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In-Sung's POV

Midterms week had descended upon the university, and the library was abuzz with the focused energy of students engrossed in their studies. The friends, too, were gathered at a table, buried in their books and notes, determined to conquer their exams.

But I couldn't help but be distracted by Hyo-Joo, who had chosen to review in the quiet nook by the bookshelves instead of joining us at the table. I leaned over to Seung-Gi, a question in my eyes.

"Why is Hyo-Joo reviewing over there?" I whispered, trying not to disturb the studious atmosphere.

Seung-Gi, focused on his own work, spared a moment to respond. "Oh, she always reviews that way for quizzes and seatwork. She says it helps her concentrate better."

I nodded, now understanding. Each student had their own unique study habits, and for Hyo-Joo, it seemed that secluding herself by the bookshelves provided the ideal environment for deep concentration. With this newfound insight, I turned my attention back to my own books, knowing that each of my friends had their own methods of preparing for exams.

Hyo-Joo's POV

I sat in my usual nook by the bookshelves, the soft library lighting providing a comforting ambiance for my study session. Midterms week was in full swing, and the library was filled with the diligent sounds of my fellow students buried in their books. But my mind wasn't on my studies; it was consumed by the heartache of a recent breakup. Hyun-Sik, my boyfriend of three years, was now an ex.


The painful memories of our heated argument played over in my mind. Three years of love and companionship had turned tumultuous in recent times. Hyun-Sik had become distant, his messages colder and less frequent.

One evening, my concern got the better of me, and I confronted him. "Hyun-Sik, you've been so distant lately. What's happening between us?"

A deep sigh escaped him, his frustration evident. "Hyo-Joo, it feels like you're keeping me out of your life. You never update me on what's going on anymore."

I felt my own frustration building. "I've been swamped with classes and exams. It's not about shutting you out; it's about dealing with my studies."

Our argument escalated, voices raised in anger and hurt until we reached a breaking point. In a moment of emotional turmoil, I uttered those painful words, "Maybe we should just break up then."

To my surprise, Hyun-Sik responded with a shouted agreement, as if he had been harboring the same thoughts. He claimed he was weary of my perceived insensitivity, and in that moment, our relationship came to an abrupt end.

As I sat in the library, reviewing my notes, my eyes welled up with tears, the weight of our breakup pressing down on my heart. I couldn't help but wonder if there was any way to mend the shattered pieces of our love, or if it was time to accept that it was over.

After I finished my review, I joined the group's table, ready to exchange knowledge and support each other in our midterm preparations. We were all in this together, and sharing what we knew was part of our routine.

As we discussed our respective subjects, Ji-Sub suddenly got distracted. His gaze fixated on a girl who had just walked past our table. It didn't take long for us to realize that she was his crush, the one who had previously rejected him.

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