Forty-One | Mira

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Forty-One | Mira- Fourteen years ago 

"What do you not understand?" I snarled. "I don't want anything to do with any of you!"

I had to give Nicolaus Cappelli a shred of credit, he was persistent in the very least. For the past two years since Maxwell was killed by his own virus and the cockroaches of BioGen collected his body, they never stopped from trying to reach out to us. Every month for two years until today, when the wrinkly bastard came to MY island demanding to be heard. 

Thankfully, Sebastian didn't let them onto the island, instead stopping them at the city port before I hopped onto a boat to finally give them my final answer. If they didn't accept that, I had no problem putting a bullet in their stupid fucking heads.  

"Yes, we understand that quite clear Ms. Brooks—"

"Mrs. Wolfe," I corrected. 

His eyes flickered to Sebastian who held Rose on his hip and watched us carefully. 

"Yes of course," Cappelli murmured. "Mrs. Wolfe. You must understand what we are trying to do here—"

"And what's that?" I demanded. "Destroy the world?"

His face darkened. "We have made mistakes but as I recall, it was in the end, your father's mistake that truly destroyed this world. Do you not have some responsibility here? To not even hear out our cause is truly...disappointing."   

My brow twitched. "Speak and speak quickly."

His old lips (that looked more like dried worms than flesh) twitched. "When we had collected the body of Eric Maxwell, we found two virus types within his body. Lyssasolanum and another which we've called the Lyttasolanum virus. They're the same but drastically different. We've found the Lyttasolanum virus is far more aggressive to the body due to—ah, I won't bother you with the genetics. In any case, the combination of the two had killed Maxwell. However, we have found that despite the aggressive nature of the Lyttasolanum, there was evidence that the addition of this virus can actually counter the virus within the infect and change the course of the world as we know it." 

He was implying...impossible. 

"A cure?" I whispered. 

His head tilted slightly. "Yes and no. It would be a new virus, but—"

"One like mine. One that lets people keep their minds." 

The old man grinned. "Exactly. To test this, we infected four subjects under the conditions as close to your own situation as possible."

Disgust filled me, "Babies?"

"They are subjects Mira. Genetically created. They are no more human than their purpose. Which is not the issue here. The issue is that unfortunately, it seems having subjects so close together is causing some...complications. Subject Beta has been exterminated due to this and Subject Gamma has been contained. So far Subject Delta is growing independently from the rest as is Subject Alpha but as they continue to grow, well, it's imperative that they remain separated until appropriate timing. We wish for you to take Subject Alpha and simply raise it as your own offspring." 

"No," I snapped. "No. I will not have a monster on my island!"

"Yes, I thought you might say that, so I've brought it with me." 

He snapped his fingers and two of his armored men tugged forward a small, child. Horror filled me as I looked down at the girl who could not be any older than two. I was silent as I looked at her, confusion and fear filling me completely. She had light brown locks and the brightest red eyes I'd ever seen. I glanced at Sebastian, but he only stared down at the child this man called a fucking subject.


I felt sick. 

All of this was wrong and yet, I've never seen such a perfect little girl in all my life since Rose was born. I could feel my cheeks growing wet with tears and all I could see in this poor baby was myself. 

It was all over when the little girl looked at me and giggled. 

Jesus Christ.

"Well?" Cappelli pressed. 

Sebastian nodded firmly. "We'll take her."

"Excellent. Here is her pedigree," Cappelli hummed, passing me a folder. 

My eyes narrowed. "Pedigree?"

"Yes. I'd advise you to put it somewhere locked up then bury it. If that information falls into the wrong hands...well...humanity won't survive a second time. We will reach out in due time to smooth over the other details." 

I took the folder and flipped it open, a gasp falling from my lips. 


"I-I don't understand," I cracked, my lips drying. 

Cappelli—that bastard only grinned. "Out of all four subjects, this one is—"

"Sir, we need to head back," one of his men interrupted. "I've got word that Subject Gamma has escaped again. She's causing quite the scene." 

He sighed, "Fine. Tell them to take her eyes."

"Yes sir."

Disgusting. I passed the folder to Sebastian and moved to pick up Subject Alpha—no, I wasn't calling this baby that. I racked my brain for a name before a smile pulled onto my face. She giggled again, pulling lightly on the locks of my hair. 

After Rose was born, Lilith told me I couldn't have another. This was a miracle in itself, a miracle like Dad curing my cancer. Eero Wolfe, I decided then and there. My little miracle baby that could save or destroy the world. 

"Until next time," the bastard hummed. 

As if. 

I turned to Sebastian who frowned slightly. "This is—"

My head jerked into a nod. "Eero's a good name."

"Yes, it is," he hummed, his eyes flickering with an emotion I couldn't read. "Perfect." 

I smiled at Rose and then Eero. 

Perfect. My perfect daughters. 

"Yeah, he's not getting her back," I hissed. 

Sebastian chuckled, "Not even in his fucking dreams. What an absolute dickhead." 

"Dickhead," Rose repeated with a smile. 

I sighed, looking down at baby Eero who'd easily fallen asleep against my chest. 

This world was made for her. 

Whether it be good or bad.

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