Chapter Twenty-Four

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A loud crash at the front door made Akaashi scream a deafening tone the moment he heard it. The book had fallen from his hands and Kenma leaped from his lap in a hurry, "We're back!" Akaashi was steady gasping for air as Bokuto and Kuroo walked in, each carrying a bag that had the Onigiri Miya logo on it, "Were you asleep?" Bokuto looked over, smiling as he wandered over and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"You.." his eyes wandered to Kuroo as he walked into the kitchen, Akaashi rushing after him and grabbing his arm to make him spin around, "Is he dead, he's not dead, right?" Kuroo's expression quickly changed once he saw Akaashi's rushed face.

"Who's dead, Keiji?" Kuroo set the bag down as Akaashi dropped his arm, his eyes shifting between every movement he made. As Kuroo began unloading it, he slipped back and glanced at Bokuto, shaking his head.

"I'm going insane." Akaashi ran a hand through his hair as he began pacing the living room. He kept mumbling on about something before Kenma placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Baby, calm down, it was probably just a nightmare." His fidgeting eyes fixated on Kenma's, realizing his suggestion made the most sense. Akaashi nodded, calming his heart rate as Kenma took his hand, guiding him to the dining table. He took a seat beside him, Akaashi holding his head in his hands.

"What happened, did you have a nightmare or something?" Akaashi shrugged at Kuroo's question.

"He did fall asleep during the first paragraph." Kenma huffed a laugh, Akaashi giving him a small smile as he dropped his hands away.

As the evening carried on, they had dinner together- which was something Kuroo made a note of wanting to do more, and decided to play board games again. In the end of their attempted board games, Kenma fell asleep against Bokuto, who had his head leaning back on the cushion. Akaashi wasn't sure how he got to his bed, all he remembered was falling asleep first on an empty cushion. It caused confusion to spiral in his mind after the two hours of sleep he got finally came to a silent end. His eyes scanned the darkened bedroom, feeling as if he was awake the entire time.

With a sigh, he eventually sat up from his bed and peaked his head out into the hallway to see Kuroo walking. He paused to look down the hall when he heard the door crack, a small smile forming over his face. Akaashi trotted to him, lacing his arms around his neck as Kuroo pulled him in for a hug, "You can't sleep?" Akaashi shook his head.

"Where are you going?" The two eventually pulled away, Akaashi's voice as low as a whisper. Kuroo tilted his head with a deadpan expression, the reasoning clicking in his mind immediately after, "Can I come with you?" He was a bit taken aback from this, but all he did was smile.

"Yeah, of course, just make sure you wear a jacket so you aren't cold." Akaashi followed Kuroo to the front door, the pair slipping their shoes on as Akaashi maneuvered into a jacket hug from the hook. He reached for Kuroo's hand, interlocking their fingers as they silently left the apartment.

"Tetsu?" Akaashi started softly, which earned a quick look and a beaming smile from Kuroo.

"I've been promoted to a nickname now, how generous," Akaashi rolled his eyes, looking forward and tightening his grip, "What's up?"

"Something feels off," Akaashi shook his hand away, crossing his arms over his chest as they exited the building, "I feel like my dream was trying to tell me something."

"You're typically logical about this kind of stuff." Kuroo commented.

"Like I said a while back, all my logic has definitely left," His eyes wandered to the cracks in the sidewalk as he stuck close by Kuroo's side, "Osamu was killed by someone who was after me." Kuroo shot a glance over at Akaashi's profound facial expression.

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