<chapter 7>

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It's been a week since the wedding and Hazel is still upset. She can hardly concentrate on her work. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't get Axel West and the beautiful Lilan John  out of her mind.

She has put the wrong stamp in a lending book more than five times now, got orders mixed up and completely forgot that it was her turn to read fairy tales to the little ones this afternoon. But now she has to pull herself together quickly. The children are here and they want to hear a story, not stare into a sour pickle.

“Once upon a time, long ago there was a princess,” she began to read and looked at the sea of ​​little faces before her.

They are ready to be completely carried away to a fantasy world full of castles, fairies, witches and dwarfs. And of course there is also a prince who will come to save the day. There is always a prince.

If only they knew how unreliable this species really is. They go and choose prettier girls and leave the true damsel in distress to her own mercy.

"Is miss Hazel also a princess?" asked one of the little girls when she finished reading the story. Happy ending and all.

"No, silly," replied her friend, howling with laughter "Princess don't  wear glasses."

Hazel is downright pissed off at the little snip. But it's probably true. She'll urgently need to do something about her appearance if she intends to one day catch a man's eye.

Even though Axel West is now off the market, that certainly doesn't mean she has to hide in a dark cave. Louise was right. It's the 21st century and girls can no longer expect to find soul mates who will take the lead like in the old days. If she doesn't want to grow old and die alone in a house with a blue door and a dozen cats, she has to wake up.

And she can start by wearing her contact lenses again. She paid a fortune for it and she just has to get used to it. This would already be a massive improvement.

Why then does she feel down to her little toe that such effort will do her no good if it is not Axel that she can impress with it?

After the last toddler left the reading corner, her assistant Mario came to take her by the arm.

"No, girl, that's enough now. You've been walking around here all week with a face so steep that a four-wheel drive can't even drive up it. What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I'm just a little down, that's all. Will be my old self again soon."

"Look how your lying to me now!" he yells. "It's a man, isn't it? It's only a man who can make one look like that. Ask me, I know."

Hazel stared at him absently before nodding her head tenaciously. "Yes, you're right. It's a man."

"Oh, delish. Tell me everything."

"It's really silly, you know. I barely know him. I don't know what's gotten into me."

"Start at the beginning that I can hear," Mario continues. "But come sit down first. I'll make us coffee soon."

When they each sat cross-legged on the big furry cushions in the reading nook with a cup of steaming coffee, Hazel opened her heart to him.

"You remember I was at my friend Louise's wedding a while ago, right?"

"The one who married the biker?"

"That's right. The groom's brother who was supposed to be the best man fell out of a tree when he was trying to save a cat and couldn't make it to the wedding. And then they got James Dean to vouch for him."

"James Dean? I bet he's been dead for a long time."

"His name is actually Axel," Hazel explains.

"And then?" Mario is breathless with anticipation.

"He is absolutely the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. We danced and he even asked me if I believed in love at first sight."

"And what do you say then?"

"Then I said no."

"Oh no, Hazel Smith! Why? It's as clear as daylight that the man has the hots for you and now you stand and say that."

Mario hesitated for a moment. "But mind you, it's probably not bad to play hard to get now and then. A man also has to work a little for his prize. Besides?"

"It's not hard to get, Mario. I was completely caught off guard, it is what it was," Hazel defends

"Then what happens next?"

"He was at the wedding I was at last Saturday. With his girlfriend." She could hear her voice grow dull as she said the last few words.

"I can't believe you let him slip through your fingers. Now look what happened! The first slut with a bit of sense in her head stood in front of your nose and snatched him away. And now you sit here like a orphan whose cookies were stolen Oh, Hazel."

"Thanks for your support, man," she snapped back sarcastically. "Your making me feel so much better."

"Don't worry," Mario said encouragingly.

"Today Centurion, tomorrow the world. We will find someone for you again. The sea is full of fish."

"But not everyone is an accountant who looks like James Dean," Hazel sighed sheepishly. "And in my case I'll probably reel in an old whale."

"Oh, look who's in love!"

"Don't be silly, Mario Cooper. I'm not in love with him at all. I just think he's very handsome, that's all."

Mario narrowed his eyes at thin lines. "I think the lady is protesting way too much. But shut up. I have just the solution for you to get your mind off that Axel guy. He doesn't deserve you anyway, unless he drove over with bouquets and scoop you up in his arms in front of everyone."

"Yeah like that would ever happen." Hazel replied.

"My brother is getting married in three weeks. And at weddings there's usually a buffet of loose ends. What do you say? Are you coming along?" Mario asked.

“Just not another wedding, please,” she begs. "I can't believe the whole world wants to marry this year. That's all I do these days. Attend weddings. Don't you have another idea to cheer me up?"

“I'm begging, Hazel,” he confesses. "I'll never make it through the night alone. My brother's a farmer and it's going to be a real khaki wedding. You can't leave me."

Maddie laughed when she saw his face.

"Well. What's another wedding between friends? At least this time I'm a guest and not the bridesmaid. I'll probably survive."

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