Chapter 31: A Risk Worthy Of A Gryffindor...

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"I know how angry you are at me! And what's more, I was really touched to receive so many death threats lol that means you're keen to continue! It means that despite the passage of time you haven't forgotten and that you'll be here for a long time to come! So thank you very much!To explain myself, I was going to publish the new chapter during the holidays, but I was at the BAFA for eight days and then I went to Lyon until the start of the new school year, so I didn't find the time to write. This evening I really got down to it and here I am posting the chapter, just proofread and corrected, but your impatience is stressing me out lol.

I'm sorry to tell you that the next chapter will probably be a long time coming too, I've got you used to one chapter a week but my chapters were already written, now my page is blank and it's taking me a long time to write, especially with my exam revisions.

Anyway, thanks again for reading my story and commenting on it, I'm not sorry I published it in the end.

Big kisses to you all and happy reading!

PS: Werewolves will be mentioned in this chapter, and I'd like to warn you before you compare it to Stephenie Meyer's work, that the conflict between werewolves (also known as Lycans) and vampires is well known and reputed in legends and myths, and was in no way created by the author of Twilight. Incidentally, I draw my inspiration from the film Underworld for those who have seen it, so that was just a clarification I thought was important."

- Drago-Malefoy-Granger


Chapter 31: A Risk Worthy Of A Gryffindor...

