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As we sat in a cozy fast-food restaurant after our class, our conversations flowed naturally. Ji-Sub, Seung-Gi, and I had become good friends over time, and we often shared our thoughts and feelings with each other.

Ji-Sub, his usually calm demeanor tinged with a hint of nervousness, suddenly opened up about something personal. "Guys," he began tentatively, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Seung-Gi, always the supportive friend, encouraged him to share. "Go ahead, Ji-Sub. We're here for you."

Ji-Sub took a deep breath and confessed, "Well, I think I might like someone... a girl."

Seung-Gi looked intrigued but had to leave for some reason. He turned to me and said, "Hyo-Joo, maybe you can share some advice with Ji-Sub about love. I've got to run, but you guys take care."

With Seung-Gi's departure, Ji-Sub and I were left to continue our conversation. I smiled at Ji-Sub, trying to put him at ease. "Ji-Sub, it's completely normal to have feelings for someone. The important thing is to take your time and get to know the person better."

Ji-Sub nodded, still a bit uncertain. "I'm just worried about making a move and getting rejected."

I reassured him, "Rejection is a possibility, but it's not the end of the world. Sometimes it's better to express your feelings honestly. Just be respectful and considerate."

As we continued to enjoy our meal and chat, Ji-Sub seemed to find comfort in our conversation. Love could be complicated and uncertain, but with the support of friends like us, he would navigate the journey with a little more confidence and a lot more heart.

As I waited for a taxi to take me home, Ji-Sub stood by my side. The day had been filled with shared laughter and conversations, and it felt good to have friends who genuinely cared. When the taxi arrived, Ji-Sub smiled and said, "Thanks for the great day, Hyo-Joo. Text me when you get home, okay?"

I nodded and waved goodbye as I got into the taxi, watching Ji-Sub until he was out of sight. The day had been a pleasant escape from the pressures of university life.

During the ride home, I received a message from my boyfriend, Hyun-Sik. He asked who I had been with earlier, and I replied honestly, telling him I was with my friends, Seung-Gi and Ji-Sub. His response was cold and distant, a simple "okay" followed by a curt "take a rest."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. Hyun-Sik and I were from different universities, which meant we couldn't see each other as often as we'd like. It seemed that the distance was slowly driving a wedge between us, and his recent coldness only deepened my unease.

As the taxi approached my home, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed in our relationship. I knew that I needed to have a serious conversation with Hyun-Sik soon to address our growing distance and uncertainty.

In-Sung's POV

I sat in the quiet confines of the library, engrossed in my reading for an upcoming assignment. The hushed atmosphere and the scent of books provided a comforting backdrop to my academic pursuits. As I focused on my work, a message notification lit up my phone screen, momentarily breaking my concentration.

Kim Hye-Soo (Hye-Soo): Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for participating in my survey. 😊 Would you be open to being friends? I'm Kim Hye-Soo, sophomore in the Nursing Department.

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