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Hyo-Joo's POV

I found myself growing increasingly confused by In-Sung's recent behavior. What did he mean by someone getting mad? Why was he avoiding me?

As we continued to sit together in class, In-Sung's responses to my attempts at conversation grew increasingly short and cold. It felt like a wall had been erected between us, and no matter how hard I tried to bridge the gap, he seemed determined to keep his distance.

Even when we hung out with our friends, he would engage in lively conversations with others while avoiding any eye contact with me. Our trio, consisting of Ji-Min, In-Sung, and myself, used to walk together to run errands, but now it was just Ji-Min and me.

One day, as Ji-Min, Hyo-Jin and I settled into a street food restaurant for lunch, I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. I had to share my concerns. I recounted how In-Sung had been distant and unresponsive, leaving me perplexed and hurt.

Hyo-Jin and Ji-Min exchanged glances of concern, sensing my distress. Ji-Min asked, "Why do you think he's acting this way?"

My shoulders slumped in response. "I honestly don't know," I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration and sadness. Hyo-Jin then suggested, "Maybe I should try talking to In-Sung and see if he opens up."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for their support and willingness to help me unravel the mystery behind In-Sung's sudden change in behavior.

In-Sung's POV

Ji-Sub and I were in the midst of an intense basketball game at our university's court. Laughter filled the air as we playfully bantered about who was the superior player. After some intense plays, we decided to take a break and sat down on the bench.

Out of the blue, Ji-Sub brought up something that had been weighing on his mind. "In-Sung, I've noticed something different about you lately," he said, looking at me with a curious expression.

I sighed, unsure of how to respond. "What do you mean, Ji-Sub?"

He didn't hold back. "You've been avoiding Hyo-Joo way too much. It's like you're actively steering clear of her. What's going on?"

I averted my gaze, feeling the weight of his words. "I just don't want to complicate things, you know? I don't want to come between her and someone else."

Ji-Sub chuckled, clearly not buying my explanation. "You're not the kind of guy to avoid someone unless you're interested in them, In-Sung."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I let out a sigh. I was on the verge of opening up to Ji-Sub when an unexpected interruption occurred. Woo-Sung, our classmate, approached Ji-Sub and threw a punch at him.

Both Ji-Sub and I were taken aback by Woo-Sung's aggressive behavior, but my instincts kicked in, and I retaliated with a punch of my own. Ji-Sub stepped in to prevent me from continuing the fight as we exchanged a few more blows with Woo-Sung.

Amidst the chaos of our scuffle with Woo-Sung, I couldn't contain my frustration, and my voice rose as I demanded an explanation. "Why the hell did you do that, Woo-Sung?"

Woo-Sung seethed with frustration, his eyes burning with anger as he explained, "Because Ji-Sub didn't include my name in our project! I got reprimanded by the professor because of his negligence."

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