harry," said Hermione, "and now insult her.- Wh-what? Hermione, what are you playing at?" he asked, giving Cho an apologetic look.- Until you've told her everything that's on your mind, you'll remain unhappy, because contrary to what you think, time doesn't erase pain. Go on, she's listening.- Stop it, Hermione!" Harry said through gritted teeth, embarrassed. Let her go, you're being ridiculous.Hermione sighed.- Fine, you can go Chang, Harry doesn't blame you for what you did to him...- I didn't say that..." he growled.- Oh, but you mean it," Hermione agreed.- I don't mean it at all!
With that, Hermione walked away towards the Three Broomsticks. The young man watched her go, a tender look on his face, then saw her return, a horrified look on her face. She was accompanied by Cho:- Very good, Harry," said Hermione, holding the Chinese girl by the arm.The latter seemed completely overwhelmed by what was happening, not understanding what she was doing there.- Look at her closely, Harry," said Hermione, "and now insult her.- Wh-what? Hermione, what are you playing at?" he asked, giving Cho an apologetic look.- Until you've told her everything that's on your mind, you'll remain unhappy, because contrary to what you think, time doesn't erase pain. Go on, she's listening.- Stop it, Hermione!" Harry said through gritted teeth, embarrassed. Let her go, you're being ridiculous.Hermione sighed.- Fine, you can go Chang, Harry doesn't blame you for what you did to him...- I didn't say that..." he growled.- Oh, but you mean it," Hermione agreed.- I don't mean it at all!
- You take responsibility for your actions," Hermione declared with a huge smile.When Harry ended what he thought was the best kiss of his life, he pressed his forehead to Ginny's, grinning.- Tell me you're not just doing this to get over Cho," Ginny murmured.Harry nodded without stopping to smile:- You're the one I want, I'm sure of it now.They kissed again as Ron looked on in bewilderment as he came out of the shop, his arms full of tricks. He turned to Hermione who had joined him:- Did I miss something?" he asked.


Evening had fallen and most of the students had already returned to the castle. Despite her cold fingers, Hermione waited patiently for the happy new couple, Harry and Ginny, to finally decide to return. Sheltered under a tree, the young woman silently admired the snowflakes that came down by the thousand, reinforcing the thick white coat of the Park every second.
- Nostalgia," said a voice behind her.- Donovan?" she asked. You didn't go back with the others?- I was just about to, but then I saw you.He didn't say another word, then came and joined her under the tree.- Red nose suits you," he said with a smile that Hermione returned. Are you cold?- Yes, a little," she admitted.He then took her in his arms and Hermione let herself be warmed by his gentle embrace. After a few minutes, Donovan loosened his arms and fixed his warm gaze on Hermione:- I like you, Hermione. I've liked you a lot since the day I saw you.He moved his lips closer and as they made contact with Hermione's, she slowly turned her head away, her eyes staring at the floor in discomfort:- I'm... I'm sorry," she stammered.- No, it's me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...- It's nothing. Don't think it's anything to do with you, just...- You don't have to justify yourself, Hermione, believe me. I'll wait. I'll wait as long as it takes.- Thank you, Hermione.
Hermione offered to fetch them two beer-bottles from the Three Broomsticks and left for a few minutes. Alone, Donovan barely had time to rest his head against the tree before a hand reached out from behind the trunk and grabbed his collar, pinning his wand under his chin.- Malfoy..." smiled Donovan. Let me guess, you've come to threaten me?- Get him to shed one tear and I swear you'll wish you'd never been born.- Uh-oh. So it was true? The great Malfoy really did fall in love? Sorry, but you've had your chance, mate, she doesn't want you any more, she's fucked you over, don't you get it? What happens between me and her now is none of your business, mate, so my advice to you is forget about her.- There's no way I'm letting you manipulate Hermione into getting into bed with you and then throwing her out, is that clear? She's not like the others, you should get that through your thick skull, mate...- Who knows, maybe I'll fall in love with her too?- Then I'll wish you all the strength in the world to survive that day...- Donovan?" called Hermione.Draco had just had time to put his wand away and let go of the Serdigle when the young woman appeared, two beer-bottles in her hand.- I hope I haven't been too lo...
She stopped dead in her tracks as she caught sight of the young blond man.- Draco..." she gasped.Although he was once again taken aback by the young woman's beauty, he didn't let it show. Without a word, he walked away towards the castle.- What was he doing there?" she finally asked.- I don't know, shall we have that beer?- Another time perhaps," Hermione said mechanically, without taking her eyes off Draco's silhouette walking in the distance.She turned to Donovan and only seemed to realise his presence, then she handed him the two tankards which he took despite himself.She then took off in the direction of the castle without a backward glance for the man she left alone under the tree, while her whole mind was turned towards Draco Malfoy...

She then took off in the direction of the castle without a backward glance for the man she left alone under the tree, while her whole mind was turned towards Draco Malfoy

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