Chapter Eighteen

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Apologies for not updating heh

Couldn't come up with an idea. So we got short and medbay with Ratchet and Drift! So...enjoy that!
Next chapter will be longer and more *sparkles* Action filled *sparkles*


"Your frame is bulky," Megatronus stated with a frown, glancing slightly upward at the mech in front of him.

"Your frame is pointy," Megatron frowned, his digit poking at one of the sharp shoulders.

"Why are your optics red?"

"Why or how are yours blue again?"

"They've always been blue."

"Then why do you have that on your chest?" He pointed to the strange emblem on the mechs chassis.

"Orders, and needed it to sneak into the otherside."

This had been going on for more than a couple minutes now. The Lost Light's crew, along with Koda, Nemsis, Athena, Ceol and Jazz all watched the two interact. They sounded the same, yet looked different. Acted similarly but thought differently. It was strange and confusing.

Skids scratched his helm lightly, observing the two from behind Brainstorm, "I thought they would've been..."

"The same?" Brainstorm offered, his optics narrowed as he watched the two bickering mechs.

The mainly blue mech nodded, "Just what I was looking for..."

Outside on the landing zone of G6, the Lost Light had activated its invisibility shielding, something that had been installed on one of its many journeys. Ultra Magnus, or the mech who was inside of the suit, Minimus Ambus, had shown the newcomers around. Though they were all shocked to see that such a mech existed. All known load bearers were deceased on their homeworld.

However, Minumus showed them around the rather large ship. It was nearly 15 miles in length and 10 miles in width, surprising each Bot. Firstly, there were a mass amount of habitation suites. Or more known as berthrooms, but the crew preferred hab suites more, as it had a nice ring to it. There were various offices for the captains, Minimus, and few medics or therapists, though the only therapist on the Lost Light was Rung.

They walked past a bright sign which read Swerves. The smell of high grade reeked out of the closed doors. Koda had held her vents as they passed, the rich smell of alcoholic fuel making her nauseous. Nemesis glanced at her, praying that she wouldn't purge.

Next was the rather large oil reservoir, Minimus explained that Bots' tended to wander here if they were bored or needed a place to think.

On the second last part of the ship was a large garage-like hangar meant for shuttlecrafts. The most used ones being, the Leading Light, the Rodpod, and O' Fortuna. All fairly large ships, though they were tiny compared to the ship they walked in at that moment.

"Rodimus had the ship upgraded with proton missile launchers after a visit to Hedonia," The tiny enforcer explained as they passed by the engine room, to which he stopped and pointed to it, "This here is a hop ship. Which utilizes Quantum Engines to teleport from place to place. Don't ever go near those when they're powering up, unless you want to become a part of it for the rest of your life even after onlineing. The death is fairly quick, though extremely painful. Ore learned that the hard way. Understood?"

Chirr! Ceol clapped his tiny servos together. Jazz smirked softly. Nemesis watched the two with a curious look, before glancing ahead at the small mech leading them around.

Minumus nodded, "Good."

Then this led everything back to where they saw Megatronus and Megatron meeting one another. They had plainly been rambling for quite a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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