She had dreamt of it so many times. Comfortably ensconced in two arms that wrapped around her tightly, as if never to let her go again. So many times she had woken up, alone in the middle of a large bed whose cold sheets reminded her that dreams were not made to be fulfilled, but precisely to be hoped for.And yet, that afternoon, Hermione was not cold. Pressed against his body, the warmth he radiated was far too real for her to fear a mere dream. His lips against her forehead were far too real for her to fear waking up alone. She couldn't be happier than she was right now, and wished that time would never stop.She finally opened her eyes, and was happy to see that reality was just what she had hoped it would be: his face, with its perfect features, was only a few centimetres from hers, and the little smile he gave her made her heart skip a beat. Even though Hermione knew he was hers now, she would continue to be seduced all the time, because you couldn't get enough of this man. Yet something was different. She didn't know what, but something in his face had changed.
They looked at each other intensely for a moment before Hermione finally, as always, felt embarrassed.- What are you thinking about?" she murmured.- Just enjoying the moment," he replied.Hermione frowned. He had said that as if this moment were the last. He noticed her confusion and it was her turn to frown:- What, you're not going to tell me that we've just made a mistake, that you're sorry and that you need to think about Richy and the mission?- Not at all!" she took offence.Although, come to think of it, Draco's reaction wasn't surprising. He stretched his smile a little wider:- Really? So, you and me... are we together?Hermione nodded and smiled, delighted to see him so happy.- For real?" he insisted like a child who had been promised a present.- Yes, for real! I admit I feel guilty about Richard, but I'm too happy right now to feel any remorse. And believe me, if I had to do it all over again, I would. Hundreds of times, in fact.
Draco caressed her cheek as he gazed at her, as if he couldn't believe it, then brought his lips to hers and kissed her. Hermione kissed back and held him a little tighter. She would have plenty of time later to think about the consequences of her actions, and to face them. She was with him now, that was all that mattered, and there was no reason for that to change as long as Draco continued to ignore the fact that she had loved him at Hogwarts.- I'm afraid this is all a dream," Draco admitted, resting his chin on the young woman's hair. It wouldn't be the first time I've woken up in your arms.- I'm here, and for a long time. I promise.As if to back up her own words, Hermione buried her head a little more in the hollow of his neck and inhaled his scent for the hundredth time.- Be careful with your words," he said. Don't forget that they're the only things that scare me.Hermione understood his meaning better than the day before; his words had often been destructive and he now dreaded the slightest promise, which was likely to be a lie.The young woman would have stayed there for hours if Draco hadn't suddenly jumped out of bed, beaming. She looked away as he dressed, the events still being too fresh for her, which didn't seem to be the case for him, given his lack of modesty.
- Where are you going?" she asked when he'd finished.- To make us breakfast!- At five o'clock in the afternoon? she wondered.- We've been in bed all day, aren't you hungry?- Er, yes, I am. But I thought we'd eat tonight.Draco stared at her.- Do you want to eat their meat again?Hermione took a moment to realise that he was referring to vampires, then exclaimed:- No thanks for me! The tension of the meal is unbearable. I just thought we'd eat before we left.Draco shook his head firmly.- No," he said. If we eat just before, they'll still smell our meal and take it as an offence, as if we wanted to avoid eating with them.- But we do, don't we?- Yes, but they might as well ignore it! Better to eat well beforehand and pretend you're not hungry afterwards, trust me.
Hermione nodded and watched him leave the room. She let herself fall back onto the mattress and breathed in the scent of the young man's pillow. Her smile appeared immediately, like an automatism, an instant reaction to what she thought was the most pleasant smell in the world. How had she managed to live without it all this time? Merlin, she loved him! She could never do without him again, and she would rather die than make him suffer again. Nothing mattered now, even Voldemort's current reign, which was growing stronger every day, was just a minor problem in the midst of immense happiness. Love is selfish, Hermione knew that. She made no secret of the fact that Draco was her priority, her only reason for living and she was afraid of knowing that she was ready to sacrifice everything for him, but at the same time she fully assumed it.Today, Hermione was living again for the first time in a long time, and she wouldn't let anything spoil that joy, not even a vampire.
With a smile on her face, she dressed in turn and joined him in the kitchen, where a sumptuous breakfast had been carefully prepared on the wooden table. The plates were full of waffles, toast and pancakes, the appetising smell of grilled bacon wafted from a small bowl, while jams and hot chocolate were laid out in a corner. But the most surprising thing was the decoration: green and silver garlands lined the old walls, and small fir branches covered the table, whose tablecloth had also been decorated in Slytherin colours.Hermione had a real princess breakfast in front of her. It took her a while to get the words out, but when she did, she couldn't stop:- What's all this, Draco? Why all this decoration? And how did you manage to create such food? Don't tell me you've somehow managed to get a House Elf to come here while I was away! And why only green and silver?Hermione had to stop herself because Draco had just taken a step forward and suddenly kissed her. When he slowly lifted his lips from hers, he savoured the silence that had been the original purpose of his kiss.
