Chapter Sixteen

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I stumbled upon this the other day, and holy mother of beans, I got blasted into the past! From listening to it on the bus(young me)to playing MC and having this as well as other parodies playing in the background, just...the better days. And why is it actually really good XD
The tune, even without the lyrics is super nice, and yes, I had this on repeat whilst writing this chapter lol. DON'T JUDGE MY GOOFY MUSIC TASTE 😂
I've changed a lot with music taste but this is just nostalgic and hits diffrent. L

I had an exam today then couldn't fall asleep so brain is tired but well...ideas for book XD
So if theres some sorta spelling mistake, know that I'm Shleepy. But is unable to sleep :3
And I now have my google docs down to if I write five pages thats enough words to make a 2600 word chapter (size 12 font, and I write with the Macondo font, as I really like it. Just pretty but give the impression that it's not just an ordinary story, I only wish it could follow onto here not switch to Arial...that's okay though)

So if I'm feeling really ambitious then I can venture to six or seven or more XD

Okie, enough of my rambling, enjoysss the chapterz
I couldn't wait any longer 😶‍🌫



Skri-skritch! Skritch! 

Koda grunted as she pushed herself to her pedes, her plasma blaster retracting into her forearm. The kitchen chair behind her moved back slightly. Her pedes shuffled along the floor, sore and swollen. She rubbed the small of her back as she used her free servo to open the front door. She glanced down, smirking slightly at the two orange optics looking up at her through the darkness of the night, "You need to learn to transform or there's no way you're coming into this house. I've been up and down enough as it is today."

Ravage chirped as he strutted inside. His paws making tiny thumps on the floor as he bounced happily into the kitchen. He jumped up on the table and purred as he watched Koda slowly make her way back into the kitchen.

Koda opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. She opened the cabinet beside the fridge and grabbed a small bowl. Opening the milk she poured some in, stopping after a few seconds. She placed the milk back in the fridge and went back to her seat, though placed the bowl in front of Ravage. He nuzzled Koda's servo as his front pedes moved up and down. The femme laughed softly, "I see you're making biscuits to go with your drink."

Ravage meowed, nuzzling Koda's servo before beginning to drink the opaque liquid. He didn't flinch when he heard metal shift.

Setting her left blaster down on the table she continued to look over the small bits of metal and wiring that were vital for the blaster's full functionality. She watched the blue energy pulse between two open plates, the third one unseen on the opposite side of her forearm. Three claws stretched out slightly, and in the center was the blaster.

A deep vent escaped Koda as she sat alone in the quiet home. Not fully alone, as Ravage was happily enjoying his treat. With a low sigh she retracted her blaster, knowing it was working at 100%.

Rising to her pedes she went to the fridge and pulled out the chicken, nearly unable to wait to make supper. She grabbed the pan from the rack and set it on the stove. She opened the package of chicken breasts and grabbed one of them, setting it down on the cutting board. She grabbed the knife and began to cut the meat into bite sized strips.

A light shuffle behind her told her that Ravage was messing with something on the table. She didn't bother to turn around, knowing that he was probably playing with his empty bowl.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now