Forty-Five |

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Forty-Five |

    I took a speed boat across the water and I'm glad I was alone, and I'm glad I had the spray of the water to distract me from the tears that fell down my face. Mom and Dad wanted to come with me, but it would only make things worse. So, I went alone. Once more away from my home and the island that raised me and back into the dead zone. At least this time I left with the love and support of Mom and Dad but what did that matter? 

My friends hated me. 

I sighed, wiping my eyes free as I drew closer and closer to the dock. However, as I approached, I noticed a figure sitting on the faded cement edge. Her legs dangled off, the soles of her feet in the water and I frowned. I guessed it would be her out of everyone that had no fear. As I pulled up, I cut the engine, tilting my head to stare at Persephone. 

She tilted her head slightly and smiled. The monster had changed clothing—somehow finding a pair of white jeans and a long, white shirt, and a pair of white boots. I didn't know where she found the items, but I didn't want to know. It was probably Cora. Hell, I don't know why I even bothered with her. I should kill her—that's what I said I'd do next time I saw her. 

So why didn't I?

Her long locks were messy and unkept, but when I looked closely, I could see the hint of eyes in the previously empty sockets. Had she begun growing them back? I'm sure she did. Which meant once they were back it would be near impossible to kill the creature. 

"Hello sister."

I flinched. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you."

"How did you know I'd be back?" I murmured, pulling myself up and onto the dock.

She laughed as if I'd told a joke. "Why wouldn't I?"

I sighed, stretching my fingers above my head. "Fine. Why are you waiting for me?"

When I began past her, she stood to follow on my heels. "I'm going with you."

"Why?" I demanded, stopping to spin and face her. 

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Enough!" I yelled, my emotions getting the better of me. I paused, taking a breather before throwing my hands up. This didn't make any fucking sense. "Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing any of this?" 

"Why wouldn't I?" she repeated. 

I sighed. Clearly, she thought I knew something I didn't. "Persephone, what do you think our relationship is? Why do you think coming with me is the obvious move for us both?"

"Because we're sisters."

I groaned. Technically, I suppose she wasn't wrong. "Ok. But Cora is also our sister, right? But I'm off to kill her. So, you don't have to follow me. Our blood or whatever doesn't really matter in this instance." 

"Sister's stick together. Cora has never been my sister."

I sighed, a headache building in my head. "Fine. Come on."

She followed after me as silent as the buildings around us. A few times she glanced at me to give me this shit-inducing, wide, full teeth smile that I'm sure what meant to reassume me but absolutely did the opposite. Although at least she wasn't trying to kill me. 

"How are you even moving?" I muttered. 

"My nose is strong. But it will be...nice to see again." 

A tiny part of me broke for her. All this time she'd been taking the fall for Cora and not only locked up but tortured. Fuck, they took her eyes and every time they grew back they took them again. Over and over. The thought made me sick to my stomach. I felt guilty too. Maybe all this time all she wanted was someone to be close to. 

But then again, that's what I thought of Cora too. 

My guard rose again as we made it to the tree line. Once we got there, I wanted to punch myself in the face. It never occurred to me that I didn't actually know where the hell we were going. I frowned to myself. Cora had given us a doomsday deadline but where would she be? I looked at Persephone, to where she was sniffing a fucking mushroom that was growing on a tree. My brow twitched to tell her not to do that but I held back. 

"Where do you think Cora would go?" I demanded. 

She jolted as if my voice surprised her and smiled in my direction. "Home."

Home. That meant— 

"Why? Everyone's dead there."

She nodded. "Exactly."

Of course. Everyone was dead. Or rather, undead. My chest filled with fear. That meant I didn't have to just get to Cora, but I had to get past her entire army of intelligent zombies. How the hell was I going to do that? Cold defeat filled me. I couldn't. I was just one girl, I couldn't fight an army by myself. Holy shit, we were screwed. Humanity would die and it would be my fault— 

A cold hand grabbed mine. I flinched from my thoughts to look at Persephone. She peeled back her lips once more to give me that terrifying smile. Her hand clutched my arm and her other hand gave my head some seriously passive aggressive pats.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly, kind of disturbed but also confused. 

She paused. "Reassuring you."  

That would not have been my fiftieth guess. "I-I'm good...thanks though."

I swore a look of pride passed her face as she stopped. "You're welcome sister."   

We continued walking. After a few more moments, I could hear the rustling of leaves, and then a jagged moaning of the dead. My body froze as my fingers itched towards my gun. However, before I could make my move, there was a blur of white move past me and into the thicket. My jaw dropped as Persephone came flying out of the bush while holding a fucking zombie in her hand. She glanced at me—or at least, I think she did. 

"What are you doing?" I cried, stumbling back. 

The thing was once an older man. It's bottom jaw was missing, and it wore some sort of uniform that was far too dirty and incinerated to recognize. The poor fucking thing struggled weakly in her arms while she held it like a trophy. 

"Fear not sister," she said. "I have caught the creature." 

I blinked. "Why?" 

"Oh." she hummed with confusion. "Should I let it go?"

"Yes!" I exhaled before gasping. "No! Kill it!" 

She frowned but turned on her heel. Bile rose in my throat as her fist went through it's head, maggots and brains flew around us. When a maggot landed on my shoe, I couldn't hold back my disgust any longer. Stumbling to the nearest tree, I threw up. All of the non-existent food I'd had over the days. Persephone pressed her hand to my forehead, and I paused.

"What--" Blugh. "Are. You doing?"  

"This helps, no?" 

Actually, it kind of did help. 

After a moment, I straightened myself out and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, my eyes sliding to stare at her. She just smiled and I wondered so much about her. How the hell did she know what helped throwing up? Or anything about other people for that matter? She'd been locked up for—well, forever. Which made my internal questions shift slightly. 

"Hey Persephone," I said slowly.

"Yes sister?" 

I picked at a piece of non-existent lint off my shirt. 

"What do you know about us? I mean, about the other lab...children."

Her smile melted away. "You mean about Delta, Alpha and you?"

I nodded nervously.    

She hummed, turning her head away from me. "More than I wished to know."

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