- Merry Christmas," he murmured.Hermione raised her eyebrows, unsure. Christmas? Was it today? She'd had no concept of time for a long time now, but to forget this very special day!- Oh," she breathed.Still shaken, she let herself be led by Draco's hand to sit down. In the face of her silence, he finally explained that all he'd had to do was tap a magazine page depicting a lunch and it would immediately become reality.- What magazine?" she wondered when she could speak again.Draco suddenly looked uncomfortable.- Yours," he admitted. Which I found by chance in your bag yesterday.- You went through my bag? What were you looking for?- Nothing!" he snapped. Enjoy it instead of asking questions.This sudden anger made Hermione realise that she had indeed perhaps not had the desired reaction, because when a Malfoy made efforts for someone other than himself, not to reward him was to overestimate his capacity for survival.- Excuse me," she said, rising to her feet. What you've done is... wonderful. I...
But she paused as he stared at her. Hermione was stunned for a moment: she had just found the little something that had changed in him, that intriguing detail on his face.- Your eyes," she murmured. Your eyes, Draco, they're blue! Completely blue! Oh, they're so beautiful now! Just like at Hogwarts!She couldn't help but throw herself into his arms to celebrate this event she had been waiting for for a very long time. The blue diamonds had only retained a tiny trace of grey due to a past forever engraved in them, but the azure dominated and, for a moment, she had the impression that she was looking at the blond boy from a distant past, still young and arrogant.Draco remained rigid for a few seconds before closing his embrace on the young woman, looking both surprised and uncertain. Hermione looked up at him and smiled through her teeth.- Are you happy?" she whispered.
Draco nodded slowly in agreement. The former Gryffindor rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes at the touch of his lips on her forehead. She felt liberated from an enormous weight that had never stopped pulling her down into the depths of a painful past, because now she was certain that he no longer held a grudge against her. Of course, he would never forget the heartbreak he had endured, but at least he had left his hatred behind to offer her nothing but love, never extinguished despite the ordeals, and his eyes were proof of that.- Did the colour of my eyes mean that much to you?- It's what they mean that mattered to me, Draco.She felt him smile and moved away from him so that she could question him with her eyes. Draco answered on his own:- It's just that I've been waiting for ages for you to call me by my first name again without hatred in your voice. I was really getting fed up of hearing you shout 'Malfoy' all the time, in a reproachful tone that didn't bode well.Hermione couldn't help but burst out laughing. Despite everything, she knew that deep down, she had missed that authoritarian tone all this time.
They moved on to the table and the silence that settled in could only have seemed strange after this exchange. The sidelong glances, the little smiles, the sometimes confused gestures, it was as if they were a young couple discovering each other, just as they had done a year earlier.- Do you think it was really human meat?" Hermione asked suddenly.Expecting mocking laughter, Draco simply shrugged before answering in a detached tone:- I've no idea, I've never tasted it.The young woman gasped and put her buttered toast back on the table. It was at this moment that Draco chose to laugh.- Come on, don't make that face, vampires wouldn't dare break the law in front of a Ministry official, would they?- No doubt," she replied, unconvinced. But they're not afraid of me. I almost feel ridiculous with all the pranks they play on me!- Be happy, if they're acting like this it's because they like you. Because if they didn't, they wouldn't be playing jokes on you, believe me.A shiver ran down her spine. It reminded her of the question she hadn't dared ask Soane about the previous ministerial messengers sent to negotiate. Draco drew her out of her thoughts, seeing that she was not looking very reassured:- Do you like decorating?- A bit too green for my taste.
- Well, you'll have to get used to it from now on," he smiles. Welcome to my people.Hermione was puzzled, not sure if he was being funny.- What do you mean?" she asked, forcing herself to look detached.- I think you know, my love...Surprised by this new name, but far from displeased, she ended up shaking her head in confusion.- No," she said. I'm sorry, I don't follow you here.Then Draco stood up and knelt before Hermione's wild eyes.- What are you doing," she stammered, fearing the worst.Kneeling before her, he gently took her hand and gazed into her eyes with that new intensity of deep blue. His gaze was no longer the colour of steel, but still retained that hypnotic power that made it impossible to look away. His features seemed much softer, he seemed to have grown younger while retaining a certain maturity.- Hermione," he said in a deep voice that made the young woman shudder. You know how much I love you, and I don't even know how to prove it to you any more. But I need to know that you love me too. Not as much as I do, because I know that no one else can, but enough so that I no longer have any doubts.- I love you, Draco," Hermione said firmly, determined to convince him of the truth of her words.
- I know," he murmured. But for how long?Hermione received this question like a dagger in the heart. He had wanted her for a long time and for a long time she had refused his advances. After showing a daring courage that she didn't know she was capable of, she had finally given herself to him. And what was he doing now? He was questioning her love, which she had had to fight against without ever being sure of ever seeing the end of the battle!- Forever," she replied, her tone more vexed than romantic.Draco smiled:- That's what I wanted to hear.His anger vanished immediately, to be replaced by a new panic.- Are you going to ask me to marry you?He gave a little laugh in reply and played with their entwined fingers. But Hermione stared at him, waiting for an answer.- No," he finally said.
