Chapter Seventeen

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Also, it'll mention it in the chapter but the kaiju are their original sizes. They THICC XD Thought it would be more interesting that way. And who knows, maybe a few big guns will show up 😉 (song plays at the end of the chapter. play it if you want, in my opinion it makes it better XD. Led Zepplin and 'them' work super well, specifically this song."

4000+ word chapter for ya guys hehe. pain, laughter, suspense, shock, it's in here for y'all!

TW: slight cussing

Iacon, it was bright and glorious. Peaceful. As was every other city, now that Cybertron had been fully restored to its former glory.

Jazz moved through the streets with ease, tumbling along slowly, allowing the cool breeze to move under his armor and tickle his protoform. The warm sun countered the coolness, warming him slightly.

Though while he wished it were all real, it wasn't.

The only reason why Jazz was moving through Iacon so slowly was to figure out his boundaries and how long he had till everything reset.

This wasn't a peaceful place, it was, till the attack. Nearly everyone was captured and pulled into the Quintessons grasp. Nearly every single Cybertronian was within the Quintessons ship. Patrols were on Cybertron, making sure that they gathered everybot they saw. After all, they needed the warriors.

Only a few made it out, and they were sheltered in an old store. That had been the safeplace for the moment.

Chattering mechs passed by Jazz, he paused, thinking to talk to them, try to get them out but he knew he didn't have the time. As he picked up his pace he came to the Iaconian Police Department. While Prowl was a part of the council, he certainly made sure he could make time for his real job.

Pushing the doors open, Jazz waved at the mechs in the room, till he came to the Captain's office. As he walked in he felt his Spark pull towards the mech in the room, reading over case files.

"Pro-" The Praxian looked up from his work and hummed, looking around. After a moment he shook his helm, blaming the lack of recharge he'd gotten over the past days.

"-wl," Jazz finished, his Spark breaking as he was brought back to the alleyway. He stood there for a few moments, before sighing in defeat and disappearing from the loop.

"Anything?" Megatronus rumbled from beside the smaller mech as he removed the cortical physic patch.

Jazz shrugged, "It was Iacon, but how it was in the Golden Age, excluding the former Council of course. I wanted to find my way around so I couldn't make quick moves when we're in."

The former gladiator hummed, glancing around the pillar to see if any 'squigglies' were coming, "We should head back and get some rest. There's always tomorrow."

"Right, and I know just where to find the Bots' we need. The only problem is getting them out of that loop."

Megatronus chuckled and nudged Jazz's shoulder, "Look at who you are, there'll be no problem hauling a few mechs out of there with you in charge! Besides, you managed to get the scientist out!"

That seemed to lift the mech's spirits as he transformed. Megatronus followed in suit as they moved across the barren landscape.

Since the attack, Cybertron had gone dark. Day or night, it was dark and dreary, and the planet seemed dead. Overtaken by red vines, scattered across buildings and monuments. This didn't feel like home.


Athena froze as she heard a growl behind her. She slowly turned around, coming optic to optic with one of the Quintessons.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin