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Hyo-Joo's POV

The friends huddled together in our cozy room, seeking refuge from the biting cold of the winter semester. Snow blanketed the streets and rooftops outside, and the frosty air seeped through the windows, making me shiver.

"Brr, it's freezing out there," I remarked, my teeth slightly chattering. "I can't believe how cold this semester has been."

Ji-Sub, who had a knack for finding humor in everything, chuckled in response.

"Winter sure doesn't hold back here," he observed, rubbing his hands together. "So, where should we grab some food later?"

Hyo-Jin, always one to appreciate comfort in the cold, suggested a solution.

"How about that cozy ramen place near campus?" she proposed. "Warm soup sounds perfect right now."

In-Sung, who had been quietly enjoying the warmth of the room, readily agreed.

"Ramen does sound good," he admitted with a contented sigh. "I could use something hot to thaw out."

Seung-Gi, always eager for culinary adventures, couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"Count me in!" he exclaimed. "Ramen is the ultimate winter comfort food."

Ji-Min, our ever-smiling friend, sealed the decision.

"Ramen it is, then," she declared. "Just what we need to kick off this chilly semester."

As we continued to chat about our dinner plans, we shared laughter and stories, our camaraderie helping to ward off the cold that gripped our surroundings.

As we dug into our bowls of steaming ramen, the warmth of the food and our camaraderie helped chase away the chill of the winter semester. In-Sung took the seat beside me, a silent but reassuring acknowledgment of our renewed friendship. He handed me a pair of separated chopsticks with a gentle smile, and I reciprocated with a smile of my own. It felt good to be back to normal, or as normal as it could be with the newfound complexity of our feelings.

Amidst slurping noodles and savoring the savory broth, Ji-Min noticed a vacant seat in our classroom.

"Has anyone seen Woo-Sung?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

Ji-Sub, ever the bearer of news, piped up, "He transferred to another school."

A sense of finality seemed to hang in the air as we processed this information. However, Seung-Gi, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't help but offer more details.

"Yeah," he chimed in, "and the new student who joined our class is named Song Ji-Hyo."

Seung-Gi continued to share what he knew about Ji-Hyo, and In-Sung suddenly interjected with a revelation.

"I know Song Ji-Hyo," he disclosed. "We were former classmates."

This piqued our interest, and we leaned in to hear more.

"Really?" Ji-Sub prodded. "Why didn't she approach you then?"

In-Sung shrugged, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "We weren't particularly close back then. Maybe that's why."

Our conversation shifted, but the mention of Song Ji-Hyo had stirred a curious connection among us, adding a touch of intrigue to our ramen gathering.

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