Chapter Thirty-Three

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Morning came, approximately around ten thirty, when Akaashi finally awoken from his sleep. He felt the warm presence of someone beside him, but he didn't dare open his eyes. Akaashi noticed his hand was around someone's arm, firmly holding on as if he'd fall off the face of the earth if he let go. Soft chatter was what he heard once he regained his ability to think clearly.

"You two seriously need to get your fucking shit together, I'm sick of it," Bokuto was pissed, from what Akaashi could hear in his tone, "Do you really want Keiji to see you two fighting as soon as he wakes up?"

"Fine," Kenma paused, looking over at Kuroo, "I'm sorry, okay?" Kuroo narrowed his eyes at Kenma, his arms firmly crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall. Just before Kuroo could respond, Akaashi cut him off.

"What are you guys arguing about?" The sudden break of tension caused all eyes to shoot to Akaashi, Kenma nearly falling out of his seat at the sight of his boyfriend waking up. Akaashi slowly sat up, realizing Osamu was the one next to him that he was holding, "Oh, I'm sorry." Osamu shook his head, smiling as he retracted his arm when Akaashi released it. He slowly got up from his position on the hospital bed, standing up as he stretched.

"I couldn't get up, even if I tried. Ya had a death grip on me," Osamu joked, Akaashi tiredly smiling at it. He looked over at his boyfriends but was immediately engulfed in a hug from Kenma. He had got a running start and threw himself onto the hospital bed, tackling Akaashi in the tightest hug he had ever received. Kenma buried his face into his shoulder as Akaashi ran his hand over his back comfortingly. His body shook violently as he clutched onto the back of the hospital gown around Akaashi, "I'll give ya guys some time, I already spent the whole night with him." Kuroo and Bokuto gave him a nod as he left, silently closing the door.

Kenma pulled away a few moments later, a crying and sniffling mess. His face had gotten red and his eyes were glossy, the tears continuing to stream down his face. He kept his arms tightly around him, "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you, I- I didn't mean- God, I'm so sorry, Keiji." Kenma bawled. It was a sigh neither of the three boys had ever seen. Kenma was definitely not the type of person to cry like this- especially this hard.

Akaashi placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears with a smile, "I'm okay, Kenma. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. None of this was your fault," Kenma sniffled again, taking his sleeve and wiping the rest of his face, "Why do you think it is?"

"I don't know- I didn't even think before letting you go outside alone, especially with what happened last time," He took a shaky breath, "I didn't want to lose you." Akaashi pulled him in, kissing his forehead as Kenma collapsed again, burying his face in Akaashi's shoulder. Bokuto had walked over to Akaashi's side, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder along with a kiss on his forehead.

"We're just glad you're okay." Akaashi smiled at him.

"'Samu said you guys were there and would explain what happened," Bokuto tilted his head with a worried look in his eye, "I'm fine." He smiled as he sat on the side of the bed to begin his side of the story. As everything unfolded, he couldn't help but feel terrible for his boyfriends. Akaashi understoood the meaning behind them 'taking care' of everything as Bokuto explained how the three of them viciously murdered the pack. He now understands Kenma's sudden burst of emotions, and the distance with Kuroo. Speaking of which, he was still stuck in the corner staring out the window. He had refused to look over and he was sure his arms would snap at any moment due to how tightly he had them crossed.

Kenma had calmed down by now and was lovingly resting on Akaashi's lap, his arms still snaked around him. Akaashi looked over at Kuroo, his heart tearing when he saw his face. Kuroo definitely had never been one to cry, but the tear that was gliding down his cheek said otherwise, "Tetsuro?" Akaashi watched as he quickly wiped it, leaning his head down. He refused to look over, only lowering his head down further to prevent the other from seeing his face, "Tetsuro." His voice sharpened, which struck a nerve in Kuroo.

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