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In-Sung's POV

I glanced around Ji-Min's cozy apartment, my friends engaged in playful banter about our recent physics lesson. It was a warm haven amid the winter chill that had settled outside. Hyo-Jin and Seung-Gi's ongoing argument over physics theories provided a humorous backdrop.

Ji-Sub and I settled down to watch a movie with Hyo-Joo and Ji-Min, a testament to the strong bond we'd developed over time. My head comfortably rested against Hyo-Joo's shin, and Ji-Sub shared a pillow with Ji-Min. We had grown closer as friends, and it was a comforting feeling.

Just as we were all engrossed in the movie, a message notification on my phone broke our concentration. I fished my phone out of my pocket and read the message from Ji-Hyo. She needed my help urgently at the registrar's office. I quickly excused myself, explaining to my friends, "Sorry, everyone, but Ji-Hyo needs my help at the registrar's office. I'll be right back."

With that, I left Ji-Min's apartment and headed back to the university, eager to assist Ji-Hyo with whatever she needed.

Leaving the warmth of Ji-Min's apartment, I headed back to the university and quickly located Ji-Hyo in the registrar's office. She seemed relieved to see me. "In-Sung, I wasn't sure where to find the documents I need," she confessed.

I flashed her a reassuring smile. "No problem, Ji-Hyo. I'm here to help. Let's go to the offices and find those documents together."

Side by side, we navigated through the various administrative offices, chatting amiably as we worked to track down the necessary paperwork.

Hyo-Joo's POV

In-Sung's sudden departure left me feeling a bit down, even though I understood that he was helping a friend. The room had grown quiet as Ji-Sub and Ji-Min turned off the TV. To my surprise, everyone's eyes turned toward me. Seung-Gi and Hyo-Jin, who had been bantering, now focused their attention on me as well.

Seung-Gi was the first to speak, his voice gentle. "Hyo-Joo, do you like In-Sung?"

I hesitated for a moment, then admitted, "It's not that I don't like him."

Hyo-Jin stepped closer, her gaze unwavering as she looked deep into my eyes, catching me off guard. She asked me a direct question, "Then why did you let In-Sung go with Ji-Hyo, knowing he likes you?"

I replied with a soft sigh, "Because they're friends."

Ji-Sub, looking somewhat annoyed, chimed in, "Don't you feel jealous?"

I nodded, my voice carrying a hint of sadness. "Yes, I do feel sad about it, but not enough to let it turn into jealousy over something trivial."

Just as I was about to continue, Ji-Min interrupted me, his tone earnest. "Trivial? You call that trivial?"

I nodded again. "Yes, I do."

Ji-Sub sighed, looking exasperated. "Sometimes, even small things can ruin something big."

Seung-Gi agreed, chiming in, "I agree. Just like your previous misunderstanding with In-Sung."

Ji-Min added his perspective, saying, "You need to be clear about what you really want to feel."

Hyo-Jin shared her advice, "Don't waste a chance."

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