< chapter 8 >

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Hazel barely recognized herself when the beautician held up the hand mirror to her. Her hair is blown straight and it looks much longer than it usually is. The smoky makeup on her eyelids makes her brown eyes appear black and very mysterious. She expected the woman to put on red lipstick for her, but the neutral color is definitely more suitable. The whole picture will complement well the dove gray chiffon mini she wants to wear.

She just feels like a new person. This time she won't be sitting like a wallflower waiting for things to happen. And with Mario by her side to spice things up - the day will truly be a fun experience.

Axel West's ass. He can keep his bitchie Lilan. He doesn't know what he's missing anyway.

"Wow, Hazel. You look like a million bucks!" Mario said in surprise as she opened the door for him. "Turn let me see." -

She spins on her heels, then tries a Marilyn Monroe pose and looks at him expectantly.

"I seriously can't believe you look so gorgeous. If that Axel guy had to see you now, he'd burst a seam on the spot, I swear."

"Come in, Mario," she invited. "Is there time for a quick coffee?"

"Yes, I'm early. We have to drive in half an hour or so."

While Mario makes himself at home on the couch, she goes to get the coffee going.

"Don't you have marshmallows somewhere in the house?" he called from the living room. "I suddenly have a hellish craving."

Hazel brings out the mugs on a wooden tray, the bowl of marshmallows next to the sugar bowl.

"There you go," she said. "Feel free to get yourself one."

Mario picked up one of the soft sweets, flattened it between his fingers and splashed it into the hot coffee.

"Now be honest, he began and took a sip. "Aren't you even a little bit excited about today?

"If you mean I should be excited about the chance to catch a man, then no. What I'm excited about  wearing my pretty dress and seeing if I can at least provoke a reaction or something with this brand new look, you?"

"Only a corpse will not respond to you, woman." He sighed. "Oh, I don't know if I'm really looking forward to the wedding. Of course I'm happy for my brother and his little star, but oh my. My mother is probably going to corner me again and ask why there isn't a girl already in my life. Not to mention my father. And the family!"

"But surely they know you play for the other team, or how?”

"Why, do you think I moved out of my parents' house so early? Just because I didn't want to farm?"

"Maybe it's not that bad," she tried to comfort. "Who knows what could happen. Maybe you'll meet someone at the wedding."

"You can imagine! I'm way too special for just one somebody. Tell me, Hazel, if Axel walked into this room right now, got down on his knees and asked you to marry him, what would you do?"

"I'll say that he can go and blow bottel caps," she replied

"And is that your final answer?" Mario asked as the presenter of a quiz show.

Hazel raised her eyebrow playfully. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, I really want to. And tell the truth this time."

"Okay. I'll fall into his arms and kiss him until his toes curl."

"Thought so," said Mario, scooping the marshmallow out of the mug with a tea spoon.

"Hmm, here comes the best part." He put the sticky melted little thing in his mouth, smacked his lips and then licked the last delicacy off the spoon. "Then go brush up on your makeup. We have to go."

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