Thirty-Four |

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Thirty-Four |

Barron led me down the steps then into one of the shops. It was just like he explained: a booth out front and behind that was a homestead. Inside smelt good, like potato and meat. My mouth began to water from the last days of lacking food. I watched as he pulled off his shirt to reveal a white tank top and, on his body, bite marks. My brow rose.

"You're an illicit?" I demanded.

He glanced at me, "Wasn't that obvious from Will?"

Then it clicked: Izzac must not be an illicit. They wanted a kid but one that was immune. I said nothing and looked around their home. It was small and spacious. The living room seemed to be attached to the kitchen but also had a nice-looking fireplace. There were two small dogs inside too, snuggled in front of the fireplace. A table sat with four chairs, and I could see three doors just out of view.

In the kitchen stood Will, stirring a pot of something.

"Take a seat," Barron said, gesturing at the table.

Izzac gave me a smile, "Do you want something to drink?"

I nodded, sitting down.

"Why'd you bring her home?" Will demanded without turning.

Izzac rolled his eyes, "Be nice. Here darling."

He placed a glass of water in front of me and I drank it faster than I'd drank anything before. It felt like heaven—the cold flavorless heaven sliding down my throat. I didn't realize how dry my lips were until I had finished the glass.

"You've been missing for a while," Izzac said, sitting across from me, "Can you tell me about it? Are you ok?"

I looked at him with surprise.

"Don't start that," Barron groaned, "Don't help her. You'll only get dragged in."

"She came here for a reason."

"I don't care!"

"We owe Mira—"

"We don't owe her shit. I paid her back."

Izzac sighed heavily, "It doesn't matter now. She's here and she needs help."

I looked over at Will who stared to plate bowls of stew in front of us.

"Just smile and nod," he muttered, giving me my bowl, "It'll make it painless."

My eyes rolled, "Right."

Once Will sat down, everyone began eating, and I did not need anymore social ques to dig in. The stew was the best thing I'd ever tasted in my entire fucking life. I ate it all, not caring how it burned my tongue, and then I licked the bowl. They talked about things that didn't matter and I didn't care. The weather, a new litter of pups—I turned it out easily. When I was offered more, I did not hesitate. Then I licked the bowl again.

"Fine," Barron sighed, "What are you doing here?"

I looked at him with a slight smirk, "I thought you didn't want to know."

"Speak before I change my mind," he replied with an equally cheeky smirk.

So, I did.

I told them everything, speaking as quickly as I could. They were all quiet—their bowls suddenly sitting untouched on the table. I told them about Bio-gen and about the Deltas. I told them about how we'd all be under attack soon, and how the six of us were going to warn everyone.

"Where was your next place?" Barron then asked.

I licked my lips carefully, "Sky City."

"Alright. I'll take you both in the morning."

"W-what?" I gasped.

Izzac smiled, "It's the right thing to do."

"I'll go do the dishes," Will muttered before standing.

"I thought you didn't want to help us?" I demanded, unsure at what they wanted, "Are you trying to trick me? Send me back to my mom?"

"Sky City is on the way regardless," he replied, "Besides, we believe you."

"You do?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah kid," he chirped, "Not my first rodeo."

"Just don't go killing anyone this time," Izzac whispered to him.

He shrugged, "We'll see."

A giggle left my lips, I liked Barron's vibe.

Unfortunately, as soon as my giggle ended, screaming began like a nightmare made of blood and fire. Before I could glance at Barron or Izzac, the two men were moving. Izzac flew into the kitchen after Will and Barron flew out the door whistling loudly. I hurried after him, fear for Cora filling me. It seemed the town was in a state of panic but otherwise unharmed. That's when I saw the billowing smoke coming up the mountain.

"Go back inside," Barron ordered.

I just snickered, "Yeah, right."

He grunted but made no other moves to stop me.

Had the Delta's hit here? It couldn't be possible, the Town of Roses would be their first target. I ran after Barron up the steps, noticing about six undead dogs running at our sides. Tensing I looked at Barron carefully. It seemed like he had control over them but that was...impossible. How could anyone control any form of zombies?

My horror only deepened as we reached the top. There, I spotted the dead bodies of two people, and Reia had straddled Cora. Cora seemed to be fighting her off. I didn't understand it for a long moment until I did.

Somehow, Reia had been turned into a delta.

"H-hungry," she moaned, "Mei-tner girl, curse...hungry!"

Barron paused, glancing at me, "Is that...?"

I just nodded.

He whistled loudly and the dogs attacked. Cora let out a cry as they dragged Reia off of her, and she scrambled over to me. I checked her for wounds, relief filling me when I found none. However, her eyes were locked between Barron and the dogs.

"It's ok," I soothed her fears, "He's controlling them."

She looked pale, "How can he control zombified dogs?"

I just shook my head, looking back to Reia. They dogs tore her apart by the time Izzac reached us and it looked like the whole town had followed him up the mountain. The shrine was on fire, no doubt nothing would be left.

"Dad..." Will whispered.

Izzac just took in the scene before nodding, "Eero was right. If we don't move now, it'll be too late. Will, get me a bird. We need to reach out to Jax and start preparations."

Barron looked over at us solemnly, "Sorry girls, it looks like we're moving out now."

I nodded. They were right, there was no time to waste.

Not with a town leader now dead. My eyes lingered on her for another moment before I looked to Cora. It didn't make sense—how did she turn? Cora looked extremely shaken up too, I decided it would be best to wait.

"Come on," Barron hummed.

We nodded, following after him.    

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