The young woman's heart sank heavily in her chest and the air suddenly became easier to breathe. It wasn't the idea of living her life with Draco that would have bothered her, quite the contrary, but the idea of marriage itself made her uncomfortable. Firstly, in relation to Richard and his children, she would never have the audacity or the desire to leave him and marry someone else a week later. Especially as he had given shelter, food and confidence to this other man. Secondly, because thinking about an event as happy as marriage in these dark times, when hundreds of wizards were being killed every day, did not seem to him to be of prime importance at the moment.- But if it were up to me," Draco continued, "you'd already be my wife. I have no doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.Hearing him say 'my wife' like that made her stomach churn and she couldn't suppress a smile.- But don't worry," he said. I'm perfectly aware that we've only been officially together since yesterday, and that it's all a bit fast.- Officially together?" she repeated, raising her eyebrows. Because we were together unofficially before?
- Admit it, you had a crush on me long before yesterday," he laughed.Hoping he wasn't referring to her Hogwarts days (although she knew it was unlikely, she couldn't help but cringe at the thought), Hermione couldn't think of anything to say, much to her annoyance.- Now, what are you doing kneeling in front of me, Malfoy?The return to the family name clearly indicated that he was right and that she knew it, but was actually amused by it. Draco seemed to regain his seriousness when they returned to the main topic of conversation, then awkwardly fumbled in his pocket for something that, despite the young man's reassuring words, Hermione hoped was not a ring.Then he pulled out a piece of jewellery which she recognised immediately. Flashes ran through her mind like an old forgotten film; majestic robes, bright lights, soft music, blue eyes, hands clasping her waist...
Hermione took the silver necklace he presented her with between her fingers, then looked at the snake-shaped pendant as if it had been pure gold. A rush of nostalgia came over her as the past slowly resurfaced. When she had worn that necklace on the night of the Christmas Ball, she had not yet known her feelings for Draco or the bond between them. She'd only realised how much she loved him a few hours later, when she'd gone for a night out after thinking she'd lost Ron.- This necklace belonged to my...- Your mother's, yes I know," she cut him off gently without taking her eyes off the pendant.There was silence, and then she said again, smiling, her mind far away:- I found it in the bathroom. I thought it belonged to one of your conquests, so I didn't even question it when I put it around my neck. I felt so stupid when you told me it was your mother's!- It looked great on you," he assured her.His smile widened. He'd said the same thing to her that evening, while she stammered an excuse, red with shame.- I want you to keep it," he said, looking at her intently. It's yours now.- Draco, no, I don't...
But he raised his hand sharply and she fell silent immediately. He guessed that wearing Narcissa Malfoy's necklace must be embarrassing for her. So he added:- My mother disapproved of my feelings for you, it's true. But only because they put me in danger from my own kind, though she never put it that way. Deep down, I know she was proud to see me get away from Voldemort and make my own life, even if it was with you that I wanted to build it.Hermione nodded shyly, sincerely hoping that he was right about her mother, because she couldn't bear to wear that necklace without her consent. Still not quite understanding the significance of this gesture, Hermione questioned him with her eyes to encourage him to continue.- Ever since what happened yesterday," he explained, lowering his eyes to their clasped hands, "I've been scared all the time. I don't dare rejoice or feel happy because I'm afraid of falling. Every moment I expect to hear you tell me that nothing is true, that you don't love me, and then memories of that summer come back to haunt me. I won't survive a second break-up, Hermione. So I want you to accept this necklace, not as an engagement ring, but as a promise, a promise that you will never leave me. I never want to be alone again, I want you in my life every minute of every day, or I can never be happy.
He seemed to hesitate for a second, then finally said:- I can't stand depending on anything or anyone, it makes me feel imprisoned. Yet my life depends entirely on yours now, and I've never felt so free. I wish that every time I look at that glowing pendant around your neck, it would remind me that I have nothing to worry about, remind me of your promise to always be there.Hermione scanned the grey background of his eyes, drowned in the blue that always seemed to lighten a little more. For the first time, she really felt that she knew the nature of this colour that refused to give way to homogeneity, that she knew the reason for its persistence. For a long time, she had believed that this dull, cold colour reflected the remains of a wound that could not be healed despite the passage of time, and that it would always remain in her eyes.
