< chapter 11 >

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Axel came to get her when the first song notes of the evening's last dance.

They dance beautifully together and Hazel is amazed at her sudden confidence. If she knew that it would be the result of a makeover and a nice dress, she would have done it a long time ago. He deftly swings her out in front of him, pulls her back again and tucks her in the wave of his arm.

She laughed heartily and saw him blush. That something like this can also happen to Axel West she really couldn't believe it.

Her heart was heavy when the music stopped and he let her go. The very last dance. Forever and ever. What are the chances that she will see him at another wedding?

"One more!" shouts someone among the guests and a few others support the request with: "Yes, throw corn!"

The band falls away with a fast dance and Axel pulls her closer again. It wasn't the last dance then. He is so close to her that it makes her head spin. So this is what it must feel like to be in heaven and dancing with an angel. She smelled the fresh scent of his aftershave and the faint hint of the rose in his lapel. His blond hair is slightly wet with sweat and hangs over his forehead. When he looked at her, his eyes were serious

"You are the most beautiful, Hazel Smith," he whispers close to her ear and she feels that delicious shiver down her spine.

"I'm not going to let you just disappear from my radar like that again."

"What about..!" she wants to argue, but his lips close burningly over hers, stifling any sound she can think of making. Hazel can't help but to not surrender to the ecstasy. Her toes curled from the pleasure and she just prayed that he would never stop.

However, the moment is cruelly interrupted when someone came to knock on Axel's shoulder.

"Your girlfriend is here, Axel," Hazel heard the man say, but the words don't want to register with her.

She turned from Axel's arms and looked at what the messenger of the bad news was pointing at.

In the entrance to the reception area stands Lilan. And one would have to look far to come across a fiercer goddess.

Different to what Hazel expected, Lilan does not charge at her and Axel like a furious war horse. She walked towards them very calmly. Hazel might as well not have been present at all, because the woman ignores her like a stop sign.

"In the end, I just decided to come and pay a visit," she says to Axel as if she hadn't just witnessed him kissing another girl.

"It's like they say. Far from your good, close to your harm. And it seems to me I was almost too late."

"Lilan," Axel greeted her politely and also pretended he didn't know about salt or water.

Hazel feels like shouting out in front of everyone that she's there too. That she was on the other end of the kiss and is not just an old rag doll that can now be thrown aside when she is done playing with her.

"I really didn't expect you here," Axel continued sternly

"Clearly not. If you ask me, now is the time for you to give your dance partner, or should I rather say your distraction, the go-ahead so that you and I can talk"

"I'm nobody's distraction," Hazel interrupted

"Lilan, there's no need to insult Hazel. It's not her fault," Axel told her. "On the contrary, I'm the one who put her in a difficult situation. And please, don't make a scene here. The people are looking at us."

Mario moved in next to Hazel, ready to protect her from the approaching storm.

"It doesn't matter whose 'fault' it is, Axel. And it doesn't bother me that people are looking. I'm used to it and don't need to act like a pie the moment I get a little attention. So you don't have to worry. A scene isn't my style. Go get your jacket so we can walk. I think you've had enough action for one night." Lilan snapped her fingers impatiently and then swept her hair back gracefully over her shoulders.

Hazel is furious. How dare this... this dragon call her a pie?

"Lilan, please. That's enough now" The storm is slowly building in Axel's voice.

"I'm not going to let you stand here humiliating Hazel any longer. And no one, I repeat, no one is giving me orders. A kind request works perfectly fine, thanks. I'll decide for myself when I want to go or when I've had enough."

"Would everyone just please stop pretending I don't exist," Hazel said impetuously. "And Lilan, for your information, I'm not shy about attention. It's not my problem if a man suddenly starts looking for greener grass because he got bored with the one he's grazing in."

"Tell her, Hazel," Mario goaded her, thick with laughter.

"Am I imagining it or am I hearing a mouse squeak?" Lilan looked around her in surprise. "Oh. It's you."

She let her gaze slide appraisingly over Hazel and pursed her mouth as if she was eating something sour. "Surely you don't think that if you comb your hair and wear a decent dress, you suddenly qualify to be in my standards, do you? It takes a lot more than that." She laughs wickedly.

"Hazel. What kind of name is that anyway? Sounds like a animal name out of a children's book."

"Lilan..."Axel warns , but his eyes are directed at Hazel who is now coming dangerously close to hitting her.

"Don't worry, bae" Lilan pouted and snapped at him possessively "I'll behave myself. Let's go dancing."

Axel completely undone when she dragged him right into the middle of the dance floor in front of everyone and started wriggling around him like a snake. He looked apologetically in Hazel's direction a few times and looked extremely uncomfortable between all the other dancing couples before reluctantly surrendering to the rhythm.

Hazel doesn't want to look, but she can barely keep her eyes off them. She is prying and wishing from the bottom of her heart that Axel had dumped Lilan right there and then. But she knows it is unreasonable to expect that from him, after all Lilan remains his girlfriend. Besides, the man was simply overwhelmed by the moment. That's all it was. And she would be silly to read anything more into it than just that.

Lilan is now properly wrapped around Axel and when Lilan's eye catches Hazel's, she kisses him with passion.

Let's get our ride, Hazel, Mario said and lightly touched her arm. "I think we've had enough of this fucked up clown house. And with such a viper around I feel terribly un-"

"I'm perfectly fine" Hazel replied firmly,

"I'm not going to let myself be beaten any further. Especially not by someone with legs like apricots!"

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