Chapter Four

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Happy Reading Guys!
Also, tomorrow I will be posting a new book. It's going to be oneshots of holidays for these books! As most of you wanted to have both Earth and Cybertron variations for holidays. So keep a look out for that! It'll probably just be called "Woman and Machine Holiday Oneshots"
The reason why I'm doing it so early is because I live in Canada and well, Thanksgiving is tomorrow lol
So just giving y'all a heads up about that.
But you may read now haha

Also this little break thingy I do may look strange on the phone, but I use my computer so it lines up perfectly

I saw it the other day and it bothered know when something bugs you and you have to say something about it just so it doesn't bother you anymore? That's how I felt XD


Out in the woods, in a vast valley three rumbling engines bolted out of a ground bridge. The swirling green and blue vortex closed behind them...However a deep green and black creature followed the two through.

On the other side of the valley Koda was in her shop. The doors to the building were open, allowing natural light to flow in, as well as fresh air.

Tapping her pede on the ground as she moved the small portable welder along two metal pieces. One which would be secured to a wall, and the bigger one which would hold items.

Already having four shelves made, each about a meter long. The slightly dirty alloy would be cleaned and polished before being brought into Iacon.

No sounds, aside from the femmes venting, her tapping pede and the welder, were radiating through the building.

Leaning over slightly, Koda didn't bother to look at her dirtied forearms. Grease, oil, as well as some filings and dust were littered on her arms. She'd needed to change the water pump out of the well early in the morning. As she had gotten a better, newer one.

It had taken a while, switching out the older pump as well as putting in new wires and hoses with the new pump.

Finishing off the clean weld, Koda brought the last shelf over to where the others were located. As she went to grab the supplies for cleaning she heard something.

Walking out of the shop she activated her visor, which could detect heat signatures. Among other things.

Aside from hearing the three engines coming closer, there was a fourth coming close. It was a flier, however, much larger than most. Holding a green tint, disregarding the usual purple. 

Strolling out past the housing unit Koda's icy blue optics widened a bit. Coming towards her were three clouds of ever growing dust. In front of those clouds were three vehicles. All earth based alts.

Two were easy to recognize, the black and yellow muscle car, as well as the white, red and blue sports car. Beside it was another sports car, this one silver in colour. From afar it looked to be a Chevrolet.

As Koda ran a little ways out to meet them a dark figure rose over the hillside. The flier had transformed and wasn't far away.

Coming to a stop in front of the tall femme the three cars transformed.

Immediately Koda looked over to the black and yellow mech, "What's going on?" She asked sternly, though her voice was soft as she spoke.

"Dunno! Big beast, showed up through a, portal and, bam! Came after us!" Bumblebee stated quickly. While he had tried to have his voice box repaired, there was no luck. The damage done to it had been too great. However they managed to fix his modulator enough so he wouldn't be in pain when he spoke. But the mech had grown so used to using his radio that he ended up speaking through it instead of through the beeps.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now