Chapter Eleven

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Happy reading guys!!
I deeply apologize for gap between this and the last chapter. School has swamped my life and we've been trying to get our shop up before the snow fully hits. Just one more wall then a door (airplane door) and we'll be done the 'shell'! So that's exciting. Anyways, my brain has been burnt out for the past few days, which led to some 'writers' block :'D

It's fine though, I'm back and I got a chapter out!
Also I'm pondering on an idea and whether to use it or not. But I think it'd be kinda neat, as I kinda set up  the whole 'multiverse' thing. Sooooo, there's that.

This is kinda just a fluff chappy to get me back into my world of my books! But it will have required...things *eyebrow raise*



"I think I prefer this more than Earth," Koda mumbled as she looked up into the starry night sky. She moved slightly, her helm resting on her mate's chassis.

Optimus chuckled, "And here I thought Earth's night sky was beautiful."

Koda smirked and pointed to Luna-1 and Luna-2, "There's literally two moons! How can you beat that?"

"Well, there are constellations. And you can see Cybertron from there. Whereas here, it mixes in with the other stars. Your planet had so much...history that I wanted to know but, I never had much time to look into the past," The red and blue mech explained as he held Koda close.

They were a little ways from the housing unit, though they could only just hear Megatronus and Chromedome's muffled speaking.

Though the two chose to ignore it and focus on having a nice night. A soft blanket kept the two from the ground. It had a deep blue and red flannel pattern, though that didn't matter in the dark night.

"We could go back..." Koda suggested slowly, her vent's pausing slightly and a small grunt escaping her as a sparkling kicked her ventilation system.

There was a moment's pause before Optimus replied, "I do not believe that we should. Not while the threat of the Quintessons approaches. Or while you are carrying," He glanced down at his mate and sighed deeply.

Koda tilted her helm to look at Optimus, "What's on your mind?"


Pushing herself upright the femme groaned slightly before looking down at her Prime. She raised an optical ridge, "Seriously? You think I'm going to believe you?"

Pinching his enstril(nose) Optimus vented deeply, "I am worried," He whispered as he sat up.

Koda gently ran a servo down the mech's hexa-lateral scapula(back), frowning at how tense it was. Carefully she began releasing the pressure in his back struts, a small hiss of air would be heard as she massaged each one, "About what?"

"Everything! Firstly, you and the sparklings. Then the Quintessons. What if something comes after that? Who knows when the Quintessons will even come? What if there's another threat out there?" Optimus suddenly rambled out in a worried tone.

Pausing her work, Koda gently cupped her mate's face. Her icy optics met his and she smiled softly, "It'll be okay. It might not seem like that right now, but everything will work out in the end. It always does," Her thumb moved up and down slowly, causing her mate to lean into her touch, "You need to stop and breathe every once in a while. Threats may be on the horizon, but you need to remember that life is short, and you have to make the most of it."

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now