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Hyo-Joo's POV

A week before our Engineering Day, my friends and I gathered for lunch, excitedly discussing which contests or events we would be participating in. As we enjoyed our meal, the conversation turned to our individual plans.

Hyo-Jin spoke up first, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "I've been asked to join the story-making contest. It sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm excited to participate."

Ji-Sub, who had a passion for sports, chimed in next. "I'm on the basketball team. We've been practicing hard, and I can't wait to represent our group."

Ji-Min and Seung-Gi, on the other hand, leaned toward a more relaxed approach to the day. Ji-Min smiled as she explained, "I'm not joining any events this time. I just want to enjoy the day and take in the atmosphere."

Seung-Gi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, same here. I'm just going to go with the flow and see where the day takes me."

In-Sung shared his plans next, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I was actually going to join the volleyball team, but it filled up quickly during registration. So, I'll probably just watch and cheer them on."

Finally, it was my turn to reveal my involvement. "I signed up for both the table tennis and softball teams, but I'm mainly a substitute player, so they just needed my name to fill out the roster."

As we discussed our Engineering Day plans, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the diversity of interests and the camaraderie we shared as friends. It promised to be a memorable day, regardless of the events we chose to participate in.

In-Sung's POV

I agreed to meet Kim Hye-Soo Noona in the school cafeteria to answer some survey questions. As I took my seat, I nervously awaited the survey papers, ready to provide my responses. Kim Hye-Soo Noona approached me, her warm smile putting me at ease.

We exchanged greetings, and I anticipated the survey questions, but instead, she began to speak in a way that caught me completely off guard. "The reason I wanted to meet with you," she started, her voice gentle, "is because I really like you."

I felt a shockwave of surprise and disbelief wash over me. It was as if a whirlwind of emotions had taken hold of me, leaving me momentarily speechless. In that moment, I realized just how clueless I could be when it came to someone liking me.

I mustered up the courage to respond politely, my words laced with a hint of surprise. "I appreciate your honesty, but I'm not interested."

Kim Hye-Soo Noona nodded understandingly, her smile still kind. "That's okay," she said, gracefully accepting my response. With a polite goodbye, she rose from her seat and walked away, leaving me to contemplate the unexpected encounter.

As I exited the cafeteria, I spotted Hyo-Joo walking toward our classroom, so I hastened my steps to catch up with her.

"Hey, Hyo-Joo," I greeted her with a friendly smile.

She returned the greeting, her eyes curious. "Hey there. Where were you?"

"I just met Hye-Soo Noona," I replied.

Hyo-Joo's laughter filled the air. "Oh, really? Tell me everything!"

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