But at that moment, Hermione wasn't sure. What if the grey represented the trust he had in her? Up until then, she had never really asked herself that question, because the only problems of trust were Hermione's problems with him and it was strange now to realise that, deep down, she had always been convinced that he had complete trust in her. But it was clear that she had overestimated Draco's feelings for her, for they may have been genuine but they were still fragile. He was afraid of reliving a break-up, of falling back into illusions that had destroyed him and from which he had had to draw all the strength in the world to recover. She had to reassure him now, promise him that she would never hurt him or leave him again, even if she didn't realise it herself yet. She had put up such a barrier to anything to do with Draco Malfoy for so long that her recent choices seemed unreal.She leaned towards him and clasped her fingers tighter around his.- I love you, Draco, and tomorrow I will love you again. The days will pass but my feelings will not, I promise you.
Putting her money where her mouth was, Hermione slipped the ends of the necklace around her neck. Draco stood up and came to stand behind her before taking the chain from her hands and fastening it himself. His hands slid down her shoulders and his warm breath tickled the hollow of her neck. Hermione shivered with pleasure as his lips peppered her skin with tender kisses, which he ended without warning, before moving away towards the front door, leaving her to recover from her frustration.- Shall we go training?" he suggested cheerfully.- Now?" she exclaimed, clearing the table with a wave of her wand.- Why not, we've still got a few hours before nightfall and I'd like you to finally succeed with the decapitation spell. I know how much you hate this attack but believe me, its particularity of having no formula except desire is very useful in an emergency situation, when you have no time to think.Hermione nodded lazily, he'd told her all this before but she remained convinced that the result would be the same: her will to...chop off a head, wasn't determined enough for the spell to work. Nevertheless, she wouldn't refuse to try again, it was Christmas and Draco had been far too adorable for her to act like a child.
She followed him outside and waited until she was at the bottom of the ladder to tell him what she had been thinking about since the day before.- Draco? I was thinking maybe we could go and see the vampires a bit earlier today...He turned back to her, smiling:- What are you up to," he guessed.- Well, maybe it's too risky, but I thought I'd infiltrate their lair while they were asleep, find out where the weapon is hidden and take it. It's the only way - Soane made it quite clear that they'd never let me anywhere near it.She hadn't expected Draco's face to look so hesitant and serious as he announced his plan.- Indeed, it's risky," he said, gazing at the horizon. I don't know if it's a good idea, Hermione, it's really dangerous.- I thought you'd approve," she said, trying to hide her disappointment.- I don't know," he breathed. Infiltrating a vampire lair is not a project to be taken lightly, it takes time to develop a plan...
- But we're running out of time, Draco! We've been here three days and the vampires still haven't given me a chance to explain the Ministry's proposal! I don't intend to drag this out until they accept, our primary aim was to discover the weapon, their freedom was just a pretext, remember. When I accepted this mission I knew that stealing them would be suicidal, but I hadn't counted on you being there with me. The two of us are much stronger than they are...- Don't be so sure, there are a lot of them, Hermione, a lot.- So what do we do, eh? Wait quietly until they trust me enough to tell me their secret? It would only take a few centuries after all!- All right, all right! All right, calm down, we'll go and see your vampires. That's a risk worthy of a Gryffindor, throwing yourself into the lion's mouth and improvising afterwards... OK, let's practise a bit and go and play tourists, is that all right with you?
Hermione blew out a long breath and then nodded. What had possessed her to get so worked up? From the beginning, Draco had taken all the initiatives without consulting her, she had just had to trust him and so far they had succeeded. But perhaps she needed to feel useful too, it was her mission after all, and the fact that he was questioning the only decision she had allowed herself to make had surely offended her.She was about to apologise, but Draco was already advancing across the immense green plain. Hermione ran to catch up with him and, when she reached him, she had barely slipped her hand into his when he was already squeezing it firmly. Then she rested her head against his shoulder as she walked. Draco apologised with words, she with gestures.The next hour was very different from their previous training session. Draco was much less determined to see her succeed, and it soon became nothing more than a game for the two wizards. Fighting each other, they never stopped laughing, running through the grass, falling down, getting back up and then attacking again. Their spells were primal, like those you would suffer from if you were playing a practical joke.
It was as if they were finally letting their love, which had been locked away for far too long, out into the open. They were rediscovering the joy of being together, the pleasure of being able to touch each other without being forbidden, of being able to smile at each other without restraint. For an hour, Hermione and Draco had been just two normal teenagers enjoying their love, oblivious to the darkness outside and the dangers that threatened their happiness.Hermione was getting better and better, for even though the spells she was casting were harmless, her quickness and reflexes had greatly improved and Draco no longer had the upper hand so often. She realised that, although Draco was incredibly gifted in magic, technique had a lot to do with it. Now that he had taught her, she was less impressed by his performance because she herself understood her opponent's mind before he even acted, and could therefore anticipate his attacks. Draco was proud of her, and even if he had difficulty showing it, she could feel it. But despite all her progress, the former Gryffindor still couldn't manage to perform the black magic spell he so desperately wanted her to do.

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