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In-Sung's POV

Twenty months had passed, and our group of friends, including Hyo-Joo and me, embarked on our internship journey as planned. While Hyo-Jin, Hyo-Joo, and Ji-Min seemed to be thriving in their internships, the same couldn't be said for Seung-Gi, Ji-Sub, and me. Our internship had placed us in a challenging construction site, and from the very beginning, we found ourselves facing a formidable opponent.

Our internship had brought us face to face with a challenging situation, and as we struggled to navigate it, conversations between us often revolved around our experiences.

Seung-Gi, Ji-Sub, and I would gather after a particularly tough day at the construction site to debrief and seek solace in one another's company.

Seung-Gi would often speak up first, his frustration evident. "I can't believe how they treat us there," he'd say, shaking his head. "It's like they're deliberately making it difficult."

Ji-Sub, with his characteristic humor, would attempt to lighten the mood. "Well, at least we've got each other," he'd quip. "Misery loves company, right?"

I'd chime in, sharing their sentiments. "It's tough, but we knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park. Let's just hang in there and support each other."

Our friends outside the construction site were our pillars of strength. Hyo-Jin, Hyo-Joo, and Ji-Min offered encouragement and listened to our daily struggles.

Hyo-Joo, in particular, was attentive to my experiences. "I hate to see you guys going through this," she'd say softly during our private moments. "But remember, you're not alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

In those challenging months, our conversations were a source of comfort and motivation, reminding us that we were all in this together.

As I pulled up to Hyo-Joo's place to pick her up for my birthday celebration, she couldn't resist teasing me about my new car, a gift from my uncle. She playfully commented, "Looking pretty cool in that car, aren't you my birthday boy?"

I chuckled, feeling grateful for the gift. "Well, can't deny it's a nice ride," I admitted, winking at her.

She then handed me a gift, wrapped with care. My curiosity got the best of me, and I started to open it, but she stopped me with a mischievous smile. "Not yet," she said. "Open it when you're home."

I nodded, setting the gift aside for the moment. We continued our journey to my parents' house, where we'd planned to celebrate my birthday together.

Throughout the ride, our conversations flowed naturally, filled with excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. It marked another milestone in our relationship, now spanning almost four years, and we were looking forward to celebrating together with my parents.

After a lovely dinner celebrating my birthday with my parents, I drove Hyo-Joo back to her house. We lingered in front of her gate, still holding each other's hands as we enjoyed a quiet moment together. The evening had been wonderful, and I felt content.

Hyo-Joo broke the silence, her voice soft and filled with affection. "Did you enjoy your birthday?" she asked, her eyes searching mine.

I nodded, a warm smile on my face. "I did, especially knowing I get to spend it with you," I replied sincerely. "And I can't wait to open your gift. You always come up with the most thoughtful surprises."

She chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "You'll definitely like this one," she teased, her excitement contagious.

We shared a few more kisses, our expressions of love and affection, before reluctantly parting ways for the night. I watched her as she entered her house, feeling grateful and blessed.

Back at my own home, I couldn't wait any longer to open Hyo-Joo's gift. As I unwrapped it, I discovered that it wasn't just another material possession. It was a portrait, a beautiful piece of art that she had created herself. The portrait captured me with a big, genuine smile, a moment she had photographed and then translated into her unique artistic style.

I couldn't help but admire her talent and the effort she put into making this gift so special. Alongside the portrait was a heartfelt love letter that touched my heart deeply. It read:

My Dearest In-Sung,

Another year, another milestone together. Your birthday is always a reminder of the joy and love you bring into my life.

This portrait is my attempt to capture the essence of your beautiful smile, the smile that brightens my darkest days. Just like the smile in this picture, you light up my world.

Thank you for being the most incredible partner anyone could hope for. You've filled my life with happiness, laughter, and love, and I cherish every moment we've shared.

I may not say it always, but every day, I love you.

Happy Birthday, my love.

Forever Yours, Hyo-Joo

Reading her heartfelt words and gazing at the portrait she had created made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Her love was the greatest gift of all.

As years passed, Hyo-Joo and I stood hand in hand, entering the beautifully decorated wedding hall. Our friends and family had gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion with us. The air was filled with love and happiness, and our smiles radiated the joy we felt in our hearts.

What made this day even more special was the presence of a little baby in our arms. Our bundle of joy had arrived, adding an extra layer of happiness and excitement to our already blissful lives. As we held our baby together, we couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

Our journey together had been filled with ups and downs, but through it all, our love had only grown stronger. Now, as we stood together as a family, we looked toward the future with hope and anticipation, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.

As we exchanged vows and made promises to each other once again, I knew in my heart that I was exactly where I was meant to be—with the love of my life and our precious baby. Hyo-Joo and I were happier than ever, and we looked forward to growing old together, cherishing every moment of this beautiful journey called life.


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