Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Akaashi's eyes followed Kaori as she left, closing the door to leave it cracked open. He let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Akaashi figured his mother would be reluctant to even communicate with him, considering their past situation. Now that he got the little closure he needed, he was more comfortable being here. Just as he sat on the bed, he reached for the note that was attached to the basket.

I know it's hard to come to terms with everything happening and your journey to self-discovery, but I want you to know I'm here for you. You're like a son, now- more than I ever considered you.

Akaashi smiled as he noticed the heart drawn beside his name. He nearly folded the letter and placed it into his pocket, careful to not mess it up. His head turned towards the door as he heard it creek lightly, "Hey, how are you making out?" Kenma asked softly, walking over towards Akaashi.

"I'm good, your mother is the sweetest. I didn't expect her to be so nice to me." Akaashi looked at him as he warmly smiled, his loving eyes saying a million words to him without any vocal power.

"I'm glad you're comfortable here," He couldn't help but look away as a light blush crept across his pale cheeks, "If you want, you can stay in my old room." His voice was quiet- almost like a whisper, when he spoke, but Akaashi heard the entirety of it. He couldn't hide the stupid smile spread across his face.

"That would be great," Akaashi leaned down a bit and placed a soft kiss on Kenma's fragile lips, "I assume you guys are leaving tonight?" Kenma nodded.

"Yeah, a little after dinner so we won't get back so late," he paused, wanting to lean more into the touch when Akaashi held both of his hands, "It's going to suck not being able to see you so often- what if something happens, and you need us?"

"Kenma, you'll be here every weekend, and I doubt something will happen. If anything did, I can try handling myself- I'll need to learn, anyway." Kenma softened his gaze, leaning in for another kiss but was cut off by a voice at the door.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Bokuto excitedly questioned as Kenma stepped away, looking around the room he had only been in a few times. Akaashi looked at Bokuto, smiling.

As the time passed and dinner came to an end, the group was off to the train station. Akaashi wanted to go with them to say their goodbyes, despite being able to see each other in a few days. He watched as they disappeared beyond the doors, the train soon taking off. Kaori placed a delicate hand on Akaashi's back, lovingly looking at him.

"This is for the better, you'll be safe here," Akaashi turned to look at her, an uneasy smile coming across his face, "How about we get some ice cream on the way back?" He nodded.

"I'd like that." His fingers adjusted the glasses upon his face to secure them as they headed for the parking lot. There was a small local ice cream shop that was surprisingly still open this late in the year. Akaashi asked about it being open, but she only said it was a local thing. He never understood that, given he hadn't grown up in a rural town such as this. They got out of the car and went to order their ice cream; once they received it, they took a seat on a wooden bench nearby.

"How did you meet Kenma?" She asked, and Akaashi looked up as he removed the spoon from his mouth.

"We met through Tetsuro, he's in my psychology class and he decided to sit next to me. We started talking a lot after that," Kaori nodded, her eyes remaining on Akaashi as he looked down, "My parents don't know about us all being together, though." She hummed.

"Well, you know how they are, I can't imagine much has changed about them- they were pretty stubborn," She took a quick bite before continuing, "How did you find out about everything?" She emphasized what she meant by everything with her eyes, and Akaashi understood.

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