Chapter 23: Four Angels

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*1 month later*

Ellie's POV

I am strolling around with mommy Gulf and the pups always greet us.

Gulf: So, how's the pregnancy doing to you?

Ellie: Well, it made me so much clingier to my alphas especially since I'm carrying four. But they are patient with me especially Zeke. *Looks at Zeke training the warriors* 

We both sit down on the bench. I always love to watch Zeke's trainings. Even though I feel some pricking in my stomach, I still walk with Mommy Gulf. Zayn walks over to us with daddy Mew. He rubs my belly as he always do. He makes me stand up and I feel it. Zayn looks at me worriedly. I nod in confirmation.

Zayn: ZEKE! She's about to give birth!!!

All of a sudden, Zeke runs up to us and holds my hand. He usher me to the pack's clinic. Once we got there, they put me on the maternity room to check if I'm ready to give birth. Daddy Mew mindlink to my family and their family that I am about to give birth.

Dr. Kimmon: You can only choose one to go with you in the room.

Ellie: I'm choosing Zayn.

All of a sudden a wave of pain comes surging through me. I squeeze Zayn's hand.

Dr. Kimmon: Okay, I think you're ready. Nurse, can you take her to the delivery room?

Zayn stays by my side and he is wearing a surgery gown. Dr. Kimmon go in.

Dr. Kimmon: Just push when another wave of pain comes through okay?

I nod in response. Suddenly, I felt it. It's much painful than the first one.


I push once again. 

Dr. Kimmon: One more I see the head of the first baby.


Then I hear it the cry of my firstborn. I almost cry when I feel it once again

Ellie: AAAAHHHHH!!!!

Zayn: Two more to go kitten. You're doing great.

Dr: Kimmon: Here comes the third one.


Dr. Kimmon: Oh, the other one is holding to her sister's cord. And we're done.

It sucks all the energy out of me. And I fall asleep on my alpha whispering sweet things to me.

Zeke's POV

I am pacing back and forth waiting for my babies. Mom stands beside me and trying to comfort me. I don't hear anything but when the door open, I hear it. The sound of a baby crying. I tear up and mom hugs me.

Sarah: Congratulations, Zeke. I hope that you'll be a great father to your pups

I don't know why but I suddenly feel joy and peace. I am now a father of my children. A few minutes later, Z walks out of the door with scratches and bite marks in his arms. That means it was painful for her. We wait for five minutes and the nurses comes out of the delivery room with four bundles in their arms. Dr. Kimmon also comes out of the delivery room.

Dr. Kimmon: The two boys came out first then the girls comes out last. She's a fighter as I can see. Just let her rest for a few hours.

*A few hours later*

Ellie's POV

I slowly opens my eyes to see Zayn sleeping beside me holding my hand. Zeke is in the kitchen preparing something like a cake. He looks at my direction to see me awake. He stops what he's doing and brings a cup of water to me. He puts my bed in sitting position which wake Zayn up. I sip the water as he kisses my temples. 

Zeke: You did a great job for bringing our pups in the world. I'm happy that I am now a daddy of four.

I tear up when he proudly says that he's now a father. He wipes my tears away. A knock suddenly interrupts us. The nurses comes in a big crib with my babies in it. I smile to see that we have two baby girls and two baby boys.

 I smile to see that we have two baby girls and two baby boys

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They first let me hold my twin boys

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They first let me hold my twin boys. I look at the date and gasp.

November 15, 2018

My family comes barging in and Jade runs up to me. She looks at the twins and one of them opens his eyes. 

Zeke: That's the oldest and the one wearing pink is the youngest

Nurse: Do you think of any names yet?

Ellie: Alexander Jake Reid is the oldest 

Zayn: Blaine Jace Reid is the other boy

Zeke: Jasmine Cypher Reid is the oldest girl 

I hold my mates hand because I didn't give them the last name 

Ellie: Daphne Katelyn Reid is the last girl.

My mates look at me almost tearing up. Jade picks baby Jake up and she cradle her like her own baby. This is the family I hope for and I will treasure it forever

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