Chapter Three

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Happy reading guys!
I finished this in class haha. Finished an exam early and had some time to write. 

And yes...

I'm not making y'all wait any longer XD


First Aid watched as the Chief Medical Officer ran forward and embraced the taller nearly blue femme. His Spark warmed at the sight of seeing the two embrace one another.

Soundwave and the younger medic greeted one another as First Aid came up to the group. Ravage narrowed his optics at the red and white medic before turning back to Soundwave.

"Well, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you broke something," Ratchet stepped back and gave his femmeling a quick lookover.

Koda smirked, "If I had broken anything, I think I would be in pain, Sire. Sounds here nearly dragged me over here."

The now Master Archivist glared at Koda, "With good reason!" Sparing a glance to Ratchet, Soundwave huffed, "I swear, she's nearly worse than Optimus."

"Not surprising," Ratchet sighed. Turning to First Aid he gestured for the medic to follow, "Come on Aid, you get to put your training to work today."

Once again Koda was being dragged around, this time by Ratchet. She just gave up and followed him. However she was curious about something, "Did you finish your medical training?"

First Aid nodded, "Yeah. However, this old rustbucket apparently thinks I need more."

"I'm not old! Just...well aged."

Koda chuckled at his choice of words, "You aren't even creaking. Don't let the young un's fool with ya." Trying to hide a yawn the femme continued forward. Soon walking into a medical room.

No doubt by the tidiness of it, this was Ratchet's medical bay. To top it off there was an array of wrenches along the left wall. The room was a light gray, unlike the normal blinding white or sickly blueish green colours. However the clean chemical smell remained. On the right side of the room was a medical berth.

Koda halted and looked at the berth with narrowed optics.

A gentle nudge from Soundwave pushed her forward, "I'll wait out there," The dark mech and Ravage exited the room quietly. Their pedesteps barely being able to be heard as they walked with light steps.

Which left a very silenced room. The silence was strange...

Koda's mind flickered to something from a long, long time ago.

"R-remember when I piloted Gipsy...and I killed that mutated Kaiju that was capable of flight like Otachi?" The femmes voice wavered a bit as she went and sat down on the berth.

First Aid looked at her curiously. He was interested, the Guardian never spoke much about her past. And whenever she did, the young medic would take it all in.

Beginning a physical exam, Ratchet nodded slowly, "Of course. You were out of commission for a while after that, since you had broken your leg. What are you trying to get at Koda?"

"I don't know honestly...The silence just reminded me of that moment I suppose," She rubbed her temples nervously, "Oh it's all coming back..."

Pausing his work the off white and red-orange medic gently rubbed Koda's forearm, "Just breath. Is it good or bad?"


First Aid tilted his helm in confusion, "Drift?"

"The bridge between two Jaeger pilots. They ran large machines, Jaegers. But...I was a solo-pilot. I still have dreams about it all, not just the drift...You know...we had a saying